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Maryland FBLA - 2020/2021
Message from President, Kathy Yao
Dear Local Chapter Advisor,
I hope that everyone is staying safe and enjoying their summer! Although this year begins in very unusual circumstances, I’m excited to work with all of you to make this a memorable and impactful year for Maryland FBLA.
During this past summer, the first ever National Leadership Experience was held, giving Maryland FBLA students a virtual opportunity to hear from keynote speakers, attend workshops, and compete in their respective competitive events. I want to congratulate all the winners who placed in the top 10 as this is not an easy achievement. Additionally, I want to applaud those who took advantage of the opportunity to attend the National Leadership Experience. I hope you all left the virtual experience with valuable knowledge learned!
At the closing session of the National Leadership Experience, the 2020-2021 National FBLA theme of “Aspire” was announced. This year, Maryland FBLA is going to work to provide even more experiences and opportunities, so that our members can aspire to learn, to network, to serve, and to make an impact on both our organization and our society.
Recently, our State Officer Team created a program of work that achieves exactly this. We want to increase communication engagement by staying active on social media, publishing our monthly newsletter, and develop more resources for our member center. Additionally, be sure that you and your students check out the “Member Center” at www.mdfbla.org throughout the year as we post competitive event resources. Lastly, we want to increase state-wide participation in national programs such as the BAAs, improve our members' knowledge of financial literacy, and continue raising money for the March of Dimes.
My one piece of advice to everyone is to strive to be both flexible and open-minded throughout the year. Even though there may be many uncertainties that lie ahead, I want to assure all of you that no matter the circumstance, Maryland FBLA will work to provide our students with opportunities for continued education and growth.
Good luck to everyone! If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out to me at kathy.yao@mdfbla.org or the State Officer Advisor, Dr. Jessica McGowan, at jessica.mcgowan@mdfbla.org.
Kathy Yao
Maryland FBLA State President
Sister Chapter Program
Connect with us!
Instagram @mdfbla
Email: President@mdfbla.org
Website: mdfbla.org
Phone: 555-555-5555
Facebook: facebook.com/mdfuturebusinessleaders
Twitter: @mdfbla