OLHMS Update (1/7/25)
Happy New Year!
Tuesday's Top of the Mind
Did you know that the D123 Board of Education has recently approved the New Strategic Plan?
At the December 16th Board of Education meeting, we proudly unveiled the newly approved School District 123 Strategic Plan Framework. This comprehensive, forward-thinking plan is designed to provide a long-term vision for our district through the year 2030. Central to this framework is the Portrait of a Graduate, a model that embodies the skills and dispositions our students will need to thrive in college, career, and life. Supported by five overarching goals and a series of targeted objectives, this plan is a reflection of our district’s mission: "Preparing Today’s Learner for Tomorrow’s World."
Did you know that our Class of 2025 will be taking graduation pictures and getting gown measurements this week?
This week brings some additional 8th Grade excitement as we will host graduation pictures this Thursday (1/9/25) and gown measurements on Friday (1/10/25).
Did you know our scholars will be taking the Winter NWEA MAP Assessment next week?
We are excited for our scholars to demonstrate their learning thus far by taking the ELA and Math portions of this computerized assessment next week.
Help our scholars meet and exceed their goals by getting their proper rest, having breakfast and charging their Chromebooks. Additional information about MAP is below!
Did you know we sent out student and parent surveys about the math grading pilot?
We appreciate all of the feedback, formally and informally around the grading pilot taking place at the middle school. We will continue to utilize the information, survey results and dialogue to make an informed decision about grading as the school year progresses.
Reminders and Updates
Dear Mustang Families,
Happy New Year! As we embark on this exciting journey into 2025, I want to extend a heartfelt welcome back to each of you. The start of a new year is a time filled with optimism, fresh beginnings, and renewed commitment to the goals that guide our collective mission. Together, we create a dynamic school community that nurtures not only academic success but also personal growth, character, and resilience in every student. This is matched perfectly with our theme this year, U Belong!
Aligned with this strategic framework is our unwavering dedication to school improvement. Our School Improvement Plan (SIP) goal of helping 100% of our students meet or exceed their MAP growth targets in reading and mathematics remains a cornerstone of our efforts. This ambitious, data-driven objective provides a clear and measurable path for growth and success. Our "100% All In" mindset empowers us to employ evidence-based strategies, implement targeted interventions, and continuously evaluate our approaches, ensuring that each student’s unique needs are met while maintaining focus on our long-term vision.
Our collective commitment will drive transformational growth and sustained excellence at OLHMS and across School District 123. Together, we will build a roadmap for success that honors our shared values and delivers a high-quality education for all students. By aligning immediate actions with broader educational objectives, we will foster meaningful, lasting progress in reading, mathematics, and beyond.
As we begin this New Year, I also want to express my deepest gratitude for the spirit of collaboration, dedication, and resilience that defines our Mustang community. Each day, I am inspired by the determination of our scholars, the passion of our staff, and the steadfast support of our families and alumni. Together, we cultivate a school environment where love, guidance, and compassion create a foundation for learning and growth.
The New Year is an opportunity to reflect on our many appreciations and recommit to serving one another with kindness and generosity. Let us embrace this New Year to deepen our compassion, strengthen our sense of community, and uplift one another as we turn aspirations into achievements.
On behalf of the OLHMS administration, faculty, and staff, I wish you and your family a joyful, prosperous, and peaceful New Year. Thank you for being an essential part of our school’s success. Let’s make 2025 a year of growth, opportunity, and shared accomplishment.
Speaking of accomplishment, here is the Class of 2025 Graduate Expectation Letter. This letter has been distributed and discussed with our Class of 2025!
Family can expect updated information regarding graduation and fees coming in mid-January!
We will host graduation pictures this Thursday (1/9/25) and gown measurements on Friday (1/10/25).
Spectator Permission
We love having fans here to support our Mustang Athletes. Here is the LINK for our Spectator Permission Form and Code of Conduct for student spectators. Student fans unaccompanied by parents, must have an electronic or paper form on file to attend home games. Students cannot stay in the building for games unless they are part of a club or activity.
Bus Transportation
Bus Behavior: Please remind bus riders that we must be following our Mustang Musts. We have been hearing about challenging, inappropriate and unsafe behavior on the bus riders to and from school. We do have the ability to request bus video footage. Students will be given consequences for their behavior which may include a suspension from the bus.
Bus Loading and Unloading: Families should not be passing buses in our parking lot. This is dangerous and almost caused an accident. Do not pass buses with their stop sign extended.
NWEA MAP Assessment
We are excited to celebrate our scholars success this month! Scholars will be taking the Winter assessment next week. Do not forget to ask them what their Winter goals are for Math and ELA!
Here is a resource LINK for parents and some additional information:
The NWEA MAP (Measures of Academic Progress) is a standardized test that measures a student's academic progress in math, reading, language, and science:
How it works
The NWEA MAP is a computer-adaptive test that adjusts to the student's ability level. It's given multiple times throughout the school year, and students can take it on a regular web browser or the NWEA Secure Test Browser.
