Peek at Our Week September 9, 2024
Paonia K-8 School
Paonia K-8 School Info
Email: sam.cox@deltaschools.com
Website: pk8.deltaschools.com
Location: 846 Grand Avenue, Paonia, CO, USA
Phone: 970-527-4882
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pk8.ppo
The Town of Paonia, The Nature Connection, and the the Delta County School District are collecting data from Paonia families about how they get to/from school. Data will be used in a grant proposal to overhaul the 4th and Grand intersection and increase the sidewalk and crosswalk connectivity near the PK8 and NFSIS schools.
Safe Routes to Schools is a CO Department of Transportation Grant Program that provides money for walk/roll infrastructure near schools (sidewalks, crosswalks) and funding for educational programs to teach safe biking and walking habits for kids.
Please help support securing this grant by taking a short 1 min survey about how you typically get your children to school: https://tinyurl.com/SafeRoutesPaonia
If you have any questions or comments, please direct them to bgraves@deltaschools.com
Thank you for your participation and helping make our town safer for our children!
Upcoming School Events:
1st Quarter Midterms Sent Home
Tuesday, September 10th
MS Volleyball Games
Tuesday, September 10th at 4:00
7th/8th Grade Home Games vs. Crested Butte
Students/Class Picture Day
Thursday, September 12th
See the flier below for more information.
MS Football Games
Thursday, September 12th at 4:00
7th/8th Grade Home Games vs. Delta (2 games)
MS Volleyball Games
Thursday, September 12th at 4:00
7th/8th Grade Away Games at Gunnison Middle School
MS Cross Country Meet
Friday, September 13th at 10:00
6th/7th/8th Grade Meet at New Castle
Upcoming Field Trips - Turn in Your Permission Slips!!
Tuesday, September 10th
1st/2nd Grades and GT students to Science Museum
Wednesday, September 11th
8th Grade to Ute Museum
Wednesday-Friday, September 18th-20th
8th Grade Outdoor Ed trip to Marble
Check your child's packing list and permission slips!
A Peek at our Weekly Activities
4th Grade Robotics
4th Grade Robotics
8th Grade Helicopter Experiment
1st Grade Hands of Kindness
1st Grade Hands of Kindness
1st Grade Hands of Kindness
Student Picture Information
Dear Parents,
School Pictures are coming! Attached below is a PDF of our school’s FALL Picture Day Flyer.
The PDF is hyperlinked, click anywhere on either page and it will take you directly to the online ordering page.
After the event, you can also order online by going to www.mymjthomas.com and entering our school's event code. (Event Code: C512)
If you have any questions or concerns about pictures please call MJ Thomas Photo at
Help Wanted!
It takes a team to run our middle school sports programs. Mrs. Savory, our Athletic Director, needs people to help run our home games for volleyball, football, and basketball. We are looking for referees, clock workers, line judges, and sports book keepers. Some of these opportunities are paid! Please call the school and speak with Mrs. Savory if you, or someone you know, is available to help keep our sports programs running smoothly.
Paonia Parents Organization (PPO) Happenings
Next PPO Meeting: Monday, September 16th at 3:45 in the school library - see you there!
Friday Teacher Snack Sign-Ups
Parents, our PPO organizes a snack for school staff every Friday. Parents sign up and bring in treats for roughly 40 staff members on Friday mornings. Please offer to help by signing up for one of the available Fridays at this link: