Otter Tail County Extension Update
Agriculture and Horticulture: July 2024
Notes from your Educator
Happy July!
It feels like we're fully in the throes of the busy summer months now, and there's always plenty of fishing, boating, hiking, exploring, city celebrations, and other events to partake in in Otter Tail County. Similarly, Extension has a range of upcoming workshops and opportunities in the upcoming month, so I hope you find something that interests you.
As always, if you have questions or ideas for a class or event, please feel free to reach out via email or phone (listed below).
Take care,
Olivia Olson
office: (218) 998-8308
cell: (218) 282-5963
In this Edition
Otter Tail County Farm Family of the Year
Dairy producer gathering
EOT Breakfast on the Farm
Alliance for Climate Smart Agriculture pilot program
Farm transition and estate planning webinars
UMN Organic fruit and vegetable field day
Food safety foundations webinars
Menze family recognized as a 2024 'U of M Farm Family'
The Menze family of Ottertail has been named Otter Tail County’s “2024 Farm Family of the Year” by the University of Minnesota. The Menze family farm was started in 1914 by Mike’s great-grandparents, Chris and Dorthea Menze. Currently, Michael and Denise are the fourth generation of the family on the farm, and milk 80 Holsteins and farm 1,100 irrigated and non-irrigated acres.
Otter Tail County Events and Opportunities
Dairy Lunch & Learn
Join University of Minnesota Extension Dairy Team for a Dairy Lunch & Learn in Otter Tail County. A free lunch will be provided, as well as the opportunity to gather with other local dairy farmers and learn more about calf care, biosecurity, beef on dairy, technology, and more. The whole family is invited, and more information will be available closer to the event.
When: Wednesday, August 7th, 11:00 - 1:30 pm
Where: Amor Park, 38002 Eldorado Beach Rd, Battle Lake, MN
Cost: Free to attend, registration is not required
EOT Breakfast on the Farm
With summer in Lakes Country comes a variety of community events that celebrate our towns
and communities. One of those events is the EOT Breakfast on the Farm. The local agriculture
community and a host of volunteers are all geared up for this year’s EOT Breakfast on the Farm
event. This year’s event will be held on Saturday, August 3rd , on the Mike and Sandy Dombeck
Farm located northwest of Perham at 44734 410th Ave, Perham. (follow the signs).
This family friendly event is a great opportunity for non-farming families to connect with our
local farming families and ag professionals to learn about modern farming operations and how
our local agricultural community works together to produce our food. In addition to getting an
old-fashioned breakfast, those that attend will have the chance to ask those burning questions
they have always had about agricultural production in the area. Attendees will be able to get an
up-close look at the machinery and technology used in farming today. Our local 4H youth will
have their animals on display and members of our local FFA’s will have activities for the kids,
and yes, the ever-popular barrel train will be there too.
Alliance to Advance Climate Smart Agriculture - Funding Opportunity
In April, the EOT and Wadena SWCDs were selected to participate in the Alliance for Climate Smart Agriculture pilot program being led by Virginia Tech University. This 3-year pilot program will provide eligible ranchers and farmers in participating districts an opportunity to receive $100 per acre or animal unit by implementing practices that sequester carbon, improve soil health, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and improve water quality.
The list of eligible climate smart conservation practices within the program are included in the press release attached below.
Eligible producers will be able to enroll up to 160 acres or animal units per Farm Service Agency number (FSA number) for a maximum of two farms farm numbers and 320 acres/animal units. The minimum acreage enrollment is three and the minimum animal units is ten. Producers will have from July 15th through August 16th of this year to apply online and can receive assistance from their local SWCD in filling out the application. The online application portal and selection process is being managed by Virginia Tech, which will also manage direct payments to participants. Enrolled producers will receive direct technical assistance and support in completing their environmental measurement tools from local conservation district staff and other project partners.
Producers in the East Otter Tail and Wadena Soil and Water Conservation Districts who are interested in the program are welcome to attend one of three meetings to learn more about the pilot-program, their eligibility, and obtain additional details in how to enroll. Each meeting will be approximately one hour in length and will provide light refreshments.
