Newsletter March 7
News on The Hill
Thank you to Mrs. Montoya's class for the Pop Art used for our newsletter background.
Congratulations to our Perfect Attendance February Winners!
Congratulations, Chaeyoon!
Congratulations, Mason!
Congratulations, Harvey!
Congratulations, Presley!
Congratulations, Holden!
Congratulations, Max!
Each month one student per grade level is randomly selected from that month's perfect attendance list. Those students drawn receive a $10 Stella ice cream gift card. The picture above includes students' whose names were drawn for February.
Preschool - Marshall Munns - Cornell (not pictured)
Kinder - Harvey Stevens - Craver
1st - Holden Braun - Belthoff
2nd - Chaeyoon Jung - Hanlon
3rd - Mason Longshaw - Cournoyer
4th - Presley Tribble - Deatrick
5th - Max Swenson - Reed
Office Hours are 8:00-4:30pm weekdays. Please don't hesitate to call us at 208-350-4432 if you have any questions. You can also access our school website:
Hillsdale Elementary School / Homepage (westada.org)
For our Hillsdale Staff Directory, please visit our Hillsdale webpage:
www.westada.org and choose school-elementary-Hillsdale from the district school dropdown menu
Once on the Hillsdale page, select the Menu icon from the upper right and choose Hillsdale Staff from the drop-down menu under Contact Us Hillsdale Staff | Hillsdale Elementary School (westada.org)
Office Staff and PTO
Jenn Connor, Head Secretary Connor.Jenn@westada.org
Sally Fitzgerald, Office Assistant/Registrar Fitzgerald.Sally@westada.org
Patty Smithley, Office Assistant/Registrar Smithley.Patty@westada.org
Ashley Tracy, Safe School Assistant tracy.ashley@westada.org
President: Shelby Van Orsow
Vice President: Rikki Watkins
Treasurer: Kristin Raney
Communications Secretary: Heather Galm
Fundraising Coordinator: Kara Jensen
Events Coordinator: Brittney Logsdon
Email: bair.khristie@westada.org
Website: https://www.westada.org/Domain/6243
Location: 5225 South Stockenham Way, Meridian, ID, USA
Phone: 208-350-4432
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/hillsdaleherons1
REMIND: Hillsdale Elementary School @a62337b
11-Mo Willems & Kwame Alexander Virtual Author Session 10:30-11:15am in the auditorium
13-influential Americans Wax Museum-6:00-7:00pm. Bring your change, drop it in the slot and hear from influential Americans (AKA Hillsdale 5th graders) as you tour the wax museum.
14-Student Artwork submissions for our Annual District Art Show are due to the office. See details in the flyers inside this newsletter.
17-21st-No School-Spring Break
1-PTO Meeting in the library 7:00-8:00pm
3-Music Concert 4th/5th for 4th grade families 2:50-3:50pm
4-Music Concert 4th/5th for 5th grade families 9:15-10:15am
11-No School-All grades
THANK YOU to all who helped make our STEM Night a success!
BOOK FAIR raises $3,438.79 for new library books!
Thank you to everyone who came out to support our Book Fair. A very special thanks to all the Hillsdale staff and parents who volunteered to help run it. It’s a big job and I appreciate your help!
Hillsdale Staff:
Anastasia Barker
Susan Kelly
Sarah Baker
Kim Ehorn
Michelle Montoya
Sky Dean
Christina Powell
Kennidi Amorebieta
Kristin Raney
Aimee Pacheco
Mi Seong Kim
Desiree Rammell
Shelby Van Orsow
Rikki Watkins
Sonja Hunt
Kristy Thieme
Ashlie Lenington
Katie Travelle
Resha Thornton
After School Robotics Class
Robo Builders: Code, Create & Conquer
Wednesdays starting on February 26th thru April 2nd 3:55-5:15pm /cost-$70
Caught You Being A Heron!
Each day, Hillsdale staff are looking for students who exhibit HERON traits to give them a Caught You Being a Heron ticket. Students then put the ticket in their grade level jar by the main entryway. Two students' names will be drawn each week per grade level and read over the announcements for prizes from our Treasure Chest. Each month a K-2nd and 3rd-5th grade student will be drawn to receive a monthly prize!
We want to acknowledge all the great HERON traits we see in our students throughout the day!
This Week's Students Caught Being a Heron:
Kindergarten: Kenji Koseki (on task) & Reagan Knight (engaged learner)
First Grade: Bryce Burnett (self-control) & Eve Law (engaged learner)
Second Grade: Dexter Cook (respectful) & Lucy Lewis (respectful)
Third Grade: Audrey Poulsen (respectful) & Adalie White (on task)
Fourth Grade: Jackson Keller (respectful and on task) & Brynlee Grace (respectful and on task)
Fifth Grade: Adam Truong (respectful) & Brinley Ransom (respectful)
District Art Show
Hillsdale SpiritWear
PTO Meeting Dates for 2024-2025
All PTO meeting dates for the 2024-2025 school year are as follows:
April 1: 7:00-8:00pm
May 6: 7:00-8:00pm