Chester Ronning School
December 2024
Principal's Message
Season's Greetings, Chester Ronning School Community!
It seems like the holiday season has been upon us for a few weeks now as a number of festive traditions have been going on at CRS. I'd like to send a big shout-out to the Chester Ronning School Parent Council for making our Christmas Activity Night on December 12th another success. I enjoy that community event so much - it's always wonderful to see so many families come out to support our school and spend time together! Events like this require a lot of work and financial support behind the scenes and it's just not possible without the involvement of our Parent Council members.
Likewise, our amazing staff deserves recognition for their incredible efforts over the last several weeks. From ensuring the school was decorated so impressively to other holiday traditions like special art and music projects, "underground spirit days" and daily caroling assemblies during the week before the break, the festive cheer we enjoyed in the school just doesn't happen without the dedication of the caring adults in the building. Not to mention that everyone - staff and students - have still been hard at the work of learning. I imagine that most students and staff will be very glad to have some time off with loved ones to take a break from studies and regular routines to rest and recharge for the unofficial second half of the school year when we return in the New Year!
And thank you to all of the families in our school community, too! Thank you for being engaged in your child's learning and supporting them to be in class regularly and ready to learn. We know it takes a lot of work and we appreciate both your trust and your teamwork in educating students and you also deserve a change of pace at this time of year. Whether you are travelling or staying close to home over the break, I hope that all of our CRS families enjoy a very safe and happy holiday season! In addition to Christmas, a number of cultural and religion celebrations take place around this time of year. However you celebrate the holidays, on behalf of the entire CRS staff, I'd like to wish you a very safe and happy time to rest and enjoy your loved ones during this festive season. We look forward to welcoming you back in the New Year!
Our office will be closed until January 6th but, if you need to reach someone, please submit an email through the contact page on our website as I plan to periodically check for messages throughout the holidays. Please note that classes resume on Monday, January 6th.
Merry Christmas!
Reid Lansing
Calendar of Important Dates For The New School Year 2024-2025
December 20 - Last Day Of School Before Christmas Break
January 6 - Welcome Back! School Starts at 8:15 AM
January 15 - Hot Lunch Orders Are Due - Panago Pizza
January 24 - Hot Lunch Panago Pizza
January 31 - No School - Staff Collaboration Day
Chester Ronning School Office
CRS Office hours are: 8am - 12:15 pm and 12:45 pm - 3:15pm.
The office will be closed from Dec. 21, 2024-Jan. 5, 2025 for the holidays.
If you are calling and don't reach anyone, please leave a message or try again. We do our best to answer every phone call, but taking care of a student always comes first and we occasionally may miss a call, so leave us a message or try again.
As Mrs. MacKay and Mrs. Beck are job sharing and have days that we won't be in the office, if you are emailing about daily attendance absences, please use this email instead to allow for both admin assistants to see the message:
School Bell Times
8:00 am - Outdoor supervision of students begins
8:15 am - School Starts; Please do your best to have students here on time.
10:05 am - Morning recess
11:20 am - 12:00 pm - Lunch Break
1:45 pm - Afternoon Recess
3:00 pm - Dismissal
There will be no early dismissals this year.
Calling all Grade 4&5 Students
Hope Mission Monthly Meal Supplement
Families can text or call for more information on our programs.
phone: (780) 314-8162
School Contact Information
Mr. Lansing, Principal -
Mr. Pederson, Assistant Principal -
Chester Ronning School website -
General Admin Assistant email:
Battle River School Division website -