DRE Weekly News
September 30, 2024

DRE Weekly News: September 30, 2024
Special Area Schedule
Monday - Day 4
Tuesday - Day 5
Wednesday - Day 1
Thursday - Day 2
Friday - Day 3
Important Dates
Fifth Grade Camp
Fifth Grade Camp
National Principal & Assistant Principal Appreciation Month
School Custodian & Maintenance Appreciation Day
Boosterthon Kick-Off
Festival of Choirs, LHS 6:30 pm
PTO Dine Out at Freddy's from 5 pm-9 pm
Boosterthon Fun Run Day
No Horizons
Late Start at 10:35 am, you can start dropping off at 10:20 am
Kindergarten Field Trip
Fire Safety Visit For Kdg & 2nd Grade
Great Shake Out
Fall Parties
No Horizons
No PreK Classes
Early Release at 1:35 pm
PTO Trunk or Treat from 6 pm-8 pm
National School Bus Safety Week
Turkey Trot at Holt High School starting at 4 pm
Board of Education Meeting at 6:30 pm
Fall Picture Retake Day
Student Led Parent Teacher Conferences from 4:30 pm-8 pm
PTO At Home Movie Night Begins
No School, Fall Break 10/30-11/5
Student Led Parent Teacher Conferences from 10 am-8 pm
Measurable Results Survey
This September, the WSD will administer a Measurable Results Assessment (MRA) survey to families, students, and staff. This survey helps us identify areas where we can improve and track our school's overall progress. By understanding your perspectives on leadership, culture, and academics, we can better address specific needs and opportunities to enhance student success.
Parents and families: Our DRE personalized survey link is available below and is active September 1-September 30.
Students: The survey will be administered at school, September 2-September 30.
Staff: A survey link will be sent via the staff newsletter or administered at a staff meeting/PD day.
The District will administer the MRA survey twice this year (once this month and again in April). Starting next year, the WSD will only administer it once annually in April to measure year-to-year progress.
While we may conduct smaller surveys for planning purposes throughout the school year, the MRA is our district’s primary focus and channel for feedback. We value your input and appreciate you taking the time to complete the survey.
Learn more about this survey and its purpose here.
iReady Diagnostic Reports
iReady Assessments
i-Ready is an integral part of our curriculum for reading and mathematics. It enables your student's teacher(s) to identify their specific needs, personalize their learning, and track their progress throughout the school year. By meeting your student exactly where they are, i-Ready empowers your teacher(s) to enhance your student's learning gains.
Typically, students take iReady assessments several times throughout a school year. Updated For Families Reports are viewable at the end of each testing period.
How can I access my student’s For Families Report results?
1. Log in to your student’s i-Ready Dashboard with the following directions:
- From a computer, click ClassLink.
- Log in using your student's district credentials (email and password) and then click on the i-Ready icon. Your child's email is firstlastnamegradyear@wsdr4.org and password is their wsdlunchpin.
Example: JohnDoe23@wsdr4.org; PW: wsd12345 - Your student's lunch pin can be found in Focus. If needed, contact their teacher for assistance.
2. Click on the For Families dropdown and select the For Families report.
3. Enter your District’s 2024-25 Report Code:50W8JN.
4. You can choose both reading and math to view both reports for your student
5. Your computer may have pop-ups blocked, and you will have to allow these to view the reports.
WSD Homecoming Parade
The 2024 Wentzville School District Homecoming Parade is Saturday, Oct. 5 at 9:00 am. The parade will begin staging at 7:30 am, at Holt High School. You can anticipate heavier traffic throughout the neighborhoods surrounding Holt High School and on West Pearce Boulevard & Schroeder Creek Blvd from 7:30 - 9:00 am.
2024 Turkey Trot at Holt High School
The Turkey Trot will be held on Wednesday October 23rd at Holt High School. All students grades 3rd, 4th, and 5th are welcome to participate. If you need another form either download the attached file or have your student get one from their PE teachers. Please return completed forms and money to either the Discovery Ridge PE teachers, Craig Kinnary at Holt High School, or to Ed Jurotich at edwardjurotich@wsdr4.org. Forms are due by Friday October 4th.
If you have any further questions feel free to email Mrs. Janel Mathison. janelmathison@wsdr4.org
Family Tech Tips
Raising kids in this digital world is hard, common sense media makes it easier! Scan the QR code on the flyer to explore common sense media in order to navigate many tech topics.
Give back to our wonderful community by donating a new pair of socks during the month of October.
You can drop them off in a donation basket at DRE located next to the cafeteria.
All donations will help benefit The Christmas Shoppe Program at Morningstar Church.
Bats & Spiders are lurking near and Costume Season is almost here! DRE is a SPOOKTACULAR place to find a costume for your little ghoul or goblin this year!
