Longfellow Roar
December 15th, 2024
Joy and Community Growth / Alegría y crecimiento comunitario
Dear Longfellow Families,
As we prepare for Winter Break, I would like to share some school information with you. We are so excited to welcome new staff members to our team!
Valerie Fernandez - 4th grade starting 12/16/24
Mariela González Orta - Instructional Coach - starting TBD
Also, Jacqueline Licea, our Noon Monitor became a Paraprofessional at Longfellow!
Our contract with Young Audiences of North America or YANC is set to start in January. We have been given a $10,000 grant from YANC for arts programming. With that, plus our school funds, we have enough money to get 8 weeks of K-2 Latin Dance with Kirah and 9 weeks of Graffiti Art for 4-5th.
Longfellow is exceptionally enthusiastic about its transition to a Community School following the appointment of our Community School Coordinator in December 2024. We are establishing objectives to ensure our students and the wider community actively engage with this promising initiative.
Key updates include the following:
1. Longfellow received a grant through the School Success Fund in March 2024.
2. This marks our inaugural year of implementing this grant.
3. We are currently outlining our goals for achievement.
Community Schools Plan Align with District's goal and guardrails
Sustain and Improve social-emotional & academic support for our students.
Establish family support and partnerships to enhance students’ academic and emotional support outside school. Work with partners to provide resources and workshops for parents.
Decrease our Chronic Absenteeism from 29% to 24% (SPSA goal) by June 2025
- Help us improve by providing feedback and completing a two-minute survey.
- Longfellow Community Survey 2025- 2026
- Scan the QR code or use the link.
- We truly appreciate your time and support!
Please have yourself a wonderful Winter Break!
In appreciation,
Principal Kath
Estimadas familias de Longfellow: Mientras nos preparamos para las vacaciones de invierno, me gustaría compartir información escolar con ustedes. ¡Estamos muy emocionados de darle la bienvenida a nuevos miembros del personal a nuestro equipo!
Valerie Fernández - 4to grado a partir del 16/12/24
Mariela González Orta - Entrenadora de instrucción - inicial por determinar
¡Además, Jacqueline Licea, nuestra monitora del mediodía se convirtió en asistente docente en Longfellow!
Longfellow está excepcionalmente entusiasmado con su transición a una escuela comunitaria luego del nombramiento de nuestro Coordinador de escuelas comunitarias en diciembre de 2024. Estamos estableciendo objetivos para garantizar que nuestros estudiantes y la comunidad en general participen activamente en esta prometedora iniciativa. Las actualizaciones clave incluyen lo siguiente:
1. Longfellow recibió una subvención a través del Fondo para el Éxito Escolar en marzo de 2024.
2. Este marca nuestro año inaugural de implementación de esta subvención.
3. Actualmente estamos delineando nuestras metas a alcanzar.
El plan de escuelas comunitarias se alinea con la meta y las barreras de seguridad del distrito Mantener y mejorar el apoyo socioemocional y académico para nuestros estudiantes. Establecer apoyo familiar y asociaciones para mejorar el apoyo académico y emocional de los estudiantes fuera de la escuela. Trabajar con socios para proporcionar recursos y talleres para padres. Disminuir nuestro ausentismo crónico del 29 % al 24 % (meta del SPSA) para junio de 2025
- Ayúdenos a mejorar brindándonos comentarios y completando una encuesta de dos minutos.
- Encuesta comunitaria de Longfellow 2025-2026
- Escanea el código QR o utiliza el enlace.
- ¡Realmente apreciamos su tiempo y apoyo!
¡Que tengas unas maravillosas vacaciones de invierno!
En agradecimiento,
Directora Kath
Longfellow Teacher Professional Development
Teachers attended an Amira demo and Common Sense PD this month so that we could earn a Longfellow Digital Badge.
Amira is designed to accelerate coherence and bridge reading strands to cultivate student and multilingual literacy growth. As linguistic diversity continues to rise, the software works to ensure that every student, regardless of their language or background, thrives on their individual literacy journey.
For more information about Amira, see here: https://amiralearning.com/
For more information about Common Sense, see here: https://www.commonsense.org/education/digital-citizenship/curriculum
Para obtener más información sobre Amira, consulte aquí: https://amiralearning.com/
Para obtener más información sobre el sentido común, consulte aquí: https://www.commonsense.org/education/digital-citizenship/curriculumField of Dreams Astroturf Project / Proyecto de césped artificial Field of Dreams
Now that we have confirmed the ideal location for a soccer field, America Scores Bay Area can confirm that the total cost will be $31,500. The size will be 75 x 70 feet or 5,250 sq ft. The good news is that we've already raised $15k toward the project!
