Kaleidoscope Academy
October Family Newsletter
A Message from our Principal, Ms. Molitor!
Work Hard - Be Yourself - Do the Right Thing
There's a snake in this booth!
Say Cheese!
Root Beer for Everyone!
Family Night
Thank you to everyone who attended Family Night! We are grateful for many participating community organizations, especially the Erb Park Neighborhood Association. Attendees enjoyed interacting with reptiles and therapy dogs, indulging in tasty treats, playing fun games, and creating beautiful art. Families smiled for portraits, toured the new classrooms and garden, and received haircuts plus other goodies. This annual relationship-building event is one of the
many things that makes KA such a wonderful school!
Latine and Hispanic Heritage Month 5K
Congratulations to all runners and walkers!
Dog Days are here!
KA students benefit from the pawsitively amazing services of several therapy/comfort dogs that visit our school. Interactions can occur in the classroom or the Nest, our self-regulation room that is open to all students. Some days would be ruff without this program, so we are furever grateful to our dog teams.
Pictured (right): Lily, our newest therapy dog, comes to KA with her handler and our school social worker, Ms. Gitter.
Pictured (below): Gordon and his handler, Sandy, share their time and school spirit with the students at KA.
Healthy News for You!
Meningococcal Disease
Suicide Prevention
Breakfast Boosts Brain Power
Studies suggest that eating breakfast may help children do better in school by improving memory, alertness, concentration, problem-solving ability, test scores, school attendance, and mood.
Breakfast is available at no charge for all students to enjoy from 7:20 until 7:50 a.m.
Here is the breakfast/lunch menu for October. Salad bar is coming soon!
Families that drive their students to school in the morning are encouraged to use extra caution!
Use the drop-off lane in front of the school on Brewster Street. Pull up as far as possible.
Students should exit the vehicles onto the sidewalk rather than the street. Drivers should carefully re-enter the traffic lane. Families that want to sit in the vehicles with their students should park on a nearby street until the bell rings.
Cardinals in the Classroom
Cracking the Case!
It’s middle school, my dear Watson! The sixth grade Humanities students donned their detective hats and created theories for unsolved mysteries. The mysteries generated a lot of discussion and debate in the classroom. By studying the mysteries, students practiced using text evidence to support their thinking and ideas. They constructed well-developed paragraphs to explain how they "cracked the case"! Ask your child to explain the mystery of Easter Island or the Mary Celeste.
Wow walls! Students' work on display at KA!
An array of mandala art.
Fingerprints as unique as our students.
Split self-portraits...from regular to unique.
Atoms demonstrate attraction and repulsion.
FCS courses serve up life lessons.
¡Todos estamos conectados! We're all connected!
Competitive Cardinals - Fall Sports
Middle school sports are a great opportunity for students to get involved and belong to a team!
Sign up now for winter sports teams!
Volleyball...Dig deep, rise high!
Softball...Hustle, hit, never quit!
Cross Country...On your mark, get set, run!
Mark your calendars!
School Hours ⏰
Boys and Girls Club opens at 6:45 a.m. (before school) and closes at 6 p.m. (after school).
Zero Hour begins at 7 a.m.
Breakfast is served from 7:20 until 7:50 a.m.
Kaleidoscope Academy
Do you have a question, concern, or comment? If so, please feel free to contact one of our campus administrators. We are here for you!
Assistant Principal, Jake Larsh - larshjake@aasd.k12.wi.us
Dean, Kim Hoefs - hoefskimberly@aasd.k12.wi.us
SEL Dean, Laura de Arteaga - dearteagalaura@aasd.k12.wi.us
Website: https://ka.aasd.k12.wi.us/
Location: 318 E. Brewster St., Appleton, WI 54913
Phone: 920-852-5430
Facebook: www.facebook.com/kaleidoscopecardinals/