ECC Puppy News
Important Dates
Monday, January 27th - Early Release (10:15/2:35)
Tuesday, January 28th - Library Book Check - In/Check - Out
Monday, February 3rd - Early Release (10:15/2:35)
Tuesday, February 4th - Library Book Check - In/Check - Out
Friday, February 7th - Wear Red Day: American Heart Month
Monday, February 10th - Early Release (10:15/2:35)
Tuesday, February 11th - Parent Pack at 6:00PM: PBIS Matrix: Reinforcing Positive Behaviors while Setting Clear Expectations
Friday, February 14th - Spirit Day (Wear Pink, Red or Hearts)
Monday, February 17th - No School
Tuesday, February 18th - Library Book Check - In/Check - Out
Monday, February 24th - Early Release (10:15/2:35)
Tuesday, February 25th - Library Book Check - In/Check - Out
Friday, February 28th - Institute Day (Non - Attendance Day)
Please Take Strategic Plan Survey by 1/31!
Each year, CCSD93 gathers valuable feedback from parents, students, and staff through the Strategic Plan Survey. Your input helps us improve programs, services, and measure progress on key Strategic Plan goals.
The survey is now open and takes less than 15 minutes to complete. Responses must be submitted by Friday, January 31. Visit www.ccsd93.com/spsurvey to participate. Thank you for your feedback!
Families Who Pay Tuition:
If you have a student returning to the ECC in the fall of 2025, a deposit to hold your space will be due in the coming months. If you plan to increase or decrease the number of days your child attends, please email Heather Santiemmo at santieh@ccsd93.com. All new and returning families for the 2025/26 school need to place a deposit to hold their space. When entering RevTrak to make a payment, you will now see an option to select 2024/25 or 2025/26. Please be sure to continue to make your payments under the 2024/25 school year. If you are making your deposit for next year, please select the 2025/26 option. All deposits to hold your child's space are due by April 1st. If you have any questions, please contact our secretaries at 630-307-3750.
Winter Weather/Winter Clothing:
As we enter the winter season, children should come to school with proper clothing to go outside. As long as the weather does not feel below 25 degrees, the children will go outside to play for 30 minutes each day. We will send the children out in the clothing you provide, so it is important they have what they need to enjoy the winter weather! Winter coats, hats, gloves, snow pants, and boots are recommended when snow is on the ground. You are also welcome to send snow clothes that stay at school. If you wish to do so, please message your teacher, so we do not send them home each day.
Valentines Day Cards 2/13/We HEART You Day 2/14
Valentine's Day Cards 2/13:
This year Valentine's Day falls on a Friday. Many of our students who attend three days will not be in attendance for Valentine's Day. This year, students will be able to hand out Valentine's Day cards on Thursday, February 13th. Students will get to decorate a bag while at school, and students will have time during the school day to hand out their cards. Please note, that no food or candy of any kind can be brought or passed out. Students are invited to wear red, white, and/or pink on 2/13. A class list will not be provided, however, we ask that you send 15 cards in total.
We HEART You Day 2/14:
On Friday, February 14 the ECC will celebrate a We Heart You Spirit Day! Students can come to school wearing red, pink or hearts!Siblings Starting in the Fall:
If you have notified the school that you would like a sibling to attend in the fall, a seat has been secured for him/him. The next step will be to complete our interest form, so we can gather a little more information. Scan the above QR to complete this form. In the coming weeks, one of our secretaries (Zarna/Giana) will reach out with the next steps to complete the deposit and registration process.
Free Be Seen & Heard Programming Resources for Parents
As previously shared, our school recently hosted the Be Seen and Heard© child sexual abuse prevention program. Students learned about the difference between safe and unsafe touch, the difference between safe and unsafe secrets and the importance of speaking up to trusted heroes in an age-appropriate, safe and engaging environment.
If you wish to continue this valuable conversation about body safety and prevention with your child, you are invited to create a free membership with Be Seen & Heard by completing the signup form linked here. By joining, you will receive a number of free resources.
The ECC is thrilled to offer “parent sessions” this coming spring. Please mark your calendar and plan to join us for the following sessions:
February 11th @ 6:00 PM: PBIS Matrix: Reinforcing Positive Behaviors while setting clear expectations
March 11th @ 6:30 PM: Behavior Regulation and Tantrums
April 15th @ 6:00 PM: Potty Training
Martes 28 de enero: Registro de entrada y salida de libros en la biblioteca
Lunes 3 de febrero: salida temprana (10:15/2:35)
Martes 4 de febrero: Registro de entrada y salida de libros en la biblioteca
Viernes 7 de febrero - Día de vestir de rojo: Mes americano del corazón
Lunes 10 de febrero - Salida temprana (10:15/2:35)
Martes 11 de febrero - Paquete para padres a las 6:00 p.m.: Matriz PBIS: Reforzando comportamientos positivos mientras se establecen expectativas claras
Viernes 14 de febrero - Día del espíritu (viste de rosa, rojo o corazones)
Lunes 17 de febrero - No hay clases
Martes 18 de febrero: Registro de entrada y salida de libros en la biblioteca Lunes 24 de febrero - Salida temprana (10:15/2:35)
Martes 25 de febrero: Registro de entrada y salida de libros en la biblioteca Viernes 28 de febrero - Día del Instituto (Día sin asistencia)
¡Por favor responda la encuesta del plan estratégico antes del 31 de enero!
Hermanos a partir del otoño:
Clima de invierno/Ropa de invierno:
Familias que pagan matrícula:
Tarjetas del día de San Valentín 13/02:
Sesiones de aprendizaje para padres de ECC:
Recursos gratuitos de programación para padres para ser visto y escuchado
Como se compartió anteriormente, nuestra escuela organizó recientemente el programa de prevención de abuso sexual infantil Be Seen and Heard©. Los estudiantes aprendieron sobre la diferencia entre contacto seguro e inseguro, la diferencia entre secretos seguros e inseguros y la importancia de hablar con héroes confiables en un ambiente atractivo, seguro y apropiado para su edad.
Si desea continuar esta valiosa conversación sobre seguridad y prevención corporal con su hijo, lo invitamos a crear una membresía gratuita en Be Seen & Heard completando el formulario de registro vinculado aquí. Al unirte, recibirás una serie de recursos gratuitos.