St Elizabeth's News
Rebecca Clarke | Principal
Dear parents and caregivers,
There is nothing better than the cold mornings that follow with lovely warm sunshine. Apart from the large downpour on Wednesday, the weather has been great! Pyjama Day on Thursday was a great fundraising event for LifeLink and all staff and students enjoyed coming to school in their pyjamas! Let's be honest there is nothing better than coming to school in your uggboots!
It was my privilege to attend the Year One Liturgy on Wednesday. Despite the weather, the Year One students were joined by parents, grandparents, siblings and the Year Two students. The students read and sang beautifully! Thank you to Miss Baxter and Mrs Lawrence for preparing our students so well and to Father Peter for joining us on the day.
On Wednesday night we held a Mater Dei College Parent Information Session. Mrs Annette Moray (Principal) and Mr John Laurito (Vice Principal) spoke with parents from St Elizabeth’s and St Anthony’s about information about Secondary Education and the opportunities on offer at Mater Dei College. For any parents that were unable to attend, information can be found on the Mater Dei College website
You may have noticed that a beautiful, sacred space is being created in the bush between the admin building and the office. This area is a dedicated space for students, staff and classes to visit and reflect on the wonder of God’s creation or simply an area to just sit and be one with nature. Mrs Curtis has received funding for native plants to be planted in this area to add to the natural surroundings. Thank you to the staff who have put time into creating this area.
Due to the Cross Country being held on Thursday June 8 we have made a change to the Assembly roster. There will be no Assembly in Week 7 with it being moved to Week 10, Thursday June 29. The focus of this Assembly will be NAIDOC Week with our Year Six students facilitating.
Servite Day will be recognised on Thursday, June 15. This year we will be teaming up with the St Anthony of Padua Parish and the local St Vinnies to take part in the Winter Food Appeal 'Meal in a Can'. Instead of bringing a gold coin donation we will be asking each child a can of soup that will be donated towards this great cause .. the aim is to donate 180 cans of soup!
Finally, please save the date for the St Anthony of Padua Parish, Wanneroo will be celebrating their 91st Annual Festival and Procession which will be held on Sunday, June 18. St Elizabeth’s community will join with St Anthony’s School and the parish to form a celebratory procession starting at 2pm. It would be lovely to have a large sea of red as a strong representation of our school community in the procession.
Enjoy the long weekend and I will see you all on Tuesday June 6. Happy WA Day to you all!
God bless
Rebecca Clarke
Save the date: St Anthony of Padua Parish, Wanneroo Annual Festival and Procession
Important Dates
Monday 5 June
- Public Holiday - School closed
Wednesday 7 June
- Life Link Day Launch (selected Year Six students)
Thursday 8 June
- Cross Country Carnival - Years 1 to 6 - 9am to 11am
Wednesday 14 June
- P&F Meeting @ 5:30pm in Staffroom
- SAC Meeting @ 7pm in Staffroom
Thursday 15 June
- Servite Day - Assembly @ 8:45am
Sunday 18 June
- St Anthony of Padua Parish Celebrations
Lifelink –PJ Day and Gold Coin Donation
At St Elizabeth's, we have continued our tradition of celebrating a LifeLink fundraiser with our annual Pyjama Day. It was great to see all of the staff, students and some families arrive at school in their favourite pyjamas and bring a gold coin donation for LifeLink. We raised a total of $272.85. Thank you!
On Wednesday 7th June, four students will travel to Newman College to represent our school in the official launch of Life Link Day. The LifeLink Day Schools Initiative was established in 1999 to;
- Promote understanding of the Church’s response to people in need within the community.
- Instil in Catholic students, a sense of responsibility for caring for those less fortunate.
- Provide education and information of the work the LifeLink social service agencies, which help many thousands of Western Australians in need each year.
- Encourage a “practical demonstration of Faith” by asking students, teachers and schools to organise a special fundraising event for LifeLink Day, with the proceeds aiding people in real need within the community.
National Reconciliation Week
National Reconciliation Week begins on the 27th May and runs until 3rd June. This week marks two important events in our year as Australians and begins immediately after National Sorry Day on May 26th. National Sorry Day is a time where we apologise for the poor choices of past generations in the treatment of Aboriginal people. It is an opportunity for us to appreciate the contributions of the first Australians and to acknowledge that decisions of the past have had great negative effects on the lives of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.
Extending this apology is an important step in the process of reconciliation. May 27 is the anniversary of the 1967 referendum in which more than 90 percent of Australians voted ‘Yes’ to count Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples in the census and give Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples the right to vote and have a say in the government of the country. June 3 marks the anniversary of the historic 1992 Mabo decision in which the High Court of Australia recognised native title – the recognition that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples’ rights over their lands did survive British colonisation. The theme for 2023 is Be a voice for Generations.
Mid Year Reports
This year CEWA have made some changes to the school reports to align with SCSA requirements. The Semester 1 Report will now be named the Mid-Year Report, showing student progress mid-year against the end of year targets. The Mid-Year Reports will be available to parents on Thursday, 29 June.
