Weekly Wildcat
Northwestern Middle School News and Notes

January 31, 2025
Upcoming School Events
- Wednesday, February 12th - Meet & Greet with Mr. Quraishy & PTO Meeting - 9:00am
- Wednesday, February 12th - Basketball at Haynes Bridge MS - Girls - 5:30pm, Boys - 6:30pm
- Friday, February 14th - Basketball at Sandy Springs MS - Girls - 5:30pm, Boys - 6:30pm
- Monday, February 17th - President's Day Holiday - Schools Closed
- Tuesday, February 18th - Professional Development Day - No School for Students
Lunch Menu
Volunteers Needed!
We have a couple of events coming up that we could use the help of several volunteers! Check out the information below if you are interested in volunteering.
Scoliosis Screening Volunteers
Volunteers are needed February 7 from 8-11am to screen 6th & 8th grade students for scoliosis. You will need to watch the short training video prior to volunteering. The video and other instructions will be emailed to you. Sign up here: https://northwesternpto.membershiptoolkit.com/volunteer/143025
Teacher/Professional of the Year Volunteers
Parent volunteers are needed to supervise students in the cafeteria while the staff celebrates the Teacher & Professional of the Year announcements the morning of February 14 from 8:00-8:45am. Sign up here:
8th Grade Grade High School Connections Request
NMS offers 8th grade students the opportunity to begin an elective pathway program prior to entering high school. The courses offered here at NMS include:
- Computer Science: Intro to Software Technology: 1 credit (4 Quarters as this is a yearlong course)
- Drama: Fundamentals of Theatre I & II: 1 credit (4 Quarters as this is a yearlong course)
- Art: Intro to Art: 5 credit (2 Quarters as this is a semester course)
- Engineering: 1 credit (4 Quarters as this is a yearlong course)
- Introduction to Healthcare Science: 1 credit (4 Quarters as this is a yearlong course)
Students that wish to enroll in one of the courses to start earning high school credit will need to complete the appropriate application. Applications are reviewed and students are accepted based on the application process. Please reach out to the appropriate teacher of the course for more information.
Write Score
Write Score Testing will take place on Monday, February 3rd. We will be operating on an alternate bell schedule (attached below). Please make sure your student has their device charged and ready for Monday morning.
Q-Tips for Mr. Q
Share Your "Q-Tips" for Our New Principal!
Dear Northwestern Middle School Students, Staff and Parents,
Next week, we will welcome our new principal, Mr. Quraishy, to Northwestern Middle School!
Starting a new role comes with a learning curve, and we want to help Mr. Quraishy get to know our school and community as quickly as possible. To do that, the PTO is conducting an anonymous survey where you can share your "Q-Tips"—insights, advice, and observations that will help our new principal hit the ground running.
We’d love your input on:
🔹 Things to Know – Important traditions, quirks, or insights about our school culture.
🔹 Things to Start – New ideas or initiatives that would benefit our school.
🔹 Things to Stop – Practices, traditions or happenings that might not be working anymore.
🔹 Things to Create – Opportunities or improvements that could enhance our school experience.
Here is the link to participate:
Your candid and honest feedback is invaluable, and we appreciate you taking the time to share your thoughts.
Thank you for your participation!
SGC Elections
Rising 9th Grade Parent Information
Information will be updated in this section as we receive information from the feeder high schools. Links below for more information.
Our School - Cambridge High School
Parent Resources - Cambridge High School
Rising 9th Grade Students - Cambridge High School
Counseling - Milton High School
Resources - Milton High School
The Rising 9th Night and Elective Fair will be a VIRTUAL EVENT on Tuesday, February 4 at 6:00 PM. Milton Counseling will share pertinent information about Milton High School, what to expect during course registration, and elective teachers will share information about their courses. The link to the VIRTUAL MEETING will be posted here: https://milton.fultonschools.org/academics/counseling/rising-9th-class-of-2029
We understand many families are looking forward to an opportunity to visit the school; Milton High School will host a Tour The Nest Night on Tuesday, April 1 at 6:00 PM. More details on this event will be shared at a later date. Students and families are invited to tour the campus and learn about Milton at that time.
