Week 7, Term 4 - Friday 2 December 2022
Kia Manawanui - Have a Heart
Kia Māia - Be Courageous
Kia Kaha - Do Your Best
Kia Ora - Be Well
from miss sattler
Kia ora whānau and caregivers,
This coming Monday, 5 December we will be delighted to welcome Ngatai Walker back to his Principal role. As Acting Principal, I would like to personally thank our tamariki for being the absolute taonga they are and our community for supporting and caring for our school as you do.
To all our team here at Puketapu, thank you for your strong mahi, aroha for your tamariki and one another and the values you show every day. I never cease to be proud of our team.
To our community, thank you too for your patience and understanding as we continue to work through the puzzle of 2023 making careful decisions to provide the best teaching and learning environment for our tamariki, kaiako, support staff and school as a whole. We are very close to finalising our plans and will communicate the whole picture with you asap.
With community feedback, our BOT have worked hard to develop three inspiring and heart warming strategic aims. The third strategic aim is Kawa o te Mauri Tanagata Whenua
Thank you to everyone who provided their input into these aims and we look forward to sharing more about how these will support and enrich the learning at our school.
Community survey
We are seeking feedback about how well we are teaching the Values.
Please take a few moments to fill in our form:
somadd... NEXT WEEK
SOMADD stands for School of Music, Art, Dance & Drama.
It is our kaupapa for Term 4 which ends with a wonderful celebration evening to share our learning
This year we are celebrating our newest School Value - Kia Ora, Be Well and how we would like to show Kia Ora this summer in our community.
Please come and join us to help celebrate the end of the school year - next Friday 9 December from 4.30pm (Main concert starts at 6.15pm)
christmas raffles
Check out our video below and keep those Raffle donations coming... Last day for donations is Wednesday 7 December. Thank you to those individuals and businesses who have already donated.
Our year 5, 6, 7 & 8s on route to Hawera to attend the Tough Kid Challenge (we will share some photos next week)
Rimu & Totara are enjoying their Ranui day which includes bouncy castles, water slides and an Ice Cream Truck!
school values
"While we try to teach our children all about life,
Our children teach us what life is all about" - Angela Schwindt
Looks like we missed a few photos again this week, we did manage to capture this Superstar though... Ka Pai Nicole Jupp.
Duffy Awards are given out for tamariki "Caught Being Good" at any number of things. Recipients get to choose a book to keep.
There were lots more happy readers taking books home this week - here are just a few:
Nivahn Clarry, Carlos Zenovich, Noah Gomez, Marcel Engels, Hoani Adams, Tiaki Leaf and Rosalie Rodgers.
On the menu for next week...
Monday: Pizza
Tuesday: Hotdogs
Wednesday: Butter Chicken
Thursday: Club Sammys
Friday: Meatball Subs
Our junior tamariki were treated to a sausage sizzle as part of their Ranui day today. Yum!
Big smiles from Teresa, Sharron and Charlotte - our kitchen legends!
come and check the lost property
thank you
Thank you to Nicola Gorrie for calling on her family to get the job done - by digging weeds, providing plants, planting plants and barking the whole space too!
What a difference a bit of teamwork makes! Thank you Nicola, Nana Raewyn and Pop (Rod)!
this week at school
From Tōtara 4 and 5
A puppet show retelling the story of Ngake and Whātaitai the taniwha of Wellington harbour with the puppets they created.
Romie Marlow, Ayaan Faruk and Tyde Simpson working on repeating patterns for Algebra.
Bethany Thomson, Jaxon Kuchler and Kohen Harvey from Tōtara 2 with their Reindeer masterpieces.
We have some of the other reindeer pictures on the wall in the office - it was a difficult job to pick just 6 to display!
Kauri have been doing fun games in Drama. This one is to get them to think about how to use their bodies to tell stories. They made a bicycle, a pirate ship and a three-headed monster.
The tamariki had to communicate, collaborate and move together.
Whaea Kelly, some of us remember when you were taller than this young man!
It is great to see some of our former students coming back to say hello.
WAFFLES!!!! Does that mean Miss Sowman has been in class?
Beautiful, colourful art work in Kauri
The Kauri team mascot Bowie with Jurnee Rei
from home
If you have anything you would like to share or celebrate from home please email it to ksmith@puketapu.school.nz
Stationery for 2023
Lists for all 2023 classes are available now on https://www.myschool.co.nz/puketapubb
Don’t wait until mid-January when the ‘team of 5 million’ get home from holiday - order now and avoid the back to school rush.
OfficeMax have Laybuy*, so you can pay in 6 weekly, interest-free instalments - and still get your order right away. Or you can pay by internet banking, credit card or debit card.
When you shop on https://www.myschool.co.nz/puketapubb you’ll receive free delivery on orders over $46*. You will also help our school earn school rewards* that we use to purchase much needed extra resources for our school.
* Terms & Conditions apply, see myschool.co.nz for details.
- Carter Taylor
- Vinnie Luke
- Onaleah Zandbergen
- Indy Johnstone
Upcoming dates
Please check the Hero App for more dates specific to your child's class.
Saturday 3 December
- Bell Block Xmas parade - look out for the Puketapu Float
Wednesday 7 December
- Meet the Teacher for 2023
- Leaders Celebration Day
Thursday 8 December
- Board of Trustees Meeting 5.30pm
Friday 9 December
- SOMADD Community Event
(open from 4.30, main show starts 6.15pm)
Wednesday 14 December
- Final Student Showcase and Awards (Whānau invited) 10am @ Northpoint
Thursday 15 December
- Last Day for 2022 - School finishes at 12pm
Community notices
ReCharge Intermediate Youth Flyer
Waitara learn to sail
the lemon club
Click here to book your childs space at The Lemon Club https://enrolmy.com/the-lemon-club/book-now/9-Before-and-After-school-care-at-Puketapu-School-Term-3-2022-
Puketapu School
Email: office@puketapu.school.nz
Website: www.puketapu.school.nz
Location: Dillon Drive, Bell Block, New Plymouth, New Zealand
Phone: 06 755 0973