September 14 update
September 14 update

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Weekly Update | September 5, 2024
Dear Boston Prep Families,
Our family newsletter has tons of important information for our families. It is our main source of communication with families for critical announcements & recent updates. Please take some time to carefully read our weekly Family Newsletter.
Principal Notice
Family Committee Meeting Rescheduled
Family Town Hall
Back to School Night
Free Breakfast and Lunch Letter
School Breakfast and Lunch Menu
Arrival and Dismissal Process
Metro Uniform
Middle School Announcements
High School Announcements
Athletics Corner
Enrichment Corner
Nurses Corner
CCO (College Counseling Office) Corner
Family Resources
Madelyn Ruizdeporras
Family Operations Manager
1. Principal Notice
Thank you for trusting your students with us this year. We look forward to an academically exciting and culturally joyful school year. To make these happen, we are looking to partner with you, so our students know they have a team working for them to be great! Our goal in this first quarter is to:
Instill identity by internalizing the power of a Boston Prep Phoenix
Hold students accountable for their classwork, behavior, and overall growth per our policies and virtues
Create moments of joy where school is safe and enjoyable
Please be sure to:
Remind your student to be on time
Remind your student to be in correct uniform
Remind your student who they are and your expectation for greatness
We look forward to partnering with you!
2. Family Committee Meeting
Family Committee Meeting has been rescheduled for Wednesday, September 11 at 6pm in person and zoom option available. Join Zoom Meeting: https://bostonprep-org.zoom.us/j/99345034010: Meeting ID: 993 4503 4010
3. Family Town Hall
Join us on Thursday, September 5 from 6 pm-6:45 pm via zoom at our Family Town Hall led by our school principals.
High School Topic: iReady Diagnostic
Middle School Topic: General Updates
4. Back to School Night
Join us for our upcoming Back to School Night on Thursday, September 12th from 5-6:45pm. This event is an opportunity for families to connect with their child's teacher and discover ways to engage with their child's education. You will have an opportunity to meet teachers, school leadership, advisors and tour our building!
5. Free Breakfast and Lunch Letter
6. School Breakfast and Lunch Menu
7. Arrival and Dismissal Process
Having a safe arrival and dismissal process is a top priority for us. We ask that you take time to review this process and share with your student. Parents enter at the entrance section and turn right up to the faculty member standing. They will direct you where to go Once the entrance and lot is full, parents will be asked to wait on off street parking. Parents please stay in your cars. Drop off and and go If walking, we kindly ask that you use the crosswalk.
If your child rides the yellow bus and you plan to pick them up instead on any given day, you must send an email 30 minutes before dismissal to: attendance@bostonprep.org.
8. Metro School Uniforms
We ask all students and families to commit to the Middle School and High School dress codes at all times when on our campus. Families can purchase uniforms through Metro School Uniforms.
Middle School: https://metroschooluniforms.com/collections/boston-prep-grades-6-8
High School: https://metroschooluniforms.com/collections/boston-prep-grades-9-12
Address: 745 Dudley St, Dorchester, MA 02125
Hours: Monday - Saturday: 11am - 6pm and closed on Sunday’s
Phone: (774) 500-4085
Website: https://metroschooluniforms.com
9. Powerschool
What is Powerschool?
- PowerSchool is an app that provides student information. The software is used by schools, teachers, administrators, and families to improve student outcomes. PowerSchool provides information on schedules, attendance, and helps students and parents access information
- A guide, username and password for Powerschool will be available. Check your emails and for this important and useful information.
- Make sure to download this app for easy access to your phone.
10. Middle School Announcements
Middle School Culture Team
- Important message from the Middle School Culture Team: Accountability system, updated dress code and important “needs to know” for the school year 2024-2025.
11. High School Announcements
- Important message from the High School Culture Team: Accountability system, updated dress code and important “needs to know” for the school year 2024-2025.
- Cell Phone Use: Students are not allowed to use their cell phones to communicate during school hours. Boston Prep is a cell phone free school, if you need to reach your child, please contact the front desk directly.