New Carpool Procedure
Beginning on Tuesday, January 21st, in the interest of the safety of our students, we are adjusting our carpool procedures slightly. Below is a map of the new process as well as the detailed procedures with the changes in bold.
- Our MIMO families will line up in the area shaded in blue on the map below
- VIP carpool spaces (10) are marked with yellow stars. Do not line up here.
- The carpool line will begin in the staff lot at the green star on the map below
- When exiting the carpool circle, all cars will be required to turn right
- Students will only be allowed to exit the building through the front doors or Wildcat Den doors. Students may not enter the staff parking lot to meet your car. Students must be picked up along the sidewalk in the roundabout.
- If parents pick up their student in the MHS parking, the students will need to stay on the sidewalk and cross the street in the crosswalk.
- Follow NMS staff directions at all times. If you are asked to move your car, please do so.
- Students may not be picked up in bus loop or anywhere on School Road.
Communication Procedures
Students and Parents are strongly encouraged to communicate directly with their teachers. Our teachers pledge to be sensitive to your concerns and to partner with you to solve any problem. Attached below is the Communication Procedure for Northwestern Middle School. If a problem or concern should arise, speaking directly with the teacher first is always the preferred first step.
NMS Study Sessions
Study Sessions for this school year are beginning. Each teacher is available to students at least one day a week in the morning or afternoon. A list of all grade level sessions is linked below. Students are encouraged to attend with questions on homework or when extra support is needed after a lesson has been taught in class.
2024 - 2025 Yearbook!
New Spiritwear Store
2024-25 Student Fees - Online School Payments
2024-25 PTO Information
Tracy Lynn Drye & Victoria Tucker
Northwestern Middle School PTO Co-Presidents 2024-2025
Keep Connected with your PTO:
Facebook Groups:
Northwestern MS PTO
NMS Cat's Pride: A Parent Page
Parent Prep 101 Spirit Day - February 5
Parent Prep 101 is a webinar created for 7th -11th grade parents and a WIN/WIN for you and your school. You will learn about AP classes, college requirements, Ga Futures, the new Georgia Match and how your student can earn FREE college tuition.
The Northwestern Middle School session price is $65 and $10 goes back to the Northwestern PTO. The price includes a private Facebook group for additional information and ongoing support. Sessions will be held on Zoom at 12pm and 7pm on Feb 5. Sign up here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfsSk_4Y-dULKjwn9v4nM7-4iqpnxlJNffBlSlZ80SDmx8i8g/viewform
Spirit Night at Zaxbys
TUESDAY 2/25 Zaxbys 2005 Old Milton PKWY
SPIRIT NIGHT 5:00 pm - 9:00 PM
Dine in/Carry out/Order online/instore
ALL PURCHASES Support NMS and our Local Zaxby's.
Milton HS Cheer Meeting
If you are a rising 9th grader and interested in trying out for cheerleading at Milton High School, please attend an information meeting on Wednesday, February 12th at 6:00pm in the cafeteria at Milton High School. This meeting is for the parent and athlete!
First Lego League
Free Math Tutoring
The Milton Library will be offering free math tutoring sessions for students this fall. Starting September 6th, our skilled tutors will be available to assist students with their math challenges on Friday afternoons from 4:00 PM to 5:30 PM (three 30 minute sessions), and Saturday mornings from 10:00 AM to 11:00 PM (two 30 minute sessions) with our tutors offering help from basic math through Algebra.
Northwestern MS Website
Northwestern Middle School
Home of the Wildcats!
Email: nmsfrontdesk@fultonschools.org
Website: https://www.fultonschools.org/northwesternms
Location: 12805 Birmingham Highway, Milton, GA, USA
Phone: (470) 254-2870
Twitter: @TheNMSWildcats
Northwestern Middle School: This is where you belong!