
New Announcements
School News
- Principal's Message
- Attention: Lost & Found
- Parents At Roosevelt Thank You!
- Track & Field
Community Activities + Events
- HiLo - Creator Signing!
- Parent Education Series: Conscious Discipline
Roosevelt Important Dates
This Week:
- Early Release - 2:35 PM
- 6:00 PM, Parents at Roosevelt Meeting
- 7:00 PM, Anxious Generation Book Club
Next Week:
- No School: Presidents' Day (possible school-closure make up day)
- Immunizations Exclusion Day
- Early Release - 2:35 PM
School News
Principal's Message
Dear RMS Families,
I hope the second semester has started off nicely for you and your family!
This Thursday: Parents At Roosevelt Meeting and Anxious Generation Book Club
This Thursday, 2/13 from 6 -7pm, our Parents At Roosevelt (PAR) group is meeting in the library or streaming on Google Meet at meet.google.com/rhu-dcfr-qpp. From 7:00-7:30, following the PAR meeting, we’ll be holding the second meeting of our Anxious Generation Book Club. The book club part of the meeting will not be streamed or available virtually. My apologies that I had the book club time incorrect in last week’s message!
More info on the Anxious Generation Book Club:
Helping our young people negotiate phones, social media, and internet content in a healthy way is super important. At school, we see how these devices, when not stored off and away in lockers, can create off ramps from learning that distract students from their studies. With that in mind, our Parents At Roosevelt (PAR) group is hosting a book club focused on The Anxious Generation by Jonathan Haidt. For the 2/13 book club meeting, we’ll be discussing the third part of the book, The Great Rewiring: The Rise of the Phone-Based Childhood. All are welcome to attend and having read the book is not a requirement. Our first meeting resulted in some excellent and thoughtful conversations. We hope to see you there. Please reach out to me or Skye if you need a copy of the book.
Head Track Coach Position
Track season is coming soon… beginning in March! We’re looking forward to it and also in the process of hiring a new Head Track Coach. If you are interested in applying to our head coach position, please click here. Applicants will be able to specify interest in Roosevelt when completing the application. If you know someone who might be interested, please encourage them to apply.
The season will begin in March so stay tuned for additional and important details! If you’re new to RMS, track is a great opportunity for students to get outside and meet new friends. Track offers something for everyone!
As always, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me or Kelsea if there’s anything we can do to support your student.
We hope you have a great week!
Kind regards,
Mike Yocum
Interim Principal
Roosevelt Middle School
Attention: Lost & Found
If your students have lost any large items, like clothes, water bottles, or binders, please have them check our "Lost and Found" closet, which is open before school, both lunches and after school.
If they've lost a small or valuable items (jewelry, keys, earphones...) they can ask the front office.
Parents and Guardians will have the possibility to check the lost and found closet on Thursday, February 13th before our PAR meeting or after our book club.
On Friday February 14th, all items remaining in the Lost and Found will be donated.
Parents at Roosevelt (PAR)
From RMS Teachers: Big THANK YOU! to PAR and the teacher appreciation team for this amazing goodie bag that we found in our mailboxes on Monday, February 10th!
We are so grateful to be a part of such a caring and thoughtful community!
Thanks so much for making our Mondays bright with this bag chocked full of yummy and useful items!
Track & Field 2025
The Track and Field season is coming up quick! We are still waiting on some key information at the district-level, but here's what we know in the meantime:
Important Dates:
- March 3rd, Track Season begins
- May 8th, District Meet
- May 16th, State Meet
Sports physicals are required for all students to participate at both practice and meets. Physicals on file must be dated after 5/16/2023. Please see attached for the required document from the Oregon School Activities Association.
Stay tuned for more information!
Student Safety Leaving/Arriving to School
If your student has to cross 24th Avenue to leave or arrive at school, please encourage your student to cross 24th at the crosswalk directly in front of the main office where we have a crossing guard.
The intersection of 24th and Patterson, where vehicles leave our shared parking lot with the YMCA, is very busy, and we would prefer students cross where the crossing guard is.
