Wolverine News
September 18, 2023
Office News
Children learn better—and faster—when teachers have a clear picture of what each student knows and is ready to learn next. That’s why a group of educators and researchers founded NWEA®, a not-for-profit organization that has created some of the most trusted and reliable assessment solutions available. More than 11 million students in the US and in 140 countries worldwide use MAP® Growth™. Please click on the link below to learn more about the MAP assessment your child completed this fall. We will share this information during Parent Conferences in October.
It’s Cross Country Time!
We are smelling those fall odors and watching the snow creep further down the mountains……….which means it’s time for cross country running for our 4th and 5th graders! We will be starting practice this week, in order to prepare for the district wide meet scheduled at Palmer High on Wednesday, September 27.
Change in Grading Policy at Glacier View
We are already about half way through the first quarter and I wanted to make all elementary parents aware of a change to grading for the 3-5 grade groups this year.
Standards based grading (grades K-5):
3 = Proficient Meets/exceeds grade standard
2 = Progressing Working on standard
1 = Not Meeting Standard Has not begun working on standard
NM = Not evaluated at this time
Letter grades for academic subjects for 6-12th grades:
A = superior 90 – 100%
B = above average 80 – 89%
C = average 70 – 79%
D = below average 60 – 69%
F = failing 59 - 0%
Grades for citizenship (K-5) and effort shall be reported each marking period as:
3 = Proficient Meets/exceeds Standard
2 = Progressing Working on Standard
1 = Not Meeting Standard
Criteria for determining grades for citizenship may include, but are not limited to:
Student obeys rules
Student respects public and personal property
Student maintains courteous relations with teachers and students.
Student works without disturbing others.
Criteria for determining grades for effort may include, but are not limited to:
Student takes responsibility for having necessary tools and materials.
Student shows interest and initiative.
Student gets to work immediately and completes assignments.
Student uses free time resourcefully.
Progress reports will be sent home at mid-quarter for all 6-12 grade students. Parents are encouraged to visit ParentVUE to view their child’s grades.
Report cards are sent home at the end of each quarter. Parents should review them immediately. Any questions should be directed to the teacher. End of quarter dates are indicated on the yearly calendar.
PTO Meeting - Monday, October 2nd
Save the Date!
September 27th - Elementary Cross Country Track Meet @ Palmer High
September 28th-29th - High School Overnight Field Trip to AVTEC
October 2nd - PTO Meeting, 3pm
October 19th - Parent Teacher Conferences
October 27th - Fall Festival, 5pm-8pm
Glacier View School
Email: amberb.allen@matsuk12.us
Website: https://www.matsuk12.us/gvs
Location: 65975 S. Wolverine Circle, Sutton, AK 99674
Phone: (907) 861-5650
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/gvsalaska