Pre-K News You Can Use
May 20 - May 23
PreK graduation will be May 20th at 9:00 in our cafeteria. Remember, you will need to raptor in at the front office. There could be a long line of excited and eager parents; plan to arrive early so you can capture every minute. Your student has been working hard and they will have a short performance on the stage that morning. Please send your child in a black "band" t-shirt, as our theme is PK Rocks!!!
Bransford Field Day will be May 21st. Our first event is at 8:10. PreK will be finished by 11:10. If your child received the light blue Bransford T-shirt, please have them wear that for field day. Make sure your student wears sunscreen that day. Everyone needs to bring a water bottle with their name on it. There will be water games so send a towel with your student. Please send a lunch from home. We will not be eating in the cafeteria on Field Day. There will be a concession stand. Your child may bring cash for the concession stand. (cash needs to be sent in labeled baggie). This is a fundraiser for 4th grade.
If you wish to attend Field Day, you are required to Raptor in as a visitor and wear your badge during the event. You may choose to Raptor in on Monday between 7:15 and 3:00 to save time on Tuesday morning.
Field Day Items:
Water Bottle
Lunch from home
Money for Concession Stand
Apply Sunscreen at Before School
The last day of school will be Thursday, May 23. Dismissal be at 11:45. We will celebrate summer break Luau style! Students may dress up in Luau theme (grass skirts/florals). We will have a lei for each student to wear as well. We have an early dismissal, but we will still eat lunch at 10:30 in the classroom.
*****Please return all take-home readers!!*****
Pre-K Theme: Changes
We will be reviewing the alphabet and the digraphs, th, sh, ch.
Snacks/ Water Bottles/ Lunches
Students may bring a lunch from home or get a hot lunch from the cafeteria. Click here for info on cafeteria lunches.
Backpack/ Extra Clothes/ Supplies
All students will need to bring a full sized backpack daily. Please make sure you have a full set of clothes (including socks) in the backpack in case of accidents/spills. Make sure your child's name is on everything.
School supplies are provided for the PK classroom, so there is no need to send any extra.
Tennis Shoes/Clothing
Take Home Folder
**Each folder has a calendar stapled in it. Any behavior concerns that happen will be addressed on the calendar. Please initial the square if you see a behavior was noted.
Save the Dates
May 13th - In and Out Burger Picnic at 10:30
May 20th- PreK Graduation at 9:00 in the cafeteria
May 21st- Field Day
May 23rd- Last Day of School Luau Party - Early release at 11:45am.
Approximate Daily Schedule (subject to change)
7:40 - Announcements/Circle Up/Morning Meeting
8:00 - Learning Center 1
8:20 - Snack
8:40 - Specials
- Or Literacy/Literacy Tubs Mon//Fri. (no specials)
9:10 - Bathroom Break
9:20- Recess
9:50 - Literacy/Literacy Tubs
10:25 - 10:55 - Lunch
11:10 - PE
11:40 - Storytime/Writing
12:15 - Math/math tubs
12:45 - Quiet Time
1:15 - Bathroom/Snack
1:30 - Math/Science/2nd Step/Learning Center 2
2:15 - Recess
2:45 - Pack Up/Closing Circle
3:00 - Dismissal
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Learning Commons Newsletter
Bransford Pre-K Teachers
Michelle Bradberry
Email: first.last@gcisd.net
Phone: 817.305.4920