Austin Packer Bulletin - 10/11/2024

Showing Up: Why Attendance Matters
As the superintendent of Austin Public Schools (APS), I am committed to ensuring that every student in our district has the opportunity and support they need to succeed. Today, I want to emphasize one of the most critical – yet often overlooked – factors affecting student success: attendance.
There is a clear link between school attendance and academic achievement. Students who maintain attendance above 90% are more likely to have higher grades, perform better on tests, and graduate on time. These accomplishments are not just boxes to be checked. Instead, they are stepping stones for future success, whether attending college, training for a technical vocation, or entering the workforce.
Did You Know?
- AHS students in attendance ≥ 90% of the time in 23-24 have an average GPA of 3.037, compared to students in attendance < 70% having an average GPA of 0.827.
- AHS students in attendance ≥ 90% of the time earned on average 6.45 credits for 23-24, compared to students in attendance < 80% having earned an average of 3.02 credits
- AHS Gr.11 students in attendance ≥ 90% score on average over 4 composite points higher on the ACT than students in attendance < 80%.
- APS Gr.03 students in attendance ≥ 90% score on average over 12 scale score points higher on the MN MCA Reading assessment than students in attendance < 80%.
- APS Gr.08 students in attendance ≥ 90% score on average over 11 scale score points higher on the MN MCA Mathematics assessment than students in attendance < 80%.
During the 2022-2023 school year, 32.9% of APS students were chronically absent, meaning they were absent greater than 10% of the time. This level of absenteeism can profoundly affect student achievement.
When students attend school consistently, they engage more deeply in academics and build meaningful relationships with teachers and peers while participating in activities that shape their sense of identity and what inspires them. Missing school means missing out on these opportunities, and chronic absenteeism (missing 10% or more of school days) makes it much harder for students to catch up.
To reduce absenteeism, our staff is partnering closely with families and caregivers of students who are consistently absent to create individualized attendance plans that address the root causes, like transportation, housing instability, medical needs, mental health challenges, or other barriers. APS has partnerships with community organizations that can help, and we are here to provide guidance and support for our students and their families along the way.
Thankfully, we're making progress. In 2023, the North Star Accountability Report showed that APS's consistent attendance rates increased from 61.5% to 67.1%. This means more students attended over 90% of the days they were enrolled. While I'm proud of this improvement, we still have work to raise attendance further and ensure every student stays on track for success.
Undoubtedly, strong connections play a crucial role in improving attendance. When students feel safe, valued, and supported in school, they are more likely to attend and participate. At APS, we believe that fostering strong connections to school and learning starts with showing up. By working together, we can ensure that every child has the chance to excel, both in the classroom and beyond.
Next week is a short one! The Austin Packer Bulletin returns on October 25.
Dr. Joey Page, Superintendent
Direct Admissions
Austin High School, Austin Online Academy, and Austin Area Learning Center successfully held the Direct Admissions Minnesota letter ceremony for qualifying seniors, marking the second year of this program in Austin. Direct Admissions Minnesota is an innovative initiative that helps high school students understand their post-secondary education and training opportunities at various colleges across Minnesota. During the ceremony, eligible seniors received information about the colleges where they already meet the admission criteria.
Why Direct Admissions? Minnesota faces significant educational attainment gaps, particularly among Black, Indigenous, and other communities of color. These disparities exist throughout the education system. Direct Admissions aims to close these equity gaps in college enrollment by using four key strategies:
- Encouraging a college-going culture,
- Connecting students, families, and schools with colleges earlier to allow more time for planning and decision-making,
- Smoothing the transition from high school to college, and
- This demonstrates that students have access to a certificate, associate degree, or bachelor's degree if they continue their education.
From The Boardroom
After 24 rewarding years of service, it is with mixed emotions that I retire from the Austin School Board. Since joining the board in 2000, I have had the privilege of serving as clerk, treasurer, vice chairwoman, and chairwoman. I have always aimed to strengthen our schools by helping shape policies that benefit all learners. Contributing to our district's success alongside such dedicated colleagues and educators has been an honor.
Reflecting on my tenure, I am confident that our collective work on the board has enhanced APS students' well-being and academic experience. I am filled with gratitude and a profound sense of pride as I step down.
I am eager to see the district's continued success in the years ahead, guided by its long-term strategic plan. I am confident that APS will continue creating an environment where every student has the support they need to become their best version.
While retiring from my school board position, I am excited to remain an active member of the APS community and support the district's future endeavors. As I pass the torch, I trust our unique, diverse, growing district will continue to thrive.
A sincere thank you for the support of my family, our community, and the ever-vibrant inspiration of our students.