Please see our online campaign and please make a donation here, to bring a piece of play fun for our students. We are aiming for breaking ground in April!
Longfellow is busy this week! Please join some of the wonderful events with us
WinterFest, Dec 19th 5-7PM
WinterFest, 19 de diciembre de 5 a 7 p.m. ¡Únase a nosotros en nuestro espectacular Winterfest patrocinado por WLES, ELAC y Jamestown!
Dine Out Fundraising
Location: 7 Mile House
2800 Bayshore Blvd.
Dates: Dec 16, 18, 19 Time: 11:30-8PM
Eat delicious food while supporting Longfellow PTA
Kids' Closet, Every Tuesday 9:30-10:00AM
Armario para niños, todos los martes de 9:30 a 10:00 a. m.: Ven a disfrutar de nuestro querido uniforme colectivo sin costo alguno.
Google Order Form: https://forms.gle/6agnn3jumHqptRt66
ELAC Schedule / Horario de ELAC
12/16 10:15-11:15 in Room 201
1/27 10:15-11:15 Location TBD
2/24 10:15-11:15 Location TBD
3/24 10:15-11:15 Location TBD
5/12 10:15-11:15 Location TBD
Longfellow Spirit Week! / ¡Semana del espíritu de Longfellow!
- 12/16 - Monday: Teacher/Student Swap Day/Lunes: Día de intercambio de profesores/estudiante
- 12/17 - Tuesday: Comfy Cozy & Plushies/Martes: Cómodo, acogedor y peluches
- 12/18 - Wednesday: Dress to Impress/Miércoles: Vístete para impresionar
- 12/19 - Thursday: Winter Wonderland/Jueves: País de las maravillas invernal
- 12/20 - Friday: Sports Day/Viernes: Día del Deporte
No Jamestown Afterschool Program, Friday, 12/20 - Jamestown Staff at Professional Development
Friday, Dec 20, 2024, 03:45 PM
Principal Chat Schedule/Horario de chat del director
- Dec 18: 9:45-10:15 AM
- Jan. 6: 9:45-10:15 AM
- Jan 27: 9:45-10:15AM
Please see our online calendar for updates/Consulte nuestro calendario en línea para obtener actualizaciones: https://www.sfusd.edu/school/longfellow-elementary-school
Digital Arts and Computer Science at Longfellow!
Computer Science Education Week Volunteers
Sheryl Carrillo's Class AI Project
Hour of Code Lesson
December was filled with great projects!
Literacy Parent Workshop with Luis and Nathalie
Design Challenge
Ms. Serafino's Class
Thank You for a Wonderful Filipino WLES Holiday Parol Parade Celebration!
SEL at Longfellow
What is SEL?
SEL stands for social-emotional learning.
At Longfellow, TK, K, and 2nd are utilizing the Kimochis curriculum this year. Other grades opt in for Second Step.
SEL significa aprendizaje socioemocional. En Longfellow, TK, K y 2.º están utilizando el plan de estudios Kimochis este año. Otros grados optan por el Segundo Paso.
Video: Social-Emotional Learning: What Is SEL and Why SEL Matters
Children need social-emotional skills to thrive both in the classroom and in life. Social-emotional learning (SEL) curricula teach children techniques to:
Gain confidence
Set goals
Make better decisions
Collaborate with others in work and play
Navigate the world more effectively
Los niños necesitan habilidades socioemocionales para prosperar tanto en el aula como en la vida. Los planes de estudio de aprendizaje socioemocional (SEL) enseñan a los niños técnicas para:
-Ganar confianza
-Establecer metas
-Toma mejores decisiones
-Colaborar con otros en el trabajo y el juego
-Navega por el mundo de forma más eficaz
Resources For Families:
Please check out the Second Step blog for tips.
Second Step Insights: https://www.secondstep.org/blog
Important Upcoming Dates:
- No School/sin escuela, Winter Break, 12/23-1/3, school resumes Monday, 1/6.
- Kinder Dental Screening/Examen Dental Kinder, 1/7
- No School/sin escuela, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day/Día del Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., 1/20
- No School/sin escuela, Lunar New Year/año nuevo lunar, 1/29