'Clote Convo- The 10th Grade Scoop
December 3rd
Keep In The Loop With The Scoop!
The Winter Showcase is Next Week!
Date: December 12th
When: 5:30-7:00pm Showcase & 7:00pm-8:00pm Concert
Where: 400 Building & Gymnasium
Come out and see what AHS has to offer! This year's theme is "the Polar Express". Check out amazing artwork from 3-D & 2-D Art students, and also enjoy the awesome treats & creations from the CTE Programs (Culinary, Promotional Enterprise, and Am Skills). We will then finish up the night with a Band Concert starting at 7pm in the school gym.
WINTER Retakes- Graduation Requirements
Starting next week on December 9th, students will begin re-taking the ALG 1 exam if they did not score a Level 3 or above. Remember that your child must be proficient on either the ALG 1 exam or the GEO exam in 10th Grade to graduate. Retakes are not optional and should be taken seriously if your child still has not passed this graduation requirement! Please be on a lookout for a communication on when your child will be testing.
The End of Semester 1 is Approaching!
Please know that Semester 1 ends on Jan. 10th. Many teachers will be finalizing grades before we leave for Winter Break. Please check MyStudent to ensure your child is On-Track! If they fail Semester 1, your child must start attending the Extended School Day Program Semester 2 in order to recover their credit and repair their GPA. Athletes need to stay on track to avoid becoming ineligible after the Winter Break. Grades will be posted in MyStudent on Jan 17th.
**If your child does not have 9 Credits & a 2.0 GPA at the end of this Semester, that means they are Off-Track & must attend the After School Program. Information on that program is listed below in the section titled, After School Program**
Important PSAT Exam Announcement: Students who took the PSAT on October 23rd at Anclote High School can now review their exam scores. Students also met with their counselor and received a handout on these scores.
Parents you can also register for a Webinar happening December 5th, to better understand these results at: collegeboard.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_2z5W85xtQCy2W4Ooap3Ytg#/registration
Reminder: There are huge benefits to taking this exam seriously, and success on the exam can result in being awarded the National Merit Scholarship of $2,500. For students who have not yet met graduation requirements for mathematics, if they score a 430 on the math portion of the exam, this can count as their concordant math score for graduation.
Questions? Please reach out to 10th Grade Counselor, Ms. Maertin
VR Career Support for ESE Students
Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) is a federal-state program that helps people who have disabilities get or keep a job. VR is committed to helping people with disabilities find meaningful careers. Passage of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act further supports VR efforts to prepare students and out-of-school youth with disabilities for success in the 21st century workforce through our Pre-Employment Transition Services (Pre-ETS) and Transition Youth Programs.
Questions? Please reach out to Mrs. Bender, 10th Grade SSAP
Reminder of Academic Lunch!
If your child needs to make up a test, is struggling in class, or looking for support, please let us know! Mrs. Bender our 10th Grade SSAP is offering support through academic lunch!
Academic Lunch runs every week (Monday-Friday) in room 3-166
A Lunch Support- Ms. Ortiz
B Lunch Support- Mrs. Bender
If you are interested in the opportunity, please reach out to Mrs. Bender at ckaraszk@pasco.k12.fl.us
After School Program (ESD) has Begun!
If your child is struggling in a class or needs to make up a credit/class they failed, then please know your options!
If your child failed course or is off-track they are eligible to attend our After-School Program from 3:15pm-5:15pm in our testing labs (3-141). Student are also eligible for bussing. If you are interested in the opportunity, please reach out to Mrs. Bender at ckaraszk@pasco.k12.fl.us
Why is Maintaining a 2.0 GPA so Important?
Did you know that in order to be eligible for Sports & Graduation that students must maintain a 2.0 GPA (C Average). Failure to do so means they forfeit eligibility for at least one semester for Athletics.
Students also must show proficiency this year on their 10th Grade ELA exam and the GEO exam in the Spring, as this is a graduation requirement. If your child was a Level 1 student on the 9th Grade Math Assessment, ask their current teacher for info on how to access IXL to improve math skills! Students who are a Level 1 in ELA should be assigned to the Intensive Reading course.
Information on current Graduation Requirements can be found here: https://www.fldoe.org/schools/k-12-public-schools/sss/graduation-requirements/
Reminder of Athletics Information
Winter Sports have begun & Spring Sports are just around the corner!
Requirements for Students to Participate in Athletics:
-Students must have a 2.0 GPA
-Have an up to date physical
-Pay $80 Athletic Fee
-Create account in athleticclearance.com and tag themselves to the sport they want to play at AHS
-Complete Concussion, Heat Illness, Cardiac Arrest Trainings
If you have questions reach out to our Athletic Director Jennifer Palmer
School News- Youtube
New this year AHS is going to be running a school news. Students will begin participating in these segments that will be played daily for students. Tune in to the channel on YouTube @CloteNews
Loss of Privilege (LOP)
Please know that students who are Off-Track for Graduation may not be able to participate in some extracurriculars, including athletics. Students must have A's, B's, and C's with no Level 3 referrals, and Good Attendance.
-Includes but is not limited to: On-Track Celebrations, Homecoming Dance, Homecoming Court, Field Trips, Pep Rallies, etc.
Community Support
Did you know that Gulfside Elementary School has been awarded the label of being a UCF Certified Community Partnership School? This means they can support families with the following items and they are right down the street:
-Dental Screenings
-Medical Insurance Support
-Clothes Closet
-Food Pantry
-School Supplies
Dress Code Policy
WCD Policy
Don't Forget!
Please go to our school website to see a school calendar of events & to receive weekly information!
Under the Calendar tab on the school website you can find information for Athletics, School Events, and Testing
10th Grade Support Team
James Smith- Assistant Principal
Katie Maertin- Counselor
Claudia Bender- SSAP
Jessica Bowen- Social Services Coordinator
Dan Shaffer- Discipline IA
Jennifer Palmer- Class Sponsor