What it measures
The NWEA MAP assesses a student's current achievement level and tracks their growth over time.
How it's used
Teachers use the results to identify student needs, plan curriculum, and help students progress.
Who takes it
All students in grades K-10 take the NWEA MAP Growth assessment in math and reading.
How it's scored
The NWEA MAP is graded on the RIT scale, which measures between 140 and 300.
STAR and Power Hour
It is great to see so many scholars taking advantage of the opportunity to come in early or stay after school for additional time and support with academics. Please remind our scholars that this time should not be treated as a social opportunity and our school expectations of being safe, responsible and respectful should be maintained at all times. We appreciate everyone's support and partnership.
Student Device Repair Program:
Your student's device is protected against accidental damage, theft, fire, flood, natural disasters, power surge and vandalism. If your child’s device needs repair, below are the costs associated with each incident during a school year:
1st incident - No Charge (one-time fee waiver)
2nd incident - $25.00
3rd incident - $50.00
Membership is $6.00 per student and $10.00 per adult
PTSA Meetings are at 6:00pm monthly
- Next PTSA Meeting is January 7th at 6:00pm
- Reach out to Delecta Harris, our PTSA President for more information (olhmsd123ptsa@gmail.com )
- PTSA Facebook
All parents/ guardians/ staff & students are highly encouraged to join the PTSA and attend meetings. This is an incredible opportunity, partnership and fun way to support our scholar’s experience at the middle school!
If you are interested in supporting our school in a different capacity please reach out to our PTSA! Maybe you do not have the time to donate, but your contributions can still be made through your membership!
D123 School Safety Meeting
January 16, 2025
6:00 - 7:30 pm
Important Dates
Dates to Remember:
1/6/25: Welcome Back!1/7/25: PTSA Meeting @ 6:00 pm
1/9/25: Graduation Pictures
1/10/25: Graduation Gown Measurements
1/14 & 1/15/25: NWEA MAP Assessments
1/16/25: D123 School Safety Town Hall, OLHMS Music Booster Event
1/23/25: D123 Day
1/31/25 & 2/1/25: OLHMS Musical
3/7/25: D123 Ed Foundation Taco ad Trivia
3/13/25: State of the District Dinner
Make-A-Wish is Back!
High School Happenings
School District 218 Parent Informational Session
15th Annual Special Recreation All-Star Basketball Games
This year’s 15th Annual Special Recreation All-Star Basketball Games will be Saturday, January 25th at Oak Lawn Community High School.
Come out and support these Special Olympics athletes as they face off against each other in this fun-filled day.
We are so grateful to Oak Lawn Bank & Trust for once again being our Major Sponsor!
You might recognize some of the faces on the court and that is because these individuals have attended your schools or worshipped at your churches or participated in your programs. The first ever Basketball Day was at St. Linus Catholic School, and has since been held at Brother Rice High School, Mother McAuley High School, Marist High School and Oak Lawn Hometown Middle School.
Check out the story Pat Elwood did about this event on WGN in 2021!
The basketball teams and pep squad cannot wait all year to play in front of a crowd!
Admission is Free!!! Donations accepted at the door. Doors open at NOON!
Proceeds collected fun future Oak Lawn Park District Special Recreation programs!
There are so many ways you can support this great event including Split the Pot chances, concessions, and a raffle to win a TV!
Thank you also to all our sponsors including The Black Oak, All Saints Lutheran Church & PepsiCo!
Please share the attached flyer on your social media sites, newsletters, websites and with your staff. Then join us in cheering on these athletes on January 25th!
If you have any questions, please feel free to call Anne Fritz at (708) 341-1531.
2025 Illinois Radon Poster Contest
The 2025 Illinois Radon Poster Contest will run from January 1, 2025 – March 15, 2025 with a goal to raise awareness about the dangers of radon throughout the state of Illinois. Please review more information about this educational opportunity:
2025 Illinois Poster Contest:
- The poster contest is open to students ages 9-14.
- The top three winners will receive a cash prize of $100 (3rd place), $150 (2nd place) and $200 (1st place)
- Posters and entry forms must be received by March 15th, 2025.
- Posters must be sized 8.5x11
- More information can be found here: https://www.lung.org/il/radon-poster
Please find the official rules, details, guidelines and contest entry forms at https://www.lung.org/il/radon-poster. Please make sure students follow the guidelines as close as possible. These guidelines will be the outline for judging.
D123 4WARD: We have begun a new effort to engage our alumni!! From the classroom to the stage, the athletic field to the culinary club, and everywhere in between, we want to know what our graduates have been up to in "tomorrow's world."
Whether these alumni excelled in high school, found opportunities in college, or started a successful career, the stories, adventures, and triumphs shared will inspire us, current students, and future leaders. This program is an opportunity to celebrate these achievements together and keep the D123 community spirit alive long after middle school graduation.
Families of alumni and D123 graduates themselves are invited to fill out this form to submit for possible inclusion in our alumni spotlight E-Newsletter, "D123 4-WARD." The newsletter will be produced and sent semiannually in December and May. Participants will be notified if their story will be included in the publication.