HMS 8 Weekly Newsletter
October 10-October 16
Principal's Notes
HMS-8 has created ID cards for all of our students. ID Cards will be hand delivered to students' 8th Hours on Monday, October 10. The ID card can be used as a lunch card, library card, entrance into dances, proof of current enrollment and entrance into USD 308 athletic events. Students will be issued a free card. If the card is lost or stolen, replacement cards can be obtained in the office for $5. For free admittance into HMS-8 and HHS athletic activities, students will be required to show their ID card.
Weekly Breakfast & Lunch Menu
Weekly Calendar of Events and Birthdays
Weekly Activities:
10:00 AM Girls TN 7/8 League Tournament vs. Multiple Schools @ Salina-Oakdale Park, Dismiss @ 8:00
Wrestling Informational Meeting during Seminar
Fall Picture Retakes (Picture Flyer is attached at the bottom of the newsletter)
6:30 PM FB 8A vs. McPherson MS @ Don Michael Field, Depart @ 4:00
10/11: Andrea Burns
10/12: Noah Barrett
10/13: Sue Howard
10/16: Clover (She is turning 2 Years Old)
Door Duty and Supervision:
AM: Commons/Hallway/Gym
PM: Outside East/Outside Front/ZAP
Breakfast with a Veteran
Save the Dates
- October 10-14-Hearing and Vision Screenings
- October 11-Fall Picture Retakes
- October 17-6:00 PM HMS PTO Meeting @ HMS 7
- October 18-Choir Concert @ Hutchinson High School PAC
- October 19-Flu Shot Clinic @ HMS 8 from 1:30 to 4:00 PM
- October 20-Orchestra Concert @ HMS 7 in the Commons
- October 28-HMS 8 Dance
- November 1-2 Dental Screenings and Treatments
Girls Basketball Tryout Information
Students of the Week
Saturday Night at the Y
All 6th through 8th Graders are invited to the YMCA on the 2nd Saturday of every month, starting October 8. Students will be able to play Basketball, Work out, Swim and more. Registration Forms are available in the Office.