Hollywood Headlines
Alamo Elementary - January 13, 2025
Thank You OPS Board of Education
January is School Board Appreciation Month! Please take a minute to say “thank you” when you see them! Our Board of Education members are (back row from left) Todd Bentley(Treasurer), Jason Davis, Mike Keeler (Secretary), (front row from left) Jessica Hazelhoff, Amy Stender(President), Shelly Jirgens (Vice President) and Shannon Goodwin.
Important Dates
Jan. 13
- PTO Meeting @ 4:00 p.m.
- Board of Education Meeting @ 7:00 p.m., Alamo Elementary
Jan. 14
- Mileage Club
Jan. 15
- Delayed Start, School Starts @ 10:00 a.m.
Jan. 17
- Mileage Club
- Mother Son Event @ 5:00 p.m., Otsego High School
Jan. 21
- 3rd Grade Musical Rehearsal @ 9:15-11:45 .m.
- 3rd Grade Musical @ 7:00 p.m., Otsego High School Auditorium
Jan. 31
- Progress Reports Go Home
Capturing Kids Hearts Family Survey
Every year we ask parents to provide us feedback on how we are doing with our Capturing Kids Hearts processes. The questions get at the root of the climate and culture here at Alamo Elementary. We then take a look at these results to celebrate our accomplishments and learn in what areas we need to grow. This survey should take less than 5 minutes to complete. Thank you in advance for filling out the survey!
How Will You Show Your P.R.I.D.E. Today?
Positive Attitude
- Satori DeGrau
- Easton Goodman
- Dashon Little
- Kaydence Shoemaker
- Scarlett Carter
- Elle Leigh Hill
- Hanna Bronsink
- Arie Carroll
- Amelia Dafoe
- Kaliyah Guritz
December Student of the Month
Winter Wear
Please please make sure your child dresses for the weather. Coats, gloves, and hats are pretty much a given from now on and before you know it your child will also need snow pants and boots.
Whatever you send to school with your child, please LABEL!! There could potentially be 23 pairs of black snow pants in your child's classroom and finding their items will be easier if they are labeled.
Mother Son Game Night
The Mother/Son Game Night is right around the corner!! It's Friday, January 17th! (Note: The Father/Daughter Dance is Saturday, March 1st. Registration will be out soon.)
Share The Warmth
Join us in Sharing the Warmth! National Honor Society members are collecting new scarves, gloves, socks and hats to help keep others warm during Michigan's harsh winters. This January drive benefits those at the Kalamazoo Gospel Mission. Donations can be dropped off at the high school or you can order off the Amazon wish list here: https://tinyurl.com/Sharethewarmth25 Thank you for your support!
Alamo WatchD.O.G.S.
Our WatchD.O.G.S. program will officially begin for the 2024-25 school year in October. “Dads” (or dad-like figures) who are interested in signing up to volunteer for a full or half day should contact Natalie Trumley (ntrumley@otsegops.org) or Nicole Knight-Lucas (nknight-lucas@otsegops.org) via email to schedule a date.
When you volunteer, you will receive a schedule for the day that allows you to help out in different classrooms doing a wide range of activities (reading a story, working with a child 1:1 on work, playing a game with a small group). You will also have scheduled time on the playground and lunchroom to interact with students and be a positive role model for them. We need a current background check on file before you are able to volunteer.
Capturing Kids Hearts
- This month's Capturing Kids' Hearts character trait is Respect. We use monthly themes to help teach social emotional skills to our students, as we know these are the most important tools in being successful in their personal and educational lives.
Inclusion Week T-Shirt Sale
OPS is looking ahead to "Inclusion Week" in March. The Otsego High School RISE, and Special Education level 2 and level 3 classes, with the help of their LINKs plan to help encourage the importance of including students with disabilities. Inclusion builds a community of acceptance and support for everyone.
The high school is selling shirts as a fundraiser for Unified Champion Schools. If you are interested in purchasing a T-SHIRT, the online store will be open from January 6th until midnight on Monday, February 17th. We will plan to wear the shirts as a spirit day on Friday, March 28th, but this is TOTALLY OPTIONAL!
Mileage Club
You are also invited to join us any Tuesday or Friday (weather permitting) during your child's lunch recess time. Please make sure your child wears tennis shoes these days.
Here are the recess times for each grade level.
- K @ 11:35 a.m.
- 1st @ 11:45 a.m.
- 2nd @ 12:05 p.m.
- 4th @12:15 p.m.
- 3rd @ 12:35 p.m.
- 5th @ 12:45 p.m.
Alamo PTO - Make A Difference
Alamo PTO needs you! The PTO (Parent-Teacher Organization) is a wonderful way to become involved in your child's education and to get to know other parents and teachers. The PTO has many activities throughout the school year that you can help with by volunteering. The PTO meets once a month at 4:10 p.m. in the Alamo Media Center. Listed below are the dates for this year's meetings. We would love for you to attend!
Meeting Dates
Jan 13
Feb 10
March 10
April 14
May 12
June 9
Attendance Matters
If your child is absent and the absence is unexcused, you will receive an automated phone call reminding you to report the absence. Please remember to report your child’s absence, before 9am, by calling our attendance line at (269) 694-7680.
Remind for Alamo Parents
Join Alamo Parents REMIND
Would you like to receive text updates on important dates and activities taking place here at Alamo Elementary? REMIND is a safe and efficient communication app designed for teachers/schools to communicate important classroom/school information. If you are interested in receiving updates from Alamo Elementary via text, text this message @alamopare to the number 81010 or click on the link below.
Alamo Elementary
Email: nknight-lucas@otsegops.org
Website: https://alamo.otsegops.org/
Location: 8184 North 6th Street, Kalamazoo, MI, United States
Phone: (269) 694-7600
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/415538888654020
Twitter: @otsegoschools