Welcome to EHS Students

No School Friday or Monday - Labor Day Weekend
No School on Friday, August 30th or Monday, Sept. 2nd, 2024.
The building will be closed on Saturday, Sunday and Monday.
School will resume on Tuesday, Sept. 3, 2024
Register Now for Eagan Academy (Credit Recovery)
2024-2025 Fall Session
Registration began: August 28, 2024
Session runs: Sept. 25-Oct.30, 2024
Students will be in person up to 1 day a week-
Wednesdays - All Subjects
Attendance is required until they finish the course.
While the ASVAB (Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Test) is a requirement for those planning on joining any branch of the military, the exam specifically the career exploration program isn’t just for students interested in the military. The ASVAB Career Exploration Program helps students discover their strengths and interests and then map out post-secondary plans with comprehensive information for over 1,000 occupations. The ASVAB Career Exploration Program is open to any Eagan Student in grades 11-12 who want to learn more about their career options or for those who are interested in joining the military.
There are 3 parts to the ASVAB Career Exploration Program.
Part 1: Pre Intro to the ASVAB Career Exploration Program: 9/24 Lec.B 3,4 or 5th hour( room 284)
Part 2: Aptitude Test on Thursday, October 3rd, 2024 at 7:30 AM in LEC C
Part 3: Score interpretation, interest self-assessment, and career exploration tools: Oct.10th Lec.B 3,4 or 5th hour( room 284)
If interested in taking the ASVAB please contact Jen Gustafson @ Jennifer.gustafson@district196.org or your school counselor.
No Food Deliveries
Closed Campus - No Food Deliveries
Eagan HS Closed Campus – No Food Deliveries or Departure Without a Pass
EHS is a closed campus. Students are not allowed to depart from campus unless they have a valid pass to do so. Lunch time requires students to be in the Cafeteria (Commons) and not ordering in food. We have a Federally and State subsidized Food Program and cannot compete with that program. Any food delivered by services to the building, will be refused.
Students are not allowed to go to vehicles in the parking lot during the day – unless given a pass from the Attendance Office to do so. Call 651-683-6911
If a parent/guardian needs to have a student depart during the school day, or arrive late due to an appointment (medical, dental, counseling, etc.) a call to our Attendance Office is needed. Call 651-683-6911. A pass will be prepared for the student to depart and check back in upon return. Students may pick up the yellow pass anytime during the school day- it is on the front counter of the Attendance Office.
Link to the 2024-2025 Eagan High School Handbook/Calendar
Open this link to see the Eagan HS publication .
Activity Buses
All high school activity buses depart at 4:50pm. We will issue an Activity Pass each trimester or One (1) Day pass for students needing the late bus home from school. The trimester pass will be for students participating in after school sports or club and the one day pass will be for students staying after school for other reasons. Students with the trimester pass will need to hold onto the pass for the trimester and present to the driver when they board the bus. The one day pass will be collected from the student when they board the bus. Students will not be allowed on the activity bus if they do not have a pass. Please stop by the Main Office to ask for a pass.
Activity Buses leave at 4:50 PM from the South Entrance
Freshmen Retreat
It's time to register for the Freshmen Retreat!
It will be Thursday November 7th at DHMS. Cost is $25 and families can find it in their shopping cart in EduTrak.
Deadline to register is October 25th, 2024 or until full.
Mandatory Debate Meeting
Attention all Debaters
Mandatory Team Meeting
Wednesday September 4th
Lecture Room A
7:05 – 7:35 AM
2:35 – 3:05 PM
You must attend one of these meetings.
Theatre Interest Meeting
If you are interested in all thing’s theater, please come join us on Wednesday, September 4th in the choir room at 2:45 for an information meeting. Come find out about year’s upcoming shows, and theater opportunities such as tech and crew. Everyone is welcome!
Fall Play - Clue on Stage
Don't miss this murder-mystery comedy - it's only 90 minutes!
Tickets available online HERE beginning Monday, September 9, 2024.
Senior Preview: Wed., Sept. 25 at 4:00 pm
Auditions for the December Broadway Musical
Auditions for Beauty and the Beast are coming up! Questions? Your student can visit Mrs. Cherner in the music wing with questions.
Student Rights and Responsibilities Handbook
Each year, District 196 updates its handbook of student rights and responsibilities for the upcoming school year. Most of the revisions to this year’s handbook are to conform with changes in state law, including the addition of gender identity as a protected class, changes to student disciplinary rights and processes, and changing the age of eligibility for special education from 21 to 22. In years past, the district mailed a copy of the handbook to each family with students enrolled in the district. This year, the Student Rights and Responsibilities handbook for 2024-25 is being shared online. Please take time to review the handbook with your children, as well as expectations for their behavior at school. A limited number of printed copies are available, upon request, by contacting the school office.