Immunizations Exclusion Day
If your student receive a salmon colored letter regarding missing immunizations please read the following... Exclusion Day is on Wednesday, February 19, 2025.
Once your student has received the necessary immunization(s), we need written verification of the vaccine and date given in order to update your student's school health records.
The school-based Health Centers at Churchill HS and North Eugene HS are available for immunizations and can provide information about fees with or without insurance. Lane County Public Health Dept. and some local pharmacies can also administer certain vaccines.
- Churchill Health Center 1850 Bailey Hill Rd, Eugene, Or. 97405 541-790-5227
- North Eugene Health Center 250 Silver Lane, Eugene, Or. 97404 541-790-4445
- Lane County Public Health Dept. 1515 W. 7th Ave. Eugene, Ore. 541-682-4041
- Local pharmacies (depending on the age of your student)
ORS 433.235 -433.284 and OAR 333-050-0010- 333-050-O12O require all students enrolled in schools and children’s facilities in Oregon to meet certain immunization standards. For more current information please view www.healthoregon.org/imm for more information.
2024-2025 Yearbook Orders
Now is the time to place an order for your student's yearbook! Yearbooks are $35 or $15 for those included in the Federal Free and Reduced Lunch program.
To purchase your 2024-2025 Roosevelt Yearbook, click here.
If your student has applied and been accepted into the Federal Free and Reduced Lunch program, if you have questions, or are unsure if you've already ordered a yearbook... Email: stier_s@4j.lane.edu
E-Waste Recycling with NextStep
Roosevelt is teaming up with other schools in Lane County to see who can collect the most Electronic Recycling (E-Waste) for NextStep in Eugene through Thursday, March 20th.
Please refer to the document below for a list of items NextStep will take off your hands! If students and other participants prefer, they can bring their e-waste recycling to NextStep's donation center located at 245 Jackson St. throughout the duration of the Electronic Recycling Competition, January 7th-March 20th. Their facility is open from 8:30AM-5:00PM, Monday through Friday, and there's no need to make an appointment to stop by. Once at the donation center drop off, just simply tell their staff at the front door that you would like your e-waste total to Roosevelt and they will record it.
One common concern about any particular electronics being recycled(such as computers, laptops, hard drives, etc.) is that they may still have sensitive information on them. If that were to be the case, NextStep Recycling is required to erase all data off devices, even if they have been wiped before pick-up or drop-off. It is their number one responsibility that all devices are sanitized as soon as they are returned to our facility.
Incoming Freshman News
Eugene IHS
Eugene International High School (Eugene IHS) is a choice school for students in grades 9-12 offering a 4-year interdisciplinary humanities curriculum focused on international studies. Students are dual enrolled in both Eugene IHS and their host school. ANY student can enroll. They must go through the online 4J School Choice Lottery, regardless of attendance area: 4j.lane.edu/schoolchoice. The in-district deadline is January 31, 2025.
IMPORTANT DATES for the 2025-2026 School Year:
January 1……Online application period for 4J School Choice Lottery opens for in-district students
January 31…..Deadline to submit in-district 4J School Choice Lottery Applications
March 1…...Online application period for 4J School Choice Lottery opens for out-of-district students
March 31……..Deadline to submit out-of-district 4J School Choice Lottery Applications
Spanish and French Immersion students from Monroe and Roosevelt will be enrolled in Eugene IHS without the lottery process because they entered immersion through the lottery in elementary or middle school. However, immersion students do need to submit the Eugene IHS Enrollment Form to the Eugene IHS office at South or Sheldon by the January 31st deadline. This form will be included in a special mailing to immersion families.
We hope you will consider becoming a part of our Eugene IHS community!
For more information contact one of the Eugene IHS offices below, or visit the Eugene IHS website at ihs.4j.lane.edu
Eugene IHS @ Churchill: 541-790-5225
Eugene IHS @ Sheldon: 541-790-6636
Eugene IHS @ South Eugene: 541-790-8030
Community Activities + Events
HiLO - Creator Signing!
