The Patrick Henry Post
April 21st, 2023
MAP Season
Congratulations, Upper Elementary!
Congratulations on finishing your MAP assessments and trying your best!
Thank you, Girl Scouts!
Girl Scouts only has one session left!
PreK Growth
P4s Preparing for Kindergarten
Thank you, Live! By Loews!
Ms. Versen and Ms. Jami's Adventures
Parent Resources Available for Summer
As we approach our last month of school, we are preparing our families and students for summer. This might mean giving students academic supplies they can use to keep their skills sharp over the summer, or it might mean giving families support with clothing, shoes, food resources, and hygiene kits. Please reach out to the school if your family needs anything specific over the summer to make sure your child is well cared for in the months away from school, and take a look below for the resources we already have in place.
The Little Bit Foundation
The Parent Resource Room
The Patrick Henry Family Resource Fair
Summer School
Congratulations, STAR Winners!
Perfect Attendance
Eriana Garnett
Zaccheus Rucker-Smith
Jesus Rivers
Jayden Chatman
Katherine Winfield
Justina Thomas
Rylee Bailey
Kadence Henry
Knowledge Davis
Jermaine Jones
Jersey Brooks
Mia Rice
Geremiah Parris
Amelia Bailey
Damarious Shorter
Andrew Hunt
Zurell Harris
Anthony Chatman
Demond Williams
Dshaun Shorter
AIden Perkins
Lauren White
Deonte Jernigan
Ezavion Grant-Hampton
Gemini Davis
La'Niya Daniels
Upcoming Events at Patrick Henry
April 29th, Resource Fair at Patrick Henry
May 1st - May 5th, Educator Appreciation Week
May 5th, Flash Mob
May 9th and May 10th, Field Trip to Forest Park
Patrick Henry has received a grant to send five classes to Forest Park's Nature Playscape! Students will meet with park rangers and environmentalists who work to preserve this beautiful park and protect the plants and animals native to Missouri.
Please make sure your Kindergarten/1st grade student is on time on May 9th, and your 2nd/3rd grade student is on time on May 10th so they do not miss out on this amazing field trip opportunity!