📱 Families can purchase optional iPad Protection Plan
District 196 offers an optional protection plan for $20 per iPad to cover the cost of potential theft and damage to the device during the school year. The plan is free for students eligible for the Educational Benefits Program. After Sept. 23, 2024, families without the protection plan are responsible for costs associated with loss of or damage to a district-issued iPad.
Information about the iPad protection plan for families, along with a link to the support page for EduTrak Connect, a fee payment system the district implemented earlier this month is found using these links.
Important Dates
Eagan High School Important Dates for school year 2024-2025
Use this to plan ahead for the school year calendar including ending of trimesters (final exams) and no school days. Look ahead to Parent/Guardian and Teacher Conference dates and times.
School Photos by Lifetouch
School Photos/ID Cards
Students had their pictures taken on Thursday, August 29th.
Use the Student ID or Portrait ID and Access Code on your child's proof sheet to order (proof sheets arrive home about two weeks after Picture Day). Your order will be shipped to your home, so you will need to pay the shipping and handling fee. Note: Orders can only be shipped to physical addresses.
Link to preorder pictures.
Retakes are on October 7th
Students are NOT allowed to wear hats or sunglasses in the photos and shoulders must be covered by clothing.
Class of 2025 – SENIOR PHOTOS for the EHS Yearbook
Seniors should submit, or have their photographer submit, their senior photo for the yearbook no later than November 1, 2024. Here is the link to submit photos:
Yearbook Price Increase on Sept. 13th
Order your yearbook now! The price is currently $85 and will continue to increase throughout the year. The price will increase on Sept. 13th!
With a Jostens yearbook, you’re able to treasure the names, faces and events that make this time so special — for always and always.
Renew Educational Benefits for 2024-25
Even though there is no charge for breakfast or lunch for students...it is still important that you apply for Educational Benefits if your household qualifies!
Each approved application provides additional funding to programs at EHS. Educational Benefits allows your child to to receive free or reduced fees for athletic programs and field trips.
An approved application also provides:
- Additional funding for all schools
- Additional funds for increased access to technology resources
- Discounted college application fees
- Discounted academic testing fees (ACT, AP, PSAT, SAT)
- Discounted Community Education course fees
A new application must be submitted every year, only one application is needed per household.
Paper applications are also available from the front office at EHS
Click HERE to apply for Educational Benefits beginning July 15th
Learn more about how this application supports District 196
Questions? Please contact Nutrition@district196.org or call 651-683-6958
Homecoming Week Information
One of the highlights of Fall Trimester is “Homecoming Week”, which includes the Homecoming Varsity Football Game vs. Farmington H.S. on Friday, October 4th at 7:00 p.m., and the Semi-formal Dance on Saturday, October 5th from 8:00-11:00 p.m. in the Gym. A Dodgeball Tournament and Girls Flag Football games will be included in the week of events. Additional athletic events will also take place during this week. A school wide Pepfest will be held on Thursday, October 3rd at 1:45 p.m.
Freshmen are encouraged to participate! No dates are required for the Homecoming Dance. Admission is charged at the door and student ID's are shown for admission. There will be an opportunity to sign up guests for approval - all guests must be high school students in District 196
LAST CALL - Dakota United Hawks Adapted Soccer Registration
REMINDER: Dakota United Soccer Registration Needed ASAP! Soccer begins on Tuesday, September 10 at HOPE Fieldhouse.
Good Morning Hawk Families!
If you have not done so already, please register your son or daughter for Dakota United CI Adapted Soccer through the new Registration Portal.
Click here to navigate to the District 196 EduTrak Connect Portal
Practices will begin on Tuesday, September 10 at HOPE Fieldhouse. When you are registering your child, it is IMPORTANT that you complete the transportation information, and whether you would like to request the activity bus after practice as well.
For those that are new to Dakota United Sports, your child will need tennis shoes, comfortable athletic wear, and shin guards (are optional, but encouraged especially for Varsity players) each day at practice, and they will be provided a uniform for game days.
There will be a Varsity and (typically) two JV teams, because of our numbers being so large, so that will be determined in September.
The season goes from September 10-October 30 (for JV), and November 16th Weekend (State Tournament) for Varsity Players.
Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions or concerns that you may have.
If you are no longer wanting to receive these emails, please let me know and I will remove your email address from the list.
Thanks and as always GO HAWKS!!
Brett Kosidowski (Head Coach – CI Dakota United Hawks)
Subscribe to Parent E-Mail!
Eagan High School parents, residents, students and anyone else interested in receiving regular information updates from EHS can subscribe to the EHS listserves. Information includes updates from the principal and announcements of special events. CLICK HERE to subscribe.
Eagan High School
District 196 offers an online reporting system through School Messenger Quick Tip. It allows students to report concerns or problems at anytime and may be anonymous. All reports are dealt with immediately.
School Messenger Quick Tip: https://www.district196.org/quicktip
Email: EHSNews@district196.org
Website: ehs.district196.org
Location: 4185 Braddock Trail, Eagan, MN, USA
Phone: 651-683-6900