Isanti Middle School
Parent/Family News - October 8
Hybrid Learning Continues...It is getting busy...
Locally and nationally, we continue to deal with the impacts of Covid-19. Today’s report from the Minnesota Department of Health and Minnesota Department of Education was as anticipated. Over the last three weeks our COVID case rates have increased locally from 10.52 to 17.7 to 26.94 per 10,000 residents, with increased community transmission with unknown contacts in Isanti County. For Isanti Middle School, this means that we will remain in a Hybrid learning Model for the foreseeable future.
o School Day Schedule: A reminder of the updated schedule as we enter our second week of 8:15-3:05.
o Upcoming Dates
o Fall Conferences (Parent/Teacher/Student)
o Hybrid Schedule:
- Schedule for next two weeks
- Distance Learning Fridays - Modified Schedule
- Virtual Resource Rooms: Does your student need a bit of help on the days they are Learning from Home?
- Attendance: Where to find the Google Form to enter attendance.
o C-I Spirit Week: October 19-30 (Look for the link to order a t-shirt.)
o Parent/Family News: We have added links to previous "News" to the bottom of each issue.
Upcoming Dates
No School - MEA Break
Friday, Oct. 16
Midterm 1 Ends
Virtual Conferences
October 29 (4:00-7:30 PM)
Fall Conferences - Virtual Connections
Fall Virtual Conferences
October 29 (4:00-7:30 PM)
Process & Timeline
Google Meets - Virtual
Join by phone.
How to Schedule
- How to Schedule Conferences: Skyward Family Access Conference Signup Directions
- Trouble Scheduling a Conference! Parent Signup Video Directions
The next few weeks...Hybrid Continues
Week of Oct. 12-16
Modified Schedule
Friday, October 23
Week of Oct. 19-23
Learning from Home - When students aren't in the building.
Learning from Home + Need Help = Virtual Resource Rooms
Attendance Reminder
- CIO students: Social Studies Google Classroom
- 6th gr. students: Period 7 Google Classroom
- 7th gr. students: Period 4 Google Classroom
- 8th gr. students: Period 4 Google Classroom
C-I Schools Spirit Week - October 19-30
Please fill out the information below. All ordered t-shirts will be distributed October 21-23. You will pay for your shirt when you receive your shirt. Please pay cash or make check out to Cambridge-Isanti High School.
Order form link: https://tpeikert.aidaform.com/templates-en-product-order-form
C-I Schools Referendum - November 3
**If you are interested in just having a conversation about the referendum, what it means, sharing your thoughts on it, please don't hesitate to give me a call. (o) 763.691.8605, or (c) 952.334.6057.**
Decision Tree (MDH/MDE)
Cambridge-Isanti Schools has worked very hard to ensure our students and staff stay as healthy and safe as possible this year. As families, please make sure you are doing your part to slow or prevent the spread of COVID-19. If your student has any of the symptoms below, please keep them home until they are feeling better.
The Minnesota Department of Health has additional information for families around COVID-19 and attendance at school here: https://www.health.state.mn.us/diseases/coronavirus/schools/attendance.pdf
Help Wanted!
Are you or someone you know interested in working for the school district?
We have openings in Food Service, Childcare, Custodial and Transportation departments. We also have a need for Instructional Assistant/Para substitutes and Teacher substitutes.
Substitute requirements:
View all of our open positions and apply online today at www.applitrack.com/cambridge/onlineapp!
C-I District Return to Learn Webpage
Parent/Family News - Previous Editions
IMS Website
IMS Twitter
Isanti Middle School
Email: rpauly@c-ischools.org
Website: https://www.c-ischools.org/domain/33
Location: 201 Centennial Drive Northwest, Isanti, MN, USA
Phone: (763) 691-8600
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Isanti-Middle-School-Minnesota-Center-1616822051697940/