Books with Pictures Eugene is thrilled to announce that we will be welcoming Judd Winick, beloved creator of the HILO series, to our shop talk about making comics and sign books for fans! This is a free event--no purchase required. Kids are welcome to bring their own HILO books or just come to meet Judd.
The event will take place on Saturday, February 22nd at 12 PM with a short talk about making comics, and Judd will continue signing until at least 1:30 PM.
Parent Education Series: Conscious Discipline
Let’s face it, being a parent is a hard job!
At times, our emotions get in the way of our ability to access our own parenting brilliance. Wouldn’t it be nice to respond to conflict with rational thinking and problem solving? Are you ready to parent differently than you were parented? Join us as we learn to regulate our emotions and stop reacting out of impulse or tradition, so we can help our kids regulate their emotions and reactions.
Come learn, connect, and explore parenting with Conscious Discipline
We will be leading a series of workshops based on the School to Heart to Home parenting education curriculum from Conscious Discipline. This is an approach to parenting built around the science of crafting caring and respectful relationships. An authentic, loving connection between parents/guardians and their children is the root of a healthy, thriving relationship built on trust and understanding. This is a great way to empower children to make positive choices. Please click here to learn more about the upcoming Parent Education Series!
Eugene Youth Math Festival
6th Annual Eugene Youth Math Festival at the University of Oregon. Join us for an exciting day of discovery! Explore over 50 engaging stations where you can:
- Solve fascinating puzzles and challenges
- Play strategy games and build structures
- Create mathematical art and origami
- Conduct hands-on experiments and more
*Please note that the Math Festival volunteers cannot take responsibility for unaccompanied children. Anyone attending the event may have their photo taken for promotional or educational purposes (photo releases are required for entry). Also, we recommend bringing snacks and water bottles.
When: Saturday, February 22, 2025 10 am - 1 pm
Location: McArthur Court, University of Oregon, 1601 University St.
Admission is free and no registration is needed. Come and explore!
Quest by Cycle: Badge Design Contest
I’m excited to share some fantastic news with you—Quest by Cycle has been awarded a Cultural Opportunity Grant through the Oregon Cultural Trust to support our Badge Design Contest! This grant will allow us to engage local artists in creating unique badges for the game, which will be awarded to players who complete eco-friendly cycling challenges.
The badges are an important part of Quest by Cycle, serving as both a recognition of accomplishment and a motivator for players to keep riding and completing quests. We’re thrilled that the winning designs will be incorporated into the next official game which will kick off on Earth Day (April 22, 2025) and run through June 30, 2025. These new badges will help make the game even more exciting and encourage people to take action for the planet!
The Badge Design Contest will be open from February 1 to 28, 2025, and we’ll be calling on artists of all ages to submit their designs.
Shift Community Cycles: Bicycle Education Programs
Adulting 101
OSU Extension and 4-H in Lane County to hold “Adulting 101”, adult life skills series for youth
Contact: Elizabeth Gangwer, 541-344-4811, Elizabeth.Gangwer@oregonstate.edu
The Oregon State University Extension Service in Lane County welcomes the public to Adulting 101, a 4-H life skills series for youth ages 12-18. This 10-part workshop series will teach valuable skills to prepare for adulthood, such as self-defense, budgeting, career readiness and more! These sessions provide a safe environment for young people to learn about adulthood and talk about their stresses and fears surrounding getting older.
Adulting 101 will take place on Monday evenings and Saturday mornings from February 3rd to March 8th at the OSU Extension Service in Lane County, located at 996 Jefferson Street in Eugene. The schedule is as follows:
- Monday, February 3 - Food Preservation 101
- Saturday, February 8 - Self Defense 101 @ Willamette RMA
- Monday, February 10 - Budgeting 101 with DevNW
- Saturday, February 15 - Car Basics 101
- Monday, February 17 - Emergency Preparedness 101
- Saturday, February 22 - CPR & First Aid Training
- Monday, February 24 - Mental Health & Wellbeing 101
- Saturday, March 1 - Self Defense 102 @ Willamette RMA
- Monday, March 3 - Career Readiness 101
- Saturday, March 8 - Kitchen Basics 101
More information about Adulting 101 is available at https://beav.es/G8M. Or call OSU Extension in Lane County at 541-344-5859.
