This Week at BLE
Important Details for the Week of 6/12 - 6/16
School Schedule
Monday Early Dismissal Schedule: 9:00 am - 1:45 pm
Classes begin at 9:00 am. The entire district will have a two-hour early dismissal instead of the normal Monday two-hour late start on June 12th. BLE dismissal is at 1:45 pm. Please drop your students off no earlier than 8:45 am.
Tuesday through Friday Schedule: 9:00 am - 3:45 pm
Classes begin at 9:00 am. Please drop your students off no earlier than 8:45 am.
New Intercom Entry System
Spirit Days
- On Mondays we wear College or Local High School Spirit Wear
- On Fridays we wear Viking or Blue Spirit Gear
Character Trait of the Month for June
Upcoming Dates to Remember
12 Field Day and Viking Pride Assembly
12 Early Release at 1:45pm
14 5th Grade Graduation Ceremony
16 5th Grade Field Trip and Pizza Party
19 No School - Juneteenth
20 5th Grade Egg Drop
22 Last Day of School - Dismissal at 12:15pm
Viking Pride Assembly and Field Day
Wear your grade level color for spirit day on Monday, June 12th!
Districtwide Early Release for Monday, June 12
In November, we announced the much-anticipated graduation dates: June 12 — Bonney Lake, 4 p.m.; Sumner, 7 p.m. — at the Tacoma Dome. To help support graduation attendance for staff and families for the earlier BLHS ceremony, the entire district will have a two-hour early dismissal instead of the normal Monday two-hour late start on June 12. Breakfast and lunch will be provided.
Two-hour early dismissal schedule for June 12:
- Secondary, 12:20 p.m.: Bonney Lake and Sumner high schools; Lakeridge, Mountain View and Sumner middle schools
- Elementary (early start schools), 1:10 p.m.: Crestwood, Daffodil Valley, Liberty Ridge, Maple Lawn, Victor Falls
- Elementary (late start schools), 1:45 p.m.: Bonney Lake, Donald Eismann, Emerald Hills, Tehaleh Heights
- Sumner Early Learning Center, 1:20 p.m
5th Grade Graduation Ceremony
Healthy Youth Summer Power Packs
Prairie Ridge Summer Youth Program
Kindergarten Registration
Do you know a child who will be 5 years old on or before August 31? Maybe it's your neighbor, friend or even your own child. Now is the right time to enroll next year’s kindergarten students.
The sooner you enroll, the better we can keep you informed and help you prepare. Find information on what documents you need and how to enroll -- the process is all online at sumnersd.org/kindergarten.