If your child is in need of a costume we would love for them to come pick one out! All you need to do is just email lesliemay@wsdr4.org or your classroom teacher. Students can pick out their costume to wear for our Fall Party day at school and can keep for any other Trick or Treating adventures you have planned outside of school.
All students will be allowed to wear costumes on the early release day, Friday, Oct. 18. This will also be the day of our Fall Party. More info to come about this day!
If you have any gently used costumes you would like to donate to our Costume Closet you can send them to school with your child to Mrs. May’s attention or feel free to drop in the office. Thanks and Happy Haunting!
Parent Teacher Organization 'PTO' News
Discovery Ridge Elementary Families!
We’re only ONE week away from kicking off our DRE Fun Run fundraiser! We’re looking forward to having fun and building community together to reach our fundraising goals.
Get an overview of our fundraiser by clicking HERE!
To sign your child up for the Boosterthon, go to MYBOOSTER.com. The fundraiser kickoff is on 10/03 and the fun run will take place on 10/11. All money raised will go towards a Digital Marquee!
💵Fundraising Goal: $25,000
🎁Fundraising Item: Digital Marquee
🎉Kickoff Date (in school): 10/03/2024
👟Event Date: 10/11/2024
PTO Dine Out at Freddy's on 10/9 from 5-9 pm, stop by and support our wonderful school!
DRE Trunk or Treat will be October 18th from 6-8 pm. Click the link below or scan the QR Codes to Sign up or Volunteer!
Fall 2025 Kindergarten Screenings
Does your Child Start Kindergarten next fall? If so, you can register them for a Kindergarten screening by scanning the QR Code or by going to https://tinyurl.com/patscreening.
Community Agency Presentations
Dear Discovery Ridge Elementary Family,
Throughout the duration of the academic year, the Wentzville School District partners with community agencies that specialize in providing students, families, and educators with preventative education. Agency presenters are credentialed, coordinated through the District, and under the supervision of building administrators. Presentation topics are targeted toward specific grade levels. All students will participate in each program unless you choose to opt your child out of the lesson(s). If you are interested in opting your student(s) out of the presentation(s), please click the appropriate link(s) below.
If you have additional questions, please reach out directly to your student’s guidance counselor.
Thank you,
Mrs. Kelly Stratman, Principal
Dr. Lindsay Burkemper, Assistant Principal
Mrs. Stacy Browning, K-2 Counselor
Mrs. Jane Douglas, 3-5 Counselor
Mrs. Sarah Holcomb, Education Support Counselor
Reading Success Plans
Reading Success Plans are required by Missouri legislation (Section 167.645, RSMo) for identifying students who have a substantial reading deficiency or are at risk for reading difficulties as early as possible. Once identified, teachers and reading interventionists can provide instructional support targeted to student needs, to monitor student progress and adjust instruction as needed. We are required by the state to collect and submit RSP data every February, beginning in the 23-24 school year and continuing this year.
This fall, teachers and reading interventionists will be conducting reading assessments with all students. These assessments help us plan lessons and identify students who might benefit from extra reading support. In addition, our building reading specialists will work with small groups of students. These flexible groupings are not the same as Reading Intervention, families will be contacted directly by their child's teacher if he/she qualifies for Reading Intervention.
If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to your child's classroom teacher.
Each new school year brings opportunities for academic growth and growth in all areas of development. Although children must be knowledgeable when they graduate, they must also be healthy, engaged, responsible, and caring people.
We’re grateful you’re here at our school and we’re excited to partner with you and your child. As a Leader in Me School, we believe that every member of your family has greatness and we can’t wait to learn and grow from you! Leader in Me (LiM) is an evidence-based, comprehensive school-improvement model—developed in partnership with educators and FranklinCovey—that empowers students with the leadership and life skills they need to thrive in a global community.
Our school has chosen to operate through a uniquely different lens. Leader in Me is about empowering your child to reach their full potential while ultimately finding their voice. As a school, the staff in this building have made five core commitments to your child. We call these our Core Paradigms. In these paradigms you will find the belief and way we view all students. At this school we see that:
• Everyone is a leader.
• Everyone has genius.
• Change starts with me.
• We empower students to lead their own learning.
• Educators and families partner to develop the whole person.
Not only do these paradigms apply to your student, they apply to all of us!
Leader in Me provides our school with the vision and language to lead the school in a way that addresses all areas of development. As each child discovers and develops their unique gifts and talents, they are given opportunities to lead.
As leaders, they become active, engaged partners in their own education, and their self-confidence, responsibility, and initiative grows. The children quickly understand the benefits of different gifts and talents; they learn to listen to new ideas, work together to achieve results, and motivate one another to be the best.
We hope your school enjoys sharing these new opportunities. Together, we will see each child grow throughout the year.
Mrs. Kelly J. Stratman, Principal
Dr. Lindsay Burkemper, Assistant Principal