Raider Nation News
Week of October 28, 2019
Happy Halloween!
Dear Atholton Families,
It is hard to believe that this week (Friday) marks the end of the first quarter. Where has the time gone? Additionally, our fall sports season is drawing to a close. In just a couple of weeks, tryouts for winter sports will begin. Please be sure to check our website for information regarding our winter sports season.
I appreciate all of the feedback regarding the legionella testing results published by HCPSS. If you have any questions or concerns regarding this matter, please feel free to reach out to Christopher Madden, Certified Industrial Hygienist/IEQ Manager, in the HCPSS Office of the Environment at Christopher_Madden@hcpss.org. Once again, we have been reassured that our school environment is safe.
Believe it or not, in just over a month, we will begin discussing registration for next school year. As a result, high school students are invited to attend an information session on the HCPSS Career and Technology Education Career Academies. Interested parties need to only attend one session. The sessions will be held on November 13 and December 10 from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. at ARL. Additional information may be found here. If your child is considering a career academy, it is strongly advised that you attend a session.
If your child is enrolled in an AP course, please be sure to register for the corresponding exam this coming spring. Online AP Exam Registration Is Open through November 8. Students may register for AP exams online through November 8 using the College Board AP Classroom Portal, https://account.collegeboard.org. The $94 cost for each exam is due upon registration via our school online payment service. For specific payment instructions, contact Ms. Nina Dix at Nina_Dix@hcpss.org or Ms. Deborah Sauers at Deborah_Sauers@hcpss.org. After November 8, paper registration forms and checks payable to Atholton High School must be submitted to Ms. Dix or Ms. Sauers in Student Services. College Board will assess a late fee of $40 for registration after November 15. Students who receive Free and Reduced Meals (FARMs) qualify for AP exam fee reductions.
Lastly, I happened to be watching the evening news and saw two Atholton students being featured in a piece on Career Technology Education and ARL. Both seniors, Navai Rivers and Gerardo Mendez, did a great job speaking about their experience at ARL. Enjoy the video.
Have a terrific week!
Warmest Regards,
Robert Motley, Principal
Important Information
AHS PTSA Fundraiser
Come One, Come All!!
PTSA Happy Hour at Food Plenty in Clarksville Commons this Friday, Nov. 1 from 4pm - 7pm.
Click on the flier below for details!
Mark Your Calendar
November 1 -- End of First Marking Period / School Closes 3hrs Early
November 25 -- School Closes 3hrs Early / Evening Parent Conferences
November 26 -- School Closes 3hrs Early / Afternoon and Evening Parent Conferences
November 27 -- School Closed for Students / Morning Parent Conferences
Atholton High School
Click Below for Boosters' Organization News
Email: Robert_Motley@hcpss.org
Website: www.ahs.hcpss.org
Location: 6520 Freetown Road, Columbia, MD, USA
Phone: (410) 313-7065