Freeman Frolic
January 13 - 17, 2025

Everyday Counts
Imagine Believe Achieve
School Counselor Week
Title I Literacy Night
Imagine, Believe, Achieve
Please bring your family and join us for Literacy Night at Rachel Freeman. You will visit engaging literacy stations, meet R. Freeman teachers and staff, and enjoy a nice meal.
Imagine, Believe, Achieve Literacy Night
Tuesday, February 11, 2025
5:00 pm - 6:30 pm
Happening This Week!
February 3 - 7, 2025
School Counselors Week
Happy School Counselors Week to Ms. Stiles! Your support and love for the staff and students at R. Freeman does not go unnoticed! Thank you for ALL you do!
Monday, February 3, 2025
ACCESS Testing for ML Students (1st Grade)
Tuesday, February 4, 2025
ACCESS Testing for ML Students (4th and 5th Grades)
Freeman Scholars After School Program
Wednesday, February 5, 2025
ACCESS Testing for ML Students (2nd Grade Group B)
Wonderful Wednesday
Thursday, February 6, 2025
Freeman Scholars After School Program
Friday, February 7, 2025
Fantastic Friday
Looking Ahead
Monday, Feb 10, 2025 - Workday/Prof Development is Scheduled
Tuesday, Feb 11, 2025 - Literacy Night
Golden Bears from January 27-31
Schools in the Pools
2nd Grade Swimming Program
In late February, our 2nd graders are invited to participate in the Schools in the Pools program. More information is coming, but here are some water safety tidbits. The information below is from the following website: https://www.nseaswim.com/inquire/why-we-care
Water Safety in the U.S.
No child is ever water safe. The goal of swim lessons is to make children SAFER in, on, and around water.
79% of children in households with incomes less than $50,000 have little-to-no swimming ability.
Research shows 64% of African-American, 45% of Hispanic/Latino, and 40% of Caucasian children have little to no swimming ability.
10 people drown each day in the United States.
Drowning is the second leading cause of unintentional injury deaths among kids under 14.
Among black children, the fatal drowning rate is nearly three times higher than that of white children within the same age bracket, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Formal swimming lessons reduces the likelihood of childhood drowning by 88%.
AIG Newsletter
Keep School a Learning Environment
Dear Students and Parents,
At our school, we are dedicated to creating a focused and engaging environment where every student can thrive and succeed in their learning. To help maintain this atmosphere, we kindly ask that distractions such as cell phones, stuffed animals, ski masks, and blankets be left at home. These items can interfere with the classroom experience and take away from valuable instructional time. By working together, we can ensure that school remains a place where education and growth are the top priorities. Thank you for your understanding and support in fostering a positive learning environment.
Rachel Freeman Administration
Away for the Day
At R. Freeman Elementary School, cell phones and personal devices are expected to be away for the day.
- Students will keep personal devices turned off and put away in backpacks.
- This included phones, smart watches, tablets, laptops, headphones, earpods, and similar devices that are not school-issued.
- Students may access their personal devices before school (before they enter the building) and after announcements (2:30pm).
- Students may NOT access their personal devices during the school day (7:15am - 2:30pm).
- Parents may call the front office to leave messages for their student (910) 250-6011
- If a student needs to call home, they can use the front office phone.
How can families support in this area?
- Please support by not expecting your student to access their phone during the school day.
- Students can bring devices to school to let families know they have arrived or about after school plans. They just cannot access the device during the school day.
Open a Savings Account for Your Freeman Bear
As a community of engineers, we will collaborate and use creative thinking to
solve problems, build dreams and continue to be 21st century learners.
We follow the Bear Necessities.
Be Safe. Be Responsible. Be Kind.