The Ely Happening
January, 2025
Welcome Ely Families,
Hello Ely Families!
I hope everyone had an Amazing Winter Break and a Happy New Year! We have officially made it half-way through the 2024-2025 school year. Just as a reminder that yesterday began the 3rd Quarter and the 2nd Semester. Yesterday, we had an amazing assembly that reminded our students of our PBIS Expectations while at Ely. Make sure to talk with your child about the assembly that took place as well as the 3 B's:
Be Respectful
Be Responsible
Be Ready To Achieve
If you drop off or pick up your student- please make sure you are only doing so in the designated pickup and drop off area where staff are located. Please note that no child should be dropped off at the school unattended prior to 8:55. We do this to ensure your student is safe and supervised by an adult, thank you for your cooperation. Just as a reminder that the small loop is only designated for busses and day care vans in the morning. If you are dropping off you should be using the main car rider loop. If for any reason you need to help your child get in or out of the car we kindly ask you to park and do so, to allow dismissal traffic to move smoothly.
Beginning next week we will be having our 3rd Quarter Awards Assemblies. Please note that all awards assemblies begin promptly at 9:30. If your child is receiving a 3rd Quarter Award you will be receiving an invitation from your child's teacher to attend. If you have any questions regarding your child and their award please reach out to your child's teacher.
Please make sure to follow us on all of our social media channels to stay informed of everything that is happening at Ely. If you ever have any concerns or questions please feel free to out.
Facebook: Ely Elementary School (@elyementary)
ClassDojo: https://www.classdojo.com/invite/?s=5171835e027ff68718000112
Email: eastonbrandon@elyriaschools.org
Principal Easton
Go Pioneers!
Upcoming Events @ Ely
1/9-KG Story Time
1/10-Report Cards Go Home (School Messenger)
1/13-KG Awards
1/14-1st Grade Awards
1/15-3rd Grade Awards
1/16-4th Grade Awards
1/20-No School (MLK Day)
1/21-2ng Grade Awards
1/28-Coffee & Donuts With The Principal
1/31-No School for Students
Upcoming Conferences @ Ely
Conferences at Ely
Thursday, Feb 13, 2025, 03:30 PM
Ely Elementary School, Gulf Road, Elyria, OH, USA
Power School Information/Student Schedules
2nd Quarter Awards @ Ely
Beginning on Monday, January 13th we will be hosting our 2nd Quarter Awards Assemblies. Please note that all Awards Assemblies will begin promptly at 9:30 and will last for about 20-25 minutes. If your child is receiving an award, they will come home with an invitation for you to attend the upcoming awards assembly. If you have any specific questions regarding your child and their award please reach out to your child's teacher. Below, is the Quarter Awards Assembly Criteria.
Grade Level Awards Dates (All Award Ceremonies Begin at 9:30AM)
Monday, January 13-KG
Tuesday, January 14th-1st Grade
Wednesday, January 15th-3rd Grade
Thursday, January 16th-4th Grade
Tuesday, January 21st-2nd Grade
On Tuesday, January 7th Fayaven Barbee helped Ely students remember some of the PBIS expectations in a fun and unique way. Check out some of the highlights from yesterday below.
Be sure to review the "3 B's" with your child. These are discussed each and every day.
Health Updates
Dear Families,
As we approach this time of year, we often notice an increase in illnesses. Recently, Lorain County Public Health has reported the spread of pertussis (whooping cough) within our community.
Pertussis is an infection that affects the airways and is transmitted through coughing or sneezing. It may initially resemble a common cold, but it can escalate into a severe, lingering cough that lasts for weeks or even months. This illness poses a significant risk to pregnant woman, infants under 12 months and anyone with a weakened immune system or moderate to severe asthma.
As always, please take precautions if you or your child are feeling unwell, and consider the following recommendations:
- Keep your child at home if they are sick.
- If there is a fever, do not return to school until 24 hours after the fever has subsided (without the use of anti-fever medications) AND symptoms have improved for 24 hours.
- If symptoms do not improve, please seek medical attention.
Thank you for your attention to this important message.
Amy Higgins
Communications Director
Parent Involvement
These will be monthly meetings where you can come and talk with Mr. Easton about specific topics and ask questions as well. Our next Coffee & Donuts Event will be Tuesday, January 28th at 9:30 at Ely Elementary School.
Ely Pride Parent Group Information
Arrival/Dismissal Map
Building Information
School hours are 9:10am-3:10pm.
Doors do not open until 8:55- please do not drop off early or allow students to walk early.
If you are dropping off, please hold your child in the car with you until 8:55am.
Please call the office to report your child(ren)’s absence at 440-284-8005 before 9:30AM. Our phone has 24-hour voicemail so that you may call and leave a message anytime. Please leave a voicemail if no one answers the phone in the office; voicemails are frequently checked and the office will receive your message.
Please make sure you always have a photo ID with you, when you come to the school, this is for the safety of our students.
The Main Office of any school building is a hub of activity. Students and staff are always on the go, in and out of the space throughout the school day.
It’s an active place for regular check-ins and meetings with students, as well as staff conferences and daily interactions with school principals and counselors. The Main Office is also a confidential space at times for conversations and interactions between school personnel and students.
Parents and caregivers are part of the equation, too. For any number of reasons, parents may be asked to come to their child’s school during the day. When that happens, parents should follow the district’s visitor procedures by using the school’s main entrance buzzer and intercom system to gain entrance to the school, and then signing in at the front desk.
If parents/caregivers do not have a meeting at the school but still need to come to the school during the day to see their child or to speak to a staff member, call-ahead notice or an appointment is required.
This ensures parents will be seen in a timely manner and upholds the safety practices of the school. To contact the Main Office, please call 440-284-8005
Food Service Updates
Bus Information
For general transportation questions, contact GG&C Bus of Elyria at 440-284-8030.
You can also find more information here:
Follow us on Facebook!!
Find us on Facebook!
Ely Elementary- Elyria City Schools. https://www.facebook.com/elyelementary
Also follow Elyria City School District for district information.
Food Services
Find contact info, menus, and other information on Aramarks page.
Direct Link here: https://www.elyriaschools.org/departments/operations/food_services
Contact Information
Email: eastonbrandon@elyriaschools.org
Website: https://www.elyriaschools.org/ely
Location: 312 Gulf Road, Elyria, OH, USA
Phone: (440)284-8005
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/elyelementary
Twitter: @elyschool