Weekly Update for 28 to Nov. 1

Dear Families,
Just a reminder on Tuesday, October 29th, from 4:30 - 5:30 pm, Truscott will be hosting a yoga class for adults. Donations for the class will go directly to Café con Leche to support our students/teachers. One of our Truscott parents is leading the class.
On Thursday, October 31st, students will not be dressing in costumes at school. Please leave them at home for use that evening on your own. Hopefully, your family attended the Trunk or Treat event on Thursday the 24th, where costumes were allowed. If your child comes in their costume, we will be giving you a call to ask you to help change them into other clothes. Thanks for your support!!
We will once again be creating an Ofrenda at school to celebrate Día de los Muertos. If you would like your family member to be added to our locked display case, please send their picture to the front office. Pictures can be picked up the week of November 11th.
Save the date: On Monday, November 11th, Truscott students, staff and families will be participating in the Loveland Veterans Day Parade. The parade begins at 11:11 am. Students will be on each side of Garfield Ave. waving flags. We will also be recognizing any Truscott family member who is a veteran or currently serving in our armed forces. Please come to the All School Assembly at 7:50 am to be honored. Please reach out if you have any questions.
Have a nice weekend,
Karen Hanford
Truscott Elementary School
Spanish Dual Language Immersion
October Events
29 Boy's Running Club-4th and 5th grade 3:15 - 4:45 p.m.
29 Yoga in room 154 4:30 to 5:30 pm
30 The Last BStrong BFit-4th and 5th grade girls running club 3:15 - 4:35 p.m.
November Events
6 Picture retake/repetición de fotos
12 Read aloud day/Dia de leer en voz alta
18 Yoga in room 154 4:30 - 5:30 p.m.
20 4th grade Family Night-Craft and Dancing 4:30 - 5:30
25-29 No school-Thanksgiving break/No hay escuela-vacaciones de acción de gracias
Thank you!
Thank youto all of the familes who brought us food during our family conferences. We enjoyed it all so very much!
Thank you,
Michelle Mueller
Trusocott Elementary School Secretary
Attention 3rd, 4th and 5th grade families
Please see the attached flyer about the Destination Imagination learning opportunity. Contact me if your student is interested in participating. Spaces on the team are limited to 7. Team members will be determined by first responses to me.
Thank you,
Mary Chase
Social Emotional Specialist
A Message from Marisela
Dear Truscott Elementary Families and Staff,
We want to extend a heartfelt thank you to everyone who participated in our Trunk or Treat event! Your creativity, enthusiasm, and support made this year’s celebration a fantastic success.
Seeing our school community come together to celebrate Halloween in such a fun and safe way was truly special. Thank you to all the families who decorated their trunks, volunteered, and contributed to the festivities. We hope everyone enjoyed the treats, games, and spooky fun!
We are grateful for your involvement and look forward to more exciting events in the future.
Wishing you all a safe and happy Halloween season!
Warm regards,
Marisela Posegate
Family Engagement Specialist
Truscott Elementary School
Show your School Spirit and Dress up
Student Leadership has met and they planned out spirit days for the school year. Here are the days from Please have your child dress up in the following themes, if they would like to.
11/1 Element Day (wind/air, water, earth, or fire)-
Dia de elementos(viento, agua, tierra o fuego)
11/8 Farm Day -Dia de granja
11/15 Favorite Sport Day- Día de deporte favorito
11/22 PJ Day- Día de pijamas
Canned Food Drive
Student Leadership will be collecting food again this Please read the attached flyers in English and Spanish for all of the details.
Mary Chase and Carlie Wishard
Student Leadership Coordinators
Forum for Families of Students Identified as Gifted
The Gifted Family Forum is hosted by the Colorado Department of Education in partnership with the North Central Region school districts.
~Submitted by Michelle Stout
National Bullying Prevention Month
National Bullying Prevention Month focuses on bringing attention to issues and the consequences of bullying and cyberbullying. During this month, many groups, including the federal government, release new resources, sponsor various campaigns, and share educational activities that seek to promote a culture of kindness, respect, and inclusion in their communities.
StopBullying.gov (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services)
The NCTSN is funded by the Center for Mental Health Services (CMHS), Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and jointly coordinated by UCLA and Duke University.
TSD SORA Reading List - National Bullying Prevention Month/World Mental Health Day
~ Submitted by Dr. María Gabriel, Director of Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion
Free Thanksgiving Turkey-Today is the LAST Day to Request a Turkey!
If your family would like a free turkey for Thanksgiving, sign up in the link below.
Si usted y su familia gustan un pavo para el día de acción de gracias, por favor de llenar el formulario en el link abajo.
With Field Trips Starting up, Do you Want to be a Volunteer?
If volunteers and chaperones can go on a field trip, do you want to be one? If so, you need to go to the Thompson School District website and fill out a volunteer form. You must be an approved volunteer to go on the field trip. If you are not sure if you are an approved volunteer please call me and I can look you up in the system.
Here is the website you need to go to and this needs to be done at least two weeks prior to the field trip.
Truscott Elementary School
We are here to help you! If you are in need of support, please contact your classroom teachers, Mrs. Mueller, Mr. Bessey or Mrs. Hanford. As a team, we will work to find the answers to your questions and help the best that we can. Please email us at
todd.bessey@tsd.org, karen.hanford@tsd.org, or
Email: michelle.mueller@tsd.org
Location: 211 West 6th Street, Loveland, CO, USA
Phone: 970-613-6900
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/truscottelementaryschool/
Twitter: @ourschool