Pleasant Hope Middle School
Together, we can make a difference! Week of 10/7
Pirate Time Assembly
Hungry Hippos
5th Grade Wins the Trophy!
From Mrs. Pendleton...
Greetings Families,
The 1st quarter ends on Friday the 11th. Parent Teacher Conferences will be held from 3:00-5:30 and 6:00-8:00 on Monday, October 14th. No appointments necessary. Your child will get a coupon for a free Sonic drink if you attend!
We had our October Pirate Time assembly today! Our basketball teams and cheerleaders were recognized as well as our IT Tech class. Some upcoming first quarter rewards: Perfect Attendance Pizza Party; Responsibility Reward Recesses; and Honor Roll Field Trip. We are so proud of all our PHMS Pirate's hard work and effort so far this year.
Just a few reminders:
- If you are not receiving emails/texts from the school, please call our office so we can update our records. (TeacherEase and ICU)
- Be sure to call or email the office by 9:00 am when your student is absent. Attendance has been outstanding this year-keep it up!
- Be sure to check lunch balances and send money to the office or pay online. Beginning on Wednesday, alternative lunches will be served to those who owe $18 or more. Need assistance? Fill out the Free/Reduced Lunch Application below. Confidential and can occur throughout the year if circumstances change.
Have a wonderful weekend and thanks again for being a part of the PHMS team.
PHMS Volunteers
Please use the link below for the needed resources for volunteering or attending field trips or school events during the school day. Please remember, volunteers on field trips will be assigned supervision duties. Thank you!
Upcoming Dates to Know...
Monday: No School
MS Basketball AWAY
Tuesday: Camo Day
- MS Bball HOME
Wednesday: Twin Day
Tutoring until 5:00
Quarter ends on Friday-Please take advantage of these extra hours to get some help!
Thursday: Dress Like a Teacher Day
- MSU Literature Festival (ELA Club)
- PHMS Health Fair
- MS Wrestling Meeting at 3:15 during Pirate Time
- School Board Meeting
Friday: PJ/Slipper Day
- Clubs
- ICU Focus Day (5+ Missing Assignments)
- End of 1st Quarter
- Play for Pink Volleyball Tournament
Friday, October 14th 3:00-5:30 and 6:00-8:00 PHMS Gym
PHR6 Pumpkin Contest
PHMS Cafeteria
From our Counselor, Mrs. Lewis
PHMS Athletic Schedules 24-25 (as of 8/14/24)
Fall Boys Basketball
Fall Girls Basketball
Fall Cross Country
Contact Information
Location: 515 West McCurry Street, Pleasant Hope, MO, USA
Phone: (417) 267-7701