Parents will be able to access their child’s report through our Parent SEQTA portal (SEQTA Engage). Those parents who do not have older siblings and who have not previously accessed SEQTA Engage or who are new to the school this year, will receive a ‘Welcome’ email which will give step by step instructions on how to set up your account and login. This email will be sent in the coming week. Please note that this email may end up in your ‘Junk/spam’ folder.
If you have any issues with setting up your Parent Engage account please contact the office.
Year 6 Confirmation
Our Year Six students made their Confirmation on the weekend. This aligns with the current period in the church calendar, the Feast of Pentecost, we commemorate the descent of the Holy Spirit upon the Apostles and other followers of Jesus while they were in Jerusalem celebrating the Jewish Feast of Weeks. At this time, the Apostles received the Gifts of the Holy Spirit. Congratulations to the Year Six and their families and thank you to Fr Peter, the parish, St Anthony’s and Mr Reberio for their efforts in preparing and supporting the students.
Sick Students
There has been an increase in students attending school unwell in recent weeks and whilst some are reporting testing positive to COVID, there are also a significant number presenting with other illnesses. It is important that if your child has any symptoms or is feeling unwell, that they stay home, rest and recover. We still have a supply of RAT kits available. If you would like any, please collect these from the office.
Year 6 Project - seeking expertise in cooking Asian dishes
As Term 2 comes to a close, the Year 6 class is looking to celebrate the rich diversity of our school community. We have been studying the continent of Asia this term for Geography and in Week 10 we are looking to combine our learning with a “Taste of Asia” food festival for our class. We will be highlighting the many culinary delights of Asian cuisine. To make this authentic, I am looking for any parents or families that may have expertise in cooking Asian dishes and with time in Week 10 during the day to come in and help us. Whether you are skilled in Chinese, Japanese, Indian, Korean, Thai or Vietnamese or any other Asian cuisine, your participation would help make a significant difference! If you do have the time or any questions, please send me an email at
Thank you!
Chris Rebeiro
Year 6 Teacher
Lunch Orders now available TUESDAY and THURSDAY
Nominate a volunteer!
CSPWA 2023 Photo Competition
Containers for Change
This year the Year 6 students are raising money through the Containers for Change initiative to donate to LifeLink. If you and your family have spare cans or bottles that you would like to contribute to our school collection, please scan this barcode when you are returning your containers, every container counts!
Attention all space explorers!
Blast off into outer space this Winter School Holidays with Junior Engineers’ new out-of-this-world Coding & Robotics Camps for Kids 5 to 13 years old!
Receive a $25 discount by using the code NEWBIE25. The code expires Sunday 4 June.
Book now to secure your place and learn their new space themed curriculum!
Term Dates 2023
Term 1 Start Date Wednesday 1 February
Term 1 End Date Thursday 6 April
Term 2 Start Date Wednesday 26 April
Term 2 End Date Friday 30 June
Term 3 Start Date Monday 17 July
Term 3 End Date Friday 22 September
Term 4 Start Date Tuesday 10 October
Term 4 End Date Friday 8 December
Student Free Dates 2023
Friday 3 March
Monday 24 April
Friday 18 August
Monday 21 August
Monday, 9 October
Please note, these dates are subject to change. If these dates for Professional Learning do require amending, parents will be notified well in advance.
Liturgical Dates
Sacramental Dates
Candidate Commitment Mass
Saturday 25th March 6.00pm
Sunday 26th March 7.30am
Sunday 26th March 9.00am
Parent/Child Workshop
Tuesday 16th May 5.00pm
Candidate Retreat
Friday 19th May
Saturday 27th May 6.00pm
Sunday 28th May 11.00am
Saturday 10th June 6.00pm
Certificate Weekend
Sunday 11th June
First Holy Communion
Candidate Commitment Mass
Saturday 24th June 6.00pm
Sunday 25th June 7.30am
Sunday 25th June 9.00am
Sunday 25th June 6.00pm
Parent/Child Workshop
Tuesday 8th August 5.00pm
Candidate Retreat
Friday 11th August
Saturday 19th August 6.00pm
Sunday 20th August 9.00am
Sunday 20th August 6.00pm
Saturday 26th August 6.00pm
Sunday 27th August 9.00am
Sunday 27th August 6.00pm
Certificate Weekend
Saturday 2nd and Sunday 3rd September
Commitment Mass
Saturday 16th September 6.00pm
Sunday 17th September 7.30am
Sunday 17th September 9.00am
Sunday 17th September 6.00pm
Parent Workshop
Wednesday 25th October 5.00pm
Candidate Retreat
Friday 3rd November
Tuesday 7th November 5.00pm
Wednesday 8th November 5.00pm
Thursday 9th November 5.00pm
Certificate Weekend
Saturday 12th and Sunday 13th November
St Elizabeth's Catholic Primary School
Location: 30 Ranworth Road, Hocking WA 6065, Australia
Phone: (08) 9303 7600
Twitter: @stecps