Accommodation requests related to a disability should be made by January 29 to Elizabeth Gangwer, Elizabeth.Gangwer@oregonstate.edu, 541-344-4811
About OSU Extension: The Oregon State University Extension Service shares research-based knowledge with people and communities in Oregon’s 36 counties. OSU Extension addresses issues that matter to urban and rural Oregonians. OSU Extension’s partnerships and programs contribute to a healthy, prosperous and sustainable future for Oregon. Oregon State University Extension Service prohibits discrimination in all its programs, services, activities, and materials on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, gender identity (including gender expression), sexual orientation, disability, age, marital status, familial/parental status, income derived from a public assistance program, political beliefs, genetic information, veteran’s status, reprisal or retaliation for prior civil rights activity. (Not all prohibited bases apply to all programs.)
Community Resources
Students Ride Free with LTD
Free LTD Transit Passes for students!
All students in 4J schools can get a student pass to ride Lane Transit District (LTD) buses for free. Student transit passes can be used to travel anywhere within the LTD service area. Student passes can be used at any time—after school, weekends and during school breaks, as well as to get to and from school each day. To get a free LTD student transit pass middle school students can request their own passes at the front office. Passes are valid through September 30 and renew annually.
LTD free student bus passes should work throughout students’ time at 4j. If you try to use your pass and it doesn’t work, please go to the front office right away with your pass to get it renewed. If you lose your pass or it is stolen, the front office at your school can replace it for you.
Mental Health Support
Mental Health and Suicide Prevention Resources
Please click here to find an updated list of community resources for families.
Free Access to Care Solace
4J families, does your student or a family member need help with mental health care? Eugene School District 4J is providing students, staff and their families’ free access to Care Solace, a confidential care coordination service, to help provide an additional layer of care and address the growing need for mental health care and substance abuse treatment.
Care Solace will connect you to verified community care providers matched to your needs, including providers that accept your medical insurance, Medicaid, Medicare, or sliding scale options for those without insurance. Their care companion team is always available. Get help finding care providers that meet your needs at caresolace.com/eugene or call 888-515-0595 anytime, day or night, in any language. (Note, Care Solace is not a mental health service provider or emergency response service. In the event of a life-threatening emergency, call 9-1-1 or the National Suicide Hotline at 800-273-8255.)
Learn more: 4j.lane.edu/2022/03/care-solace-mental-health-care-coordination-service/
Helping Out Our Teens in Schools
HOOTS offers mental health support by phone for students, families, and staff of 4J high schools during school closures. The phone line is accessible from 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM Monday through Friday and is staffed by crisis counselors who normally work HOOTS clinic or work on CAHOOTS. Video support is available from 11:00 AM to 2:00 PM on weekdays and is accessed by emailing hoots@whitebirdclinic.org with your name and preferred time. HOOTS is able to provide short term counseling and mental health support, resource referrals and OHP sign up. Students, families and staff of 4J please call (541)246-2342.Earn Free Money for Roosevelt!
Oregon's Bottle Drop Program! Blue bags and tags are available for pick up in the front office.
You can help Roosevelt earn money for our school by registering your credit card with eScrip. Earn money for Roosevelt every time you shop at Market of Choice & other local restaurants. Register your credit/debit cards, designating Roosevelt Middle School—Recipient ID #6723045. Click on the link above to get started.
Sign up for the Community Rewards program by linking your Fred Meyer Rewards Card to Roosevelt. You can search by our name or by our non-profit number GB554.
Download the Box Top for Education App in Google Play or the App Store, sign up (or sign in) and take a picture of your receipt within 14 days of purchase. It will automatically credit the school for each product. For more information, click on the link above.