Twin Rinks Beginning Skating School
First Day of Class Info
What does your skater need for class?
🟣 Comfortable Warm Clothes
🟣 Bike Helmet
🟣 Gloves
🟣 Socks
Please arrive 10 minutes before class starts. This will give you time to get rental skates and walk to your assigned rink.
Where to go once in the rink
Tell the person at the front desk the first three letters of your last name, and they will give you rental skates. Rental skates normally run the same as shoe size, we do not offer half sizes, so we recommend sizing up.
How To Tie
Rental Skates
Where is my Class?
Ready to go on the ice?
✅ Helmet on
✅ Skates Tied
✅ Gloves On
Once you enter the rink, our skating director will show your skater where to go. The classes will start off ice and learn to fall down and stand up. We ask that all spectators watch from the stands, and do not block the ice door.
Need more info?
Email: info@twinrinks.com
Website: www.twinrinks.com
Location: 1500 Abbott Ct. Buffalo Grove, IL
Phone: (847) 821-7465
Facebook: facebook.com/twinrinksice
Instagram: @twinrinks