School-Family Compact
Holcomb Bridge Middle School 2023-24
Revised June 26, 2023
What is a School-Family Compact?
A School-Family Compact is an agreement that parents, students, and teachers jointly develop. It explains how parents and teachers will work together to improve student academic achievement.
· Link to goals of the School Plan.
· Focus on student learning skills.
· Share strategies and responsibility of helping students meet or exceed state, district, and school academic goals.
· Explain how teachers and parents will communicate about student progress.
· Describe opportunities for parents to volunteer and participate in the school.
Jointly Developed
The faculty & staff of Holcomb Bridge Middle School worked together with parents and students. The School-Family Compact is developed through collected input on the Parent Input Survey (last collected April 2023). Information is also gathered throughout the year: school-wide surveys, Annual Family Engagement Survey, emails from teachers, parent conferences and HBMS Parent University Workshops.
The School-Family Compact is updated every year to include parents, students, teachers, and staff members’ input. Comments and suggestions are always welcome any time of the year from parents, students, teachers, and staff.
District Goals for Student Achievement 2023-24
Ensure that all FCS students graduate prepared to pursue their chosen paths -- whether college, career, or military -- and to succeed on those paths after high school by focusing on 4 top priorities over the next 5 years:
· STUDENT ACHIEVEMENT-prepare students with strong academic foundations and the skills needed to navigate life beyond graduation.
· PEOPLE AND CULTURE-provide a welcoming environment and positive school and district culture for students, families, and employees.
· COMMUNITY COLLABORATION- engage families, community members, and civic organizations as active partners.
· FISCAL RESPONSIBILITY- manage and protect public funds and assist through efficient and effective use of available resources.
For measurable outcomes and to review the Strategic Plan 2027 visit
School Goals 2023-24
Increase the percentage of students meeting or exceeding expectations on Georgia Milestones Assessment System in Mathematics English/Language Arts (ELA), Reading.
· By May 2024, HBMS will increase the percentage of students in grades 6-8 performing on or above grade level in reading, from 62% to 67% as measured by the Georgia Milestones indicator.
· By May 2024, HBMS will increase the percentage of students in grades 6-8 performing on or above grade level in math, from 27% to 32% as measured by the Georgia Milestones.
Focus Areas:
· Math: A complete understanding of Math solutions. Relationships between numbers, mathematical problem solving, and understanding all mathematical symbols; by May 2024, 65% of students will have typical to high growth in math (SGP 41% or higher) according to GA Milestones.
- Grade 6: Write, interpret, and use expressions, equations, and inequalities.
- Grade 7: Develop an understanding of operations with rational numbers and work with expressions and linear equations.
- Grade 8: Formulate and reason about expressions and equations, including modeling an association in bivariate data with linear equations and systems of linear equations.
· ELA and Reading: To use critical reading strategies for students to be able to read a variety of texts with comprehension and understanding of vocabulary. By May 2024, at least 67% of students will read at above or higher-grade level according to GA Milestones.
- Grade 6: Determine how theme is conveyed and explore nuance of plot/characterization.
- Grade 7: Cite multiple pieces of text evidence and analyze connotative meanings/tone.
- Grade 8: Analyze text with strongest and most appropriate evidence and evaluate arguments and reasoning.
Teachers, Parents, and Students: Together for Success
The School/Teachers' Responsibilities
Encourage parents to visit the Parent Resource Room. Make Math, ELA/Reading resources available to sign out. Parents can take home materials or will be provided online resources (i.e., MackinVia, eBooks, iReady, Achileve 3000, Infinite Campus Parent Portal) to help their children at home.
Provide access to Extended Learning, Working Lunch, Learning Commons/Independent Reading to students in the areas of Math, ELA/Reading. Provide online Math and Reading resources that offer activities as well as strategies that parents and students can use at home.
Provide timely communications regarding current grades and progress in all courses.
Family Responsibilities
Utilize resources from the Parent Resource Room. to use at home to help in the areas of Math and ELA/Reading. (Information of websites/Apps such as, iReady, eBooks, online resources, Holcomb Bridge’s website, pamphlets, Infinite Campus Parent Portal will be provided by the district and supported by the school).
To the extent possible, encurage student participation in Extended Learning, Working Lunch, Learning Commons/Independent Reading in support of standards mastery. Make time at home to monitor and support student progress in online resources such as iReady, Achieve 3000, and independent reading.
Maintain and monior my Infinite Campus Parent Portal account and respond to teacher communications regarding academic progress.
Student Responsibilities
Encourage my family to visit the Parent Resource Room to sign out Math, ELA/Reading resources that we can use together at home to support my academic skills.
When invited I will attend Extended Learning and/or working lunch to improve my academic achievement. I will be open to showing my progress on online academic resources such as iReady and Achieve 3000 and commit to independent reading at home.
I will share each report card with my parents and discuss strengths and needs for improvement with my parents and teachers. I will monitor and maintain my Infinite Campus Student Portal account to monitor my own progress.
Holcomb Bridge is committed to frequent two-way communication with families about student’s learning. Some are:
- Weekly school newsletters: Hawk Talk is published every Friday during the school year
- School website
- E-mails, fliers, phone calls and text messages via Blackboard Messenger
- Provide parents with frequent reports on their children’s progress, progress reports (every 4.5 weeks), report cards (every 9 weeks), teacher e-mails, conferences as needed.
- Infinite Campus Parent Portal
- Academic Parent Workshops
- Social Media: Twitter, Instagram, and PTA Facebook
- Parent -Teacher Conferences
Our school will host school activities to build home-school partnerships to support student learning throughout the year. Some of our planned events include:
Please note that event dates and times are subject to change.
Open House/Back to School Bash - August 3, 2023
Annual Title I Meeting - September 14
Curriculum Night - September 14
Parent University: ESOL Services - September 30
Parent University: Technology Tools - October 19
Parent University: Student Success Skills - November 4
Parent University: Assessment - January 24
Parent University: Transition to High School for 8th grade parents - Spring 2024
TBD Parent University - AVID and Opportunities - January 24
Annual Input Meeting (planning for FY25) - April 2024 (date TBD)
Rising 6th Grade Parent Night - March 2024 (date TBD)
HBMS Parent Resource Room
Our parent resource room has computers available for parent use to check Infinite Campus Parent Portal accounts, utilize email to communicate with teachers, and monitor student academic progress. Academic resources are available for checkout to support student learning at home.
or By Appointment
Maria Baron (bilingual English/Spanish)
Please sign to indicate you have received and reviewed the School-Family Compact!
Please sign off prior to November 1.
How to View/Print Documents
Step 1: Open Campus Student/Parent Portal.
Step 2: At the Campus portal landing page, click Documents in the left menu.
Step 3: Look for the document you need to approve or sign (School-Family Compact). It will be noted with "Needs Attention".
Step4: Click on the arrow to open and complete all fields that require information.
Step 5: Click in the signature box and select SIGN or DECLINE
Step 5a: Sign - By completing the Sign and Submit, you agree as outlined on the form. Your signature and date will appear on the form.
Step 5b: Decline - By declining, you are NOT agreeing to the request as described on the form. The word DECLINED will appear with the date. If you have declined and pressed the SUBMIT button, please confirm your selection.
Note: If you have multiple students, you must complete a separate form for each student
Please contact us!
Kenneth Greene, Assistant Principal
Kim Kapella, Assistant Principal
Maria Baron, Bilingual Parent Liaison or 470-254-8427
Location: 2700 Holcomb Bridge Road, Alpharetta, GA, USA
Phone: 470-254-5280
Twitter: @HolcombBridgeMS