- Dress Code: Students must be in full uniform every day. Please note that crocs, slides, bonnets, and durags are not permitted.
- Please remember to regularly check your emails for important updates and information about your child.
12. Athletics
Please use this link to register for fall sports: https://students.arbitersports.com/boston-prep-athletics.
An updated physical MUST be submitted to the school nurses to participate in sports. Please make sure we have an updated one on file.
13. Enrichment
All High School Summer Enrichment Verification: Students are required to participate in high-quality summer enrichment programs that promote their personal, academic, and professional growth.
Examples of qualified summer enrichment programs include: participating in an academic camp or pre-college program, completing an internship program, volunteering a minimum of 40 hours of community service, enrolling in a leadership training institute or camp, or obtaining a summer position through SuccessLink, ABCD, or other youth summer employment opportunities.
For Returning High School Students: To ensure that you receive credit for your summer enrichment program, please have your supervisor/manager at your summer enrichment site, complete this Summer Enrichment Verification Form. Once Ms. Fontes receives the form, she will email students a follow-up.
Clubs & Extracurriculars : After-school clubs start on Tuesday, September 3, 2024. Clubs will meet on Mondays, Tuesdays, or Thursdays from 3:15 - 4:15 pm. A tentative list of after-school clubs can be found here.
Sophomore Students and Families: Summer Search free program that supports high school students with professional mentoring, experiential learning, and college preparation.
Upcoming Prospective Student Open House, specifically designed for current 10th graders.
Save the Date, Event Details:
Date: September 20th
Time: 5:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Location: Summer Search Boston Office - 3840 Washington St, Boston, MA 02130
The RSVP Form from Summer Search will be released soon (check back next week).
14. Nurses Corner
Updated physical and Immunization Record: If you have an updated physical and immunization record for your student, please make sure to submit that to the school asap. An updated physical is also required to play any sport at school.
15. College Counseling Office (CCO)
9/10th School Counselor: This year, Ryan Cutillo, Boston Prep’s school counselor, is teaching a 9th and 10th Seminar. During Semester 1, Ryan will teach the course to all 9th graders. The focus of the course is to ensure all freshmen start strong, understand Boston Prep academic expectations and policies, and start to explore their individual strengths. If you are interested in connecting with Ryan about his role and how he can support you and your student, please reach out to him at rcutillo@bostonprep.org.
Senior College Counseling: Similar to the 9/10th Seminar, Ariel Perry and Sarah Dewey, Boston Prep’s college counselors, will be teaching a course during Semester 1 to all seniors. The focus of this seminar is to explore college/career options, with an ultimate goal of submitting applications to these programs throughout the fall. We will aim to meet with all senior families this fall to discuss their individual senior’s pathway. Please be on the lookout for an email from either Ms. Perry or Ms. Dewey about how to sign up for these meetings.
16. Family Resources
For information about resources, please familiarize yourselves with our Boston Prep resource page: https://www.bostonprep.org/resources
- Thursday, September 5: Family Town Hall Meeting: 6-6:45PM (zoom)
- Wednesday, September 11: Family Committee Meeting: 6-7PM (in-person and zoom)
- Thursday, September 12: Back to School Night 5-6:45pm
- Monday, October 14: Indigenous People’s Day - No School
- Friday, October 25: One Team PD Day - No School for Students
Have questions?
Please don’t ever hesitate to reach out with questions! You can contact your child’s advisor or utilize any of the emails/websites below.
- To check out our School Calendar click here
- To check out our Student and Family Handbook click here
- For questions about buses, MBTA passes, and transportation: transportation@bostonprep.org
- To report an absence or tardiness or any attendance related matters: attendance@bostonprep.org
- To submit a physical exam record or to discuss health-related topics: nurses@bostonprep.org
- For questions or documents related to enrollment: enrollment@bostonprep.org
- For information about resources, please familiarize yourselves with our Boston Prep resource page: https://www.bostonprep.org/resources
- For other questions: info@bostonprep.org