East Otter Tail County: Ottertail Community Center at 10am on Thursday, July 11th
Address: 93 Lake Avenue S., Ottertail, MN 56571
East Otter Tail County: Parkers Prairie Event Center at 1:30 pm on Thursday, July 11th
Address: 201 W. Main Street, Parkers Prairie, MN 56361
Wadena County: Central Lakes College-Staples room B205 at 1:30pm on Thursday, July 11th
Address: 1830 Airport Road, Staples, MN 56479
Any questions concerning this pilot-program prior to the informational meetings can be directed toward either the East Otter Tail or Wadena SWCDs. EOT SWCD phone number: 218-346-9105; Wadena SWCD phone number: 218-632-4201.
Other Extension Events
Farm Transition and Estate Planning Webinars
The University of Minnesota Extension is presenting four webinars on introductory Farm Transition and Estate Planning. Webinars will be held on Wednesdays from 10 a.m. - 12 p.m. starting August 14th. There is no cost to attendees. Attend one or attend all four!
Topics for each session are as follows:
- August 14: Developing your farm transition goals and assembling your “team”
- August 21: All things tax: gifting, selling, and transferring
- August 28: Wills, trusts, ownership titling—what does it all mean?
- September 4: Putting the basics together: estate, retirement, healthcare, and business transfer planning
Participants can register at:
Transferring the farm has many challenges and each situation is unique. Nathan Hulinsky, Susanne Hinrichs and David Bau, Extension Educators in Ag Business Management, will discuss several issues and ideas for farm transition and estate planning. Make plans to participate in these four sessions each Wednesday morning from 10 am to noon starting August 14. You need to register to receive the link for each session. Attendees will receive a link to materials from each session.
UMN Organic Fruit and Vegetable Day
Farming or thinking about starting a farm? Join UMN researchers and Extension for updates on organic fruit and vegetable research at the Minnesota Agricultural Experiment Station in St. Paul.
Topics include:
-Cut flower production
-New crops for Minnesota
-Low cost food safety measures
-Small plot cover crops
-Organic weed control
Wednesday, July 24th
5:00 - 8:00 pm
No cost to attend
UMN Food Safety Foundations Webinars
Join food safety and food preservation experts from the University of Minnesota Extension throughout the year to learn how to safely handle and prepare food. Whether you are a grower, operate a food business, or preserve foods for your own use, these webinars are for you. Learn more about the webinar series here.
Upcoming webinars:
Canning acidic foods, July 23 & 26
Previous webinars:
Farm Resources
North Central Farm and Ranch Stress Assistance Center
Have you been feeling stressed and/or overwhelmed and need some assistance?
The North Central Farm and Ranch Stress Assistance Center works across 12 states and 15 partners (including the University of Minnesota) to create and share mental health supports, resources, and services to help farmers, ranchers, and agricultural workers. They provide telephone helplines, training and professional services, and support groups to help farmers and farm workers get the support they need to thrive. Supporting your mental health allows you to show up for yourself, your farm, and your community to your full capacity.
Farm Aid Hotline: 1-800-FARM AID (1-800-327-6243)
Crisis Text Line: Text HOME to 741741
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1-800-273-TALK (8255)
Iowa Concern Hotline: 1-800-447-1985
- (Financial, legal, and stress support available to residents in MN, not just IA)
Farmland Clearinghouse
Are you a beginning farmer looking to rent or purchase working farmland in the Midwest? Or are you an established farmer/landowner in the Midwest who is seeking a beginning farmer to purchase or rent your working farmland, or to work with in a partnership situation? The Land Stewardship Project's Farm Beginnings project has simple application forms available for people seeking farmland or farmers. More information and the forms can be found at this link.
Contact Your Educator
Phone: office (218) 998-8303 cell (218) 282-5963
Location: 118 N Main Ave, New York Mills, MN 56567
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