Te Whare Akoranga o Maungawhau, June 20, 2024
** Early pick-up 1pm Thurs 27 June. School Closed for Matariki 28 June **
From The Principal
Kia ora koutou
Term 2 Parent Conferences 26/27 June
You should have received the booking link and code for our Term 2 Conferences (via our HERO school app) - we're looking forward to catching up with all our families to share and discuss progress to date.
A reminder that these conferences differ slightly in format, with families rotating, sharing examples of learning in the classroom. You can expect dedicated time with the teacher, but also an opportunity for your child to share. It's an important part of having meaningful conversations about their successes and next steps in a more in-depth way, alongside the Term 2 Progress Report.
As always, if you have concerns you wish to discuss privately with the teacher, it is best to arrange a time for this outside the scheduled conferences (particularly if it may be sensitive in nature). It's important to have these conversations if and when they are needed, whenever that may be during the year.
Mid Year Reports
Ahead of your conference time, you will also have an opportunity to read your child's report, which we encourage you to discuss with them.
As before, this gives a snapshot of how they are progressing towards year-level curriculum expectations. We encourage you to look carefully in particular at the graphs included, which indicate rate of progress over time, and to bear in mind that children do naturally progress at differing rates in different subject areas.
The key areas to focus on are the progress being made over time, any specific goals/challenges to be worked on, in addition to the 'touchstones' and effort ratings that give you an overall sense of your child's learning dispositions, which are as essential to their progress as their academic profile.
Finally, we always encourage an appreciative mindset, celebrating the successes and strengths identified so far, as self-belief and resilience are so crucial for young learners.
(Not all children will be in the green band, which indicates the overall 'target' range for the year level)
Next week also heralds Matariki, which will be marked by a range of celebrations and activities in classes. An important reminder that school is closed for the public holiday on Friday, 28 June.
We are also holding our Y1-3 Cross-country on Thursday. As it is an early school closure that day, please note that you may take your child(ren) after the event if you wish to - please just let the class teacher know directly before you leave.
Cross Country Zones Success
Last (but by no means least!), congratulations to all of our Zones Cross Country participants this week, who pulled out all the stops and managed to win 2nd Place overall. It's a testament to their grit and determination, and they can be very proud of their achievement!
Ka kite anõ i a koutou
Alan Jackson
Monday 24th June:
- Term 2 Reports available in HERO (from 3pm)
Wednesday 26th June:
- Parent Conferences (3:15pm - 4.45pm)
Thursday 27th June:
- MENPS Year 1-3 Cross Country (MENPS)
- Parent Conferences (1.30pm - 5.30pm)
- NB: Early Pick-up at 1pm
- Matariki Public Holiday - School Closed
Events & Reminders
PTA News
Save the Date!
On Saturday 7th September we will be hosting our annual parent social event - details to follow.
Can you help with Auction Prizes?? As part of this event, we will be running an online and live auction to raise funds for MENPS. We are on the hunt for prizes to include in our auction - if you are in a position to donate any auction items (this could be goods, vouchers for services, an experience, a weekend escape to a bach, etc!) then we would love to hear from you - menpspta@gmail.com. All donors will be promoted to the community, via the online auction platform (Galabid) and through event promotion. Thank you for your support!
Uniform donations needed please!!!
Second hand Uniform Shop open Wednesday 26 June
- 8.15 - 9.15am
- In the PTA Room: follow signs from Valley Rd gates OR
- Order online by emailing Jane at menpspta@gmail.com.
- Pay via Cash or Bank transfer.
Double your YUMMY APPLE points!!
Did you know that some of Yummy apples stickers are worth 2 points? Buy and enjoy these lovely new apple varieties, Lemonade, Ambrosia and Sweet Tango and DOUBLE your points. Stickers from these varieties can be put on the side of the Collection Sheet that has a picture of trees. If you don't have a Collection sheet, head to the office to get one or collect stickers on a blank sheet of paper.
Happy collecting MENPS!
Could you be the PTA's new sponsorship superstar?
We are looking for someone to join the PTA to be a key point of contact for our sponsorship partners from 2025 onwards. If you are interested, or have any questions about what the role involves, please email us: menpspta@gmail.com.
MENPS PTA is doing a big shoutout to honor all you fantastic volunteers! You rock our world and our little rascals are forever grateful for your time and energy! In the spirit of Te Wiki Túao ā-Motu- National Volunteer Week, we're shining the spotlight on some unsung PTA champs nominated by their peers. Alma Ospanova, a new addition to the community who is already a superstar at the second-hand uniform shop, we salute you! Big cheers to Stacey Lucas, Melanie, Al, Rachel and Anjana for keeping the ice blocks cool. Pam Clifford & Svantje Reiber, our Co-chair extraordinaires, you keep the ship sailing smoothly. And kudos to Pete, our tech and lighting superhero! To all the stellar souls who pitched in at the Color Run and Dragon Boat Festival, you are the diamonds of the season! To all the other unsung heroes out there, you sprinkle magic in our kids' lives - we see you and we are forever grateful!
PTA - Supporting our school through fundraising & fun events
Email menpspta@gmail.com I Follow us on Facebook
Refer to the PTA website for information on the various fundraising and community activities
Co-Chairs Pam Clifford & Svantje Reiber
Secretary Chelsea Chen
Treasurer Linda Waddington-Miller & Paula Tran
PTA Advisor Chantal Brunner
Sponsorships Rayni Chung
School Representative Hilary Edwards