Wrangler Weekly
Week of September 1, 2024
Message from Ms. Bratton, principal
School is in full swing. Students are busy writing, working on experiments, and many are already checking out their next book from the library. (Be sure to ask your Wrangler what color team they are on -- our Wranglers Read Challenge has begun!)
Students and teachers focused on analyzing our core values during Wrangler Time this week. Below you will find our campus expectations matrix and some student examples of how we did a deep dive into safety, respect, and responsibility.
A reminder to put Monday, September 9 on your calendar. We encourage all families to attend OPEN HOUSE and meet their student's teachers. The evening begins with our PTA General Meeting at 5 PM. Teacher classroom sessions will begin at 6 PM; we move through the seven period day, concluding our evening at approximately 7:30 PM.
Finally, you should have received a district communication this week providing instructions on setting up your Parent Square account:
- click here to view ParentSquare Getting Started Guide
- Parents who choose not to register will still receive email, phone and text notifications.
- Parents who create an account will benefit from having all communication in one location, downloading attachments and managing their communication settings and preferences.
Wishing you and your Wrangler a wonderful holiday weekend!
Go Wranglers!
Mrs. Bratton
Attendance Matters. Every Student. Every Day.
SBMS attendance for the week of 8/26-8/30:
6th grade: 97%
7th grade: 98%
8th grade: 97%
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Wrangler happenings this week!
Monday Sept 2
Last day to order SBMS Volleyball merchandise here
Labor Day student and staff holiday
Tuesday Sept 3
Campus Fundraiser Kickoff
First round of Spirit Sign orders due
Wednesday Sept 4
Football vs SVMS at SVHS
Thursday Sept 5
Volleyball vs MVMS, 7th home/8th away
Friday Sept 6
Saturday Sept 7
Volleyball vs ORMS, 7th home/8th away 9:30 AM
Wranglers of the Week!
ParentSquare communication app
Comal ISD is transitioning from SchoolMessenger to ParentSquare for campus communications. If you have not already done so, please download the ParentSquare app from your app store.
Volleyball season shirts - due Sept 2
Art Republic created amazing shirts and sweatshirts to support Wrangler Volleyball, but your window to order ends this Monday, September 2nd. Click here and thank you for supporting our Lady Wranglers.
Spirit Signs - due Sept 3
SHOW YOUR WRANGLER SPIRIT!! Need a New Wrangler Spirit Sign? Need a Wrangler Spirit Shirt, clear stadium bag, or other items to show your school spirit? Click HERE to visit the Cheer Booster Spirit Store.
DEADLINE for the first order of Spirit Signs is Tuesday, 9/3, at 4pm. We will continue to place orders throughout the year.
Gifted & Talented Parent Meeting - Sept 19
Are you interested in referring your child for GT services in Comal ISD? Join us on Thursday, September 19 beginning at 6pm at Bill Brown Elementary School Library for an informational meeting to discuss the referral and testing process for the program.
Soups & Spuds Staff Appreciation Lunch - Sept 9
We will be putting on a Soups & Spuds Staff Appreciation Lunch for our wonderful school staff on Monday, September 9th.
Please take a look at the sign-up list to see what you may be able to bring. Thank you for your ongoing support of our fabulous staff, they sure appreciate it!
Please drop-off all items by Monday, 9/9 at 10 am, at the Front Office. If possible, please drop-off potatoes by 9 am.
Contact: springbranchmiddleschoolpta@gmail.com
with questions or for more information.
PTA General Meeting - Sept 9
PTA Membership and Spirit Gear
Congratulations to the Criswell Family for winning the VIP Membership parking spot drawing for the 1st 9 weeks!
Did you miss out on the drawing? Don't worry- for every SBMS PTA membership you buy, you will be entered into the next membership parking spot raffle for the 2nd 9 weeks- Drawing date TBA!
Get ready to show your school spirit- Click here to buy spirit gear!
Want to receive these and other updates from PTA? 'Like' and 'Follow' us on our Facebook page!
Wrangler Celebrations:
September 9: SBMS Open House (Meet the Teachers) 5:00 PTA General Meeting, 6:00 Classroom Schedule Begins
September 10: Football vs DMS, 7th home/8th away
September 11: Volleyball vs SVMS at SVHS
September 16-20: Go Gold for Childhood Cancer Awareness Week
September 17: Fall Picture Day
September 17: Football vs ORMS, 7th away/8th home
September 19: Gifted & Talented Parent Meeting, BBES 6pm
September 19: Volleyball vs PRMS, 7th away/8th home
September 21: Volleyball vs NBMS, 7th home/8th away
September 24: Football vs CHMS, 7th home/8th away
September 25: Volleyball vs CHMS, 7th home/8th away
September 27: Comal County Fair Day, Student/Staff Holiday
October 16: RESCHEDULED Pep Rally
Spring Branch Middle School
Email: brandi.norton@comalisd.org
Website: sbms.comalisd.org
Location: 21053 Texas 46, Spring Branch, TX, USA
Phone: (830)885-8800
Facebook: facebook.com/CISDSpringBranchMS
Instagram: sbms_wranglers
Twitter: @SBMSWranglers