St Teresa's School Newsletter
Friday 24th May 2024
Nau mai, haere mai
Firstly, a huge thank you to everyone who supported our class markets during the Booktown festival. Special thanks to our staff, volunteers, and the FOSTA group for sharing their time and talents, making this event a huge success. The funds raised will support our class trips this year.
Last week, we celebrated Support Staff Day, honouring the incredible contributions of our support staff. Their hard work and dedication are invaluable, and we deeply appreciate everything they do to support our tamariki.
We are eagerly looking forward to our annual Cross Country event at Kahutara School. Students, please remember to bring your own lunch and come ready to cheer on your classmates and enjoy a day of fitness and fun.
Don't forget to sign up for our latest fundraiser: Bingo Night! It's sure to be an evening full of fun and prizes.
Please note that school will be closed for staff-only days and King's Birthday from May 30th to June 3rd.
Ngā mihi
Lindsey Dailly
Tumuaki Principal
Term 2 Community Calendar
Weeks 4 and 5
Monday 27th May
Samoan Language Week
Baptism and Sacramental Preparation Sessions Begin
Wednesday 29th May
Technology Takitimu
Thursday 30th May
Friday 31st May
Monday 3rd June
Tuesday 4th May
Livewires - Takitimu
Mass Remutaka - Join us at 10am in the Hub
Wednesday 5th May
World Environment Day
Technology Takitimu
Friday 7th June
Whole School Cross Country @ Kahutara - Join us
Sacramental Programme
If you would like your child to participate in one or more of the sacraments of Baptism, Reconciliation, Confirmation or Communion, please email Amber amber@teresas.school.nz Preparation sessions start at school next week.
Celebrate Good Times!
Values Awards
Our Values Awards celebrate students who have shown our school values of Faith, Justice, Love and Humility.
Waiorongomai - Luke, Archie, Thomas and Ocean
Wairarapa - Heath, Maisey, William P and Tori
Tauwharenikau - Cat, Hadly and Riria-Jean
Remutaka - Guadalupe, Owen, Christopher and Zeke
Takitimu - Honey-Rose, Meliah and Andrew
Star Award
Our star awards celebrate success, dedication and progress.
Waiorongomai - Kiana and Archie
Wairarapa - William J and Annika
Tauwharenikau - Amelia and Sadie
Remutaka - Azalea and Ryley
Takitimu - Valentina and Ryder
Spotlight on Attendance
Winter Illnesses
As we enter the winter season, it's important to address the topic of student attendance. Winter illnesses, such as colds and the flu, are common during this time of year. We understand that these illnesses can affect your child’s ability to attend school.
If your child is too sick to learn, please keep them at home to rest and recover. This helps prevent the spread of illness and ensures that they return to school ready to participate fully in their classes.
If your child needs to stay home due to illness, it is the caregiver’s responsibility to inform the school. You can do this by sending a text to the school office or by using the Hero app. Prompt communication helps us keep accurate attendance records and ensures the safety of all our students.
Thank you for your cooperation and for helping us maintain a healthy learning environment for everyone.
Junior Team
Waiorongomai had a wonderful time with autumn leaves last week. We read our poem ‘Autumn Leaves’, we created creatures out of real leaves that we had dried and we created an autumn leaf picture using finger painting. So much thought went into the colour and placement of the leaves. Leaves are so much fun!
This week Wairarapa class learned about fractions - with pizza! We cut our pizzas into 6ths so it was “fair sharing”. They were yum!
School Policies
SchoolDocs is a website for our policies and procedures. We invite you to participate in the Term 2 review:
- Equal Employment Opportunities
- Teacher Relief Cover
- Police Vetting
- Classroom Release Time
To take part follow these steps;
- Visit the website https://teresas.schooldocs.co.nz/
- Enter the username (teresas) and password (ontrack).
- Follow the link to the relevant policy as listed.
- Read the policy.
- Click the Policy Review button at the top right-hand corner of the page.
- Select the reviewer type "Parent".
- Enter your name (optional).
- Submit your ratings and comments.
Toastie Toes!
Thank you to the Featherston Knitters for supplying our junior school with slippers to wear in the classroom this winter!
Attendance Dues
The Archdiocese of Wellington attendance dues team are in the process of sending out school fee notices, but due to the implementation of a new software system (CathConnect) , some may experience a delay or inaccuracies. We appreciate your patience as the team works diligently to distribute all statements and address your inquiries promptly. Thank you for your understanding during this transition.
Kelly Ross, Vicar for Education
Contact Us
Email: office@teresas.school.nz
Website: https://www.teresas.school.nz/
Location: St Teresa's School Bell Street, Featherston, New Zealand
Phone: 06 308 9064
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/people/St-Teresas-Featherston/100057033717170/