Kathy Green
Women's History Assembly
Each March, Austin High School holds a Women's History Assembly, sponsored by the American Association of University Women, featuring special guest speakers. Unfortunately, this year's event was postponed due to inclement weather. Today, the school held the rescheduled event featuring special guest Minnesota Supreme Court Justice Anne McKeig.
Justice McKeigh shared her story with the students and took questions. Afterward, she met with two of our Packer Profile classes to answer more questions and share about her pathway. It was an amazing time and a great experience for everyone.
Common Sense Media Opportunity
Online Safety: Parenting Tips for Kids and Teens
Seguridad en línea: consejos para padres de niños y adolescentes
Austin High School Future Teachers Club
On Saturday, October 5th, members of the Austin High School Future Teachers Club attended their first Professional Development Conference: GeoFest 2024 at the University of Minnesota. They heard from Keynote speaker Kate Beane and learned about several topics including African American Studies, Ethiopian pottery and how it fits in with the 17 sustainability goals of the United Nations, climate literacy, teaching with story maps and picturebooks, ethnic studies, and more. Finally, they toured the university's map library as well as the West Bank neighborhood.
The Future Teachers Club members who attended were:
- Natalie Hernandez
- Andrea Hernandez Garcia
- Martha Mendoza Lopez
- Akeena Nathanael
- Ature Puro
- Mu Zan
The students were chaperoned on the trip by:
- Colleen Owens
- Lisa Sanders
- Kendra Maxfield
Are you ready for another Packercast? This month, we're talking to Austin Public Schools Translator Catalina Ferreira. You can check it out here, along with other episodes.
Reminder: StopFinder
Austin Public Schools and Palmer Bus Service have launched a new parent/guardian app called Stopfinder that will allow parents and guardians to track their children's school bus in real-time accurately. The easy-to-use app is secured so only authorized users can access school bus information.
Flu & Covid-19 Booster Shot Clinic for Employees & Family Members
Austin High School will host a Flu & Covid-19 Booster Shot Clinic on Monday, October 21, 2024, from 3:00 — 5:00 pm for employees and family members.
- Austin High School Conference Room A (Room 152A) - Enter thru Door #4 on the NW Corner of Austin High School
- Medicap Pharmacy will vaccinate ages 3 and up.
- The following types of Flu vaccine and a Covid-19 booster will be offered at the following rates:
- Quadrivalent - regular flu shot $65
- Flucelvax - for those with egg allergies $65
- High Dose - people 65 and older $110
- Flumist $75
- Covid-19 Booster $190
- Insurance cards for you and your family members
- Your family members
- Cash or check to cover the cost if you don’t have insurance or have a co-pay
- Completed consent form - Consent forms will also be available at the clinic.
Report A Concern
Austin Public Schools strives to address your questions and concerns quickly and effectively. Therefore, we have developed communication protocols to promote direct, open, and respectful interactions to resolve problems and concerns efficiently. Please visit our Report A Concern webpage to review our communication protocol.
Night Class Teacher
Our classrooms are full and have a waitlist, so we're looking to hire a licensed teacher to lead a Pre-Literacy Adult class. Following the APS calendar, the position is for Mondays and Wednesdays, 4:00-7:30 pm. A teaching license is required, and we're hiring immediately.
Staff Spotlight
At Austin Public Schools, our mission is to inspire, empower, and accelerate every one of our learners, and we know that the only way for us to reach this goal is through the efforts of all our incredibly hard-working staff.
In this week’s Staff Spotlight, we’re highlighting AHS Social Studies teacher Lisa Sanders.
"[Ms. Sanders] does an outstanding job getting students to do their best and I have heard many students talking about her ability to motivate them in the classroom."
If you’d like to nominate an outstanding Austin Public Schools staff member for our weekly Staff Spotlight, please take a moment to fill out the form at https://www.austin.k12.mn.us/district-resources/aps-staff-spotlight. It only takes a minute and can truly make someone’s day. Thanks!
Speaking of Health
In the News
Superintendent Coffee and Conversation
Please join me and a School Board member at the Coffee House on Main, 329 Main Street North, for coffee and conversation.
- 10/21
- 11/25
- 1/27/25
- 2/24
- 3/31
- 4/30
7:45 AM - 8:30 AM
You can reach me at joey.page@austin.k12.mn.us or call 507-460-1900 to schedule an appointment.
Next Week at APS
APS offers a wide range of student activities, including competitive athletics, intramurals, academic clubs, fine arts, and performing arts. View schedules and learn more here.
The school district strongly encourages anyone interested to apply to join our teams. Reasonable accommodations are available to access job openings or apply for a job. Click here to learn more.
Previous Austin Packer Bulletins
You can review previous issues here.
Title IX Information
Austin Public Schools does not discriminate on the basis of sex and prohibits sex discrimination in any education program or activity. Individuals may report concerns or questions or make a complaint of sex discrimination to the Title IX Coordinator, Sue Stark.