Bear Country News
August 12th-16th
Breakfast and Lunch Information
Use the link to access important information related to breakfast and lunch:
Please be sure to apply for the free/reduced lunch application. Use the link below to see why this is important:
Parent Access to PowerSchool
Want access to your child's grades and other important information? Please register for Powerschool
Join our PTA
The Journey Continues
Greetings Hesse Families,
It was certainly an eventful week last week. We are thankful that our families, staff, and school community fared relatively well during the tropical storm. Please note that if your family needs assistance during this time, please reach out to the school. We look forward to a full week at Hesse K8!
Due to the shortened week last week, parents will be able to walk students to class until Wednesday, August 14th.
Please make note of the following for the week of August 12th:
iReady Diagnostics (Reading and Math) will take place this week for all middle school students.
Tuesday, Aug 13 5:30PM: Softball and Cross Country interest meeting. Students must have a current physical on file to participate in any athletics.
Wednesday, Aug 14 @ 6:00 PM: Scouts of America will host a Sign-up Event in the cafeteria
Wednesday, Aug 14- Thursday, Aug 15th: Mass hearing/vision screenings for all students in grades 1, 3, 5, and 7.
Thursday, Aug 15:
Hesse K8 has been designated as a Title I school. Want to learn more information about this designation? Please attend our Title I Parent Meeting at 5:30 PM
Our annual ESOL Parent Meeting at 6:00 PM
Friday is Spirit Day! Students may wear any Hesse Spirit Shirt with uniform bottoms
Field Trips this week:
Looking Ahead:
iReady Diagnostics for Grades 1-5: August 19- 22
One Act Play Auditions for Grades 5-8: Aug 21-22
Hesse Community Meet and Greet: Aug 22
Please remember to complete your lunch applications as soon as possible
All students must have the device form completed to be issued a SCCPSS device. Please fill out the form here:
If you wish to purchase Family Protection Plan (insurance) for the SCCPSS device, you may pay it online at:
Hesse K8 will adhere to the bag policy established by SCCPSS during school events Please use the link below to access the details:
Last but not least, please note that class assignments are not finalized until after the tenth day of school. Notifications will be sent to parents if classroom changes have to be made based on federal or state funding after the official tenth day of school.
Have a great evening! We look forward to seeing everyone tomorrow morning!
Hesse K8 Uniforms
With the understanding that student behavior is influenced by the way students are dressed and that no student should dress in a manner that is disruptive or has an adverse effect on school activities, the following mandatory uniform standards have been developed. Students are expected to dress in the school uniform during the school day, on field trips, and during school-related activities. Hesse K-8 uniform colors are as follows: hunter green or white uniform shirts; khaki or navy uniform bottoms. Please refer to the SCCPSS Code of Conduct for full details regarding uniform guidelines/expectations.
Additionally, the Dri-FIT shirts sold by our PTA will be accepted as a uniform top. Please contact our PTA for more information.
Arrival and Dismissal Procedures
Students will be assigned a security number and security tags will be given to each family to use during pick-up. Anyone who is picking up a student from campus will need to have the security tag or report to the office with identification.
Please be patient during carpool! The first week or two, the carpool line moves slowly until the students learn the new routine.
Please use the link below to review the Arrival and Dismissal procedures.