Updated Family Information
September 6, 2024
Updated Information
Current News-
We had a busy second week. The cooler weather and sunshine certainly helps!
Dismissal changes MUST be communicated to the front office even if you send your child's teacher a Dojo message-you must email Mrs Roberto and Mrs Quinlan with the changes-thank you!
Please only send water or juice boxes in with your child-Starbucks, Dunkin, Prime and Monster energy drinks as well as sodas or seltzers should remain at home .
Important reminder that we are nut and peanut free school. We have students with severe allergies. Thank you for helping keep everyone safe!
This week third and fourth graders had an assembly given by Mrs Butler. The topic was "Your words matter"-the assembly was about how the words that you say have an impact on those you say them to. Oftentimes children hear words or phrases from social media, websites or the adults in their life and repeat what they hear without knowing the context or impact behind them.
This is where your help is needed! Pleaser monitor your child's online activities (or better yet have them doing something not computer related!), talk about the shows they are watching on TV and online as well as about the words they hear and gestures they see. Children can be exposed to things they are not ready for when given unlimited computer/phone/IPad access
Please know that at ESS we do all that we can to ensure all children have a positive experience. We do daily teachings, reminders and administer consequences when necessary. However even with all these protocols in place, we can’t control what children are exposed to outside of the school setting. We will continue to be vigilant and support students in any way we can and will continue to hold assemblies like these throughout the year
If you haven't already downloaded the bus tracking app, it seems to be a great resource. The app is called My Ride K-12
Have a great weekend-I hope to see you at the PTO back to school picnic this evening-Mrs Weber
Old News-
Please make sure all water bottles, lunchboxes and clothing items are labeled with your child's name. We have a large collection already
Morning Drop Off Information
Please help parent drop off run smoothly and safely in the mornings-it is becoming a safety concern for everyone
NO adults may get out of their cars in the drop off line-this is for children who can exit the car independently.
If you child needs assistance you MUST park and use the crosswalk to walk your child across. NO ONE CAN EXIT THE CAR IN THE DROP OFF LINE
If you are waiting for the doors to open your car must be parked along the top, it cannot be in the drop off lane. No car in the drop off lane can be unattended
NO cars may park along the baseball field at any time-it is a safety hazard
Traffic flows one way only-in from Soundview and out to Willoughby
Please follow the directions given to you by ESS staff-they are in charge during the morning drop off while I am attending to the bus drop off lane
If you are having aunts/uncles/grandparents/friends doing the drop off, please share this message with them
Thank you for your help with this-Mrs Weber
Dates to Know
- September 11-Red/White/Blue Day, last day to send in reading/math summer packets-ONLY THOSE STUDENTS WHO RETURN PACKETS WILL PARTICIPATE
- September 12-Reading and Math Summer Work Celebration
- September 25-Disney Day, BOE Meeting-7:00
- September 26-PTO Meeting-6:00
- September 27-Early Dismissal Day
Link to upload pictures for the yearbook
PTO Newsletter
Important Links
- Please be sure you have read and have familiarized yourself with all the rules/expectations at ESS-especially about morning arrival and afternoon dismissal https://www.smore.com/app/pages/preview/mh5j6
- Link to our school website which contains lots of information-http://elizabethshelton.sheltonpublicschools.org/home_page
Summer Reading and Math-party on 9/12 for those who return the forms
Imagineering Supplies-please send into your homeroom teacher
Recyclables for Imagineering Time-there is a new initiative next year which students will be incorporating project based learning activities into their everyday schedule
Please consider rinsing out and saving the following items for students to use during Imagineering time:
Clean plastic containers and/or lids (cool whip, yogurt, etc)
Egg cartons
Fruit containers
Paper scraps (tissue paper, wrapping paper)
Paper towel rolls
Rolls of tape
Twist ties
Pipe cleaners
Craft items (ribbon, paper scraps, stickers, foam shapes)
Old gift bags
Scraps of clean cloth/fabric
Popsicle sticks
Empty Tissue boxes
Plastic water bottles
Plastic bottle caps
Toilet paper rolls
Clean Take out containers & lids
Cardboard boxes
Fabric pieces
Plastic cutlery
Paper plates
Drinking straws (various sizes/shapes)
Plastic pipes/tubing
Plastic/paper cups
Cable zip ties
Pie tin pans
Bubble wrap
Packing peanuts
Milk cartons, styrofoam/cardboard lunch trays & fruit cups (from the cafeteria)
Gently used Legos, blocks, toys