Amy's Weekly Writeup
What you need to know for the week ahead (12/2-12/6, 2019)
Shout Out!
This week's shout out was nominated by Mary and goes to Suzanne Taylor for covering her recess duty with Joey on Friday. This enabled Mary to enjoy the Paraprofessionals' Appreciation lunch with her colleagues. Thanks, Suzanne!
To nominate someone for a shout out, just email me!
On Deck For Next Week; CCS Events and Holidays
Tuesday: National Roof Over Your Head Day. It is a day of appreciation for the things we have, starting with the roof over our heads.
Wednesday: 1:50 dismissal; Para meeting here; Math PD with Amy Chang, Reading Specialists' meeting, Related Arts meeting, and Nurses' meeting all at Mohawk
Thursday: Repeal Day is today. It commemorates the repeal of the 18th Amendment. Once more, Americans were free to buy, sell, and consume alcoholic beverages.
Friday: Bartender Appreciation Day in Europe.
Friday Fun
Friday Fun for Dec. 6th will be a special reading over the morning announcements.
News, Updates, and Reminders
- Menu switch for Monday and Friday: Hot dogs & beans on Monday, Shepherd's Pie on Friday.
- I have submitted my initial draft of the FY 21 budget, which is a level services budget. Once Melissa Dunnett has put the entire district budget together, the DLT will meet to review.
- Berkshire East has donated their discarded sledding tubes from the tube park. They have a new soda vendor, so had to get rid of these perfectly good tubes because of advertising. However, we need to get the inner tubes for them. If anyone has a line on where we might find the inner tubes, please let me know. Now we just need snow!
- Fri. Dec. 13th is the PTO Cookie Walk. I'm sure they could use both bakers and buyers, so if you'd like to participate there's space for you to do so.
- Gifts or money for the families we are sponsoring this holiday season need to be to Sue by December 12th. Thank you all for your generosity.
- If you have not already done so, please see the clipboard in my mailbox to fill in an emergency contact number. This number is who we would call in the event that there was an emergency with YOU, so it should not be your cell phone number, etc.