Alegre Ballet Folklórico
February 2025
News for February
It's February and we're a month into the spring semester. We hope everyone has been able to stay warm and is ready to dance! Here's your news for the month.
Welcome to the new dancers and families!
Make sure you check out the dancer's link for more information. If you have questions make sure to ask. If someone doesn't have an answer for you then they likely know someone who does.
Interested in Organizing? Apply to be a board member!
Tshirts for Competition
Dancer Information
Dancer Link
Dress Code
With the semester starting up we want to remind people about dress code for classes.
Remember these are parts of the rules for classes and rehearsals, we expect you to follow them!
Male Dress Code
- All black attire is required for all practices. Wear comfortable clothing so you’re able to stretch and move freely (no jeans, denim or street clothes).
- Boots and a handkerchief will need to be brought to class regardless if we use them or not. If additional materials are needed you will be notified at the practice before to bring it.
- Please use healthy personal hygiene.
Female Dress Code
- All girls MUST have their hair up in a bun or you will not practice (no bangs, no ponytails).
- All black attire is required for all practices. Wear comfortable clothing so you’re able to stretch and move freely (no jeans, denim or street clothes).
- Shoes, skirt and handkerchief will need to be brought to class regardless if we use them or not. A reboso and a fan are required for Junior and all Adult classes as well. If additional materials are needed you will be notified at practice.
- Please use healthy personal hygiene.
Illness 🤧
If you or your child is sick or getting sick, please stay at home! We are in close quarters and illness can spread quickly.
Thank you for thinking about the rest of the dancers and their families!
Saturday Class Information
Please take notice of these two dates
- February 8 - Practice ONLY for those in the competition, others will not have practice. Time: Miss Jessica will message
- February 13 - Competition Practice, Time TBD
🎂 Birthdays 🎂
- February 3: Camila Lopez
- February 4: Nadia Rodriguez
- February 6: Nallely Ramirez
- February 7: Hermilo Forman
- February 9: Daniel Negrete
- February 11: Ariana Díaz
- February 13: Shijei Tsosie
- February 14: Jade Nuñez
- February 20: Francisco "Angel" Villarreal
- February 22: Carina Llano
- February 23: Lucas Gonzaba
Phone: 214-755-3989 (text preferred)
Email: info@alegreballet.com