September 8, 2023
Nederland Middle-Senior HS Community,
Next week begins the fourth week of the school year. As we settle into the regular routine of school we want to get into the flow of quality work habits and follow through by students. The teaching staff has committed to being attentive about putting grades in their gradebooks weekly, so that parents and students can see the progress, or in some cases lack of progress.
We designed the Study Hall periods into the middle and high school schedules so that our students can get the majority of their homework or uncompleted assignments done within the school day. We have found that there is often a direct correlation between students who have poor grades and missing assignments and homework. It is the students responsibility to check Infinite Campus daily to see their missing assignments. This tool is also available to parents as a direct link to the school and our teachers.
Academic Recovery for Middle School Students
As for Middle School students, the habits of turning in work and being personally responsible for completing homework and assignments is a developmental challenge. In order to reinforce the idea of turning things in when assigned, the middle level teachers are wanting to implement a new program called Academic Recovery (starting next Wednesday).
If students have any missing assignments or homework, they will attend a teacher supported tutorial period during their 30 minute recess before the lunch period. The core area teachers will identify students who have missing work and let them know they need to attend Academic Recovery in the library during recess. Our intention is to get students on track and up to date on their missing work. We want them to be successful and to be passing and progressing academically. Hopefully, this will remind students that their Study Hall period is a good place and time to stay on top of their work. We are starting with middle school to see the Academic Recovery concepts' efficacy is effective before including the high school teachers and students.
Ned Ned Trail Fest Saturday Morning
The Ned Ned races are tomorrow morning. The Nederland Cross Country runners are participating in the 5K race. Remember the roads in Ned will be impacted from 8:00 to 11:00 tomorrow morning. Run fast Panthers!
Have a great weekend!
Upcoming Events
- School Accountability Committee (SAC) meeting: Wednesday, September 20 from 6:00 to 7:00 in the school library.
- Homecoming week, September 26-30
Home Contests
Fri. 9/8 @ 4:00 pm - HS Boys’ Soccer vs. Denver Academy @ Nederland
Sat. 9/9 @ 9:30 am - NedNed 5K
Open Coaching Positions
Do you or someone else want to help our community? Do you have experience either coaching or playing? We desperately need your help! Please apply below and spread the job postings with your networks. We need applications and coaches!
Middle School Volleyball Head Coach (position should be posted to BVSD website ASAP and will only be open for 5 days)
Other Announcements
MS Volleyball begins practice on Fri. 9/22. Sign up today and remember to head over to RevTrak afterwards to pay your athletic fee!
Congratulations to everyone who was selected for the Fall Plays! Performances are at the beginning of November.
HS Cross Country is starting their season by running through our community in the NedNed 5k this weekend. We hope that you’ll join them on the course!
Good luck to HS Mtn Biking in Steamboat this Saturday, HS Soccer @ Estes Park on Tuesday, MS Cross Country @ Monarch K-8 on Wednesday, and HS Volleyball @ Poudre Community on Wednesday!
Homecoming has been moved to Fri. 9/29 and Sat. 9/30. Our schedule is planned as follows:
Fri 9/29 5:00 pm Homecoming Volleyball vs. Cripple Creek Victor
Sat. 9/30 11:00 am Homecoming Parade
Sat. 9/30 12:00 pm Homecoming BBQ
Sat. 9/30 1:30 pm Homecoming Soccer vs. Bennett 29J
Sat. 9/30 7:00 pm Homecoming Dance
High School Students & Parents: Wednesday Night Meetings Online Google Meets with Ms. Jill. Ms. Jill holds Wednesday night online meetings @ 7:00pm for high school students and their parents.
Upcoming Topics include:
9/13 - (no meeting - CDE conference training)
9/20 - In person School Accountability Meeting SAC in the Ned MSHS school library
9/27 - Google online meet @ 7:00 - Creating a College Common App, how it’s used to apply to college, how to use Naviance in conjunction with Common App.
Audience: Senior family. Junior families are also invited.
10/04 - In person @ Monarch High School - College Fair! See more here
10/11 - Google online meet @ 7:00 - AP exams - PSAT NMSQT exams.
Audience: Junior, Sophomore families (PSAT). All AP families at the high school level.
10/18 - In person @ NedMSHS - NMSHS Choir concerts in the auditorium.
10/25 - Google online meet @ 7:00 - Freshman & Sophomore families. Graduation measures, assessments, college exploration.
11/01 - In person. Ned Parent - Teacher - Association PTA meeting
11/08 - Google online meet @ 7:00 - BVSD College Concurrent Enrollment, earning credits while in high school.
Audience: Junior, Sophomore families, and any family at the high school level.
11/15 - In person School Accountability Meeting SAC in the Ned MSHS school library
11/22 - Fall holiday break
11/29 - Google online meet @ 7:00 - Financial aid - FAFSA workshop - The Federal Student Financial Aid Application launches in December. Be ready with a review of what we have learned about this re-launch.
Audience: Senior families. Junior families are also invited.
December: TBD
Can’t make it? Check out: Virtual Workshops on Financial Aid, Scholarships, College Fit: September 27 5:00 - 7:45 by CollegeFairsDenver.org
Upcoming College Fairs:
Monarch High School, Superior. Wednesday October 04, 5:30 - 7:00 pm. Public and Private Colleges. Monarch hosts an in-person college fair offering contacts with out-of-state college representatives. More information here: https://www.strivescan.com/greaterdenver/
NACAC College Fair (National Association for College Admissions) Denver Coliseum Colorado Convention Center Sunday November 5, 1:00 - 4:00 https://www.nacacattend.org/23Denver
Faith Based Private Colleges: FCHS Arvada. Wednesday, September 20, 6:00 - 8:00 FCHS hosts an in-person college fair for faith based universities. Students should preregister if interested in attending: https://gotocollegefairs.swoogo.com/registration
Upcoming High School National Exams at Nederland:
October 25 Nederland offers the PSAT NMSQT for juniors - this is the National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Exam. The information packet- study guide is available. Register by bringing $20 to Ms. Jill. This is a great opportunity to practice for your April SAT which is in an all digital format.
Mental Health Partners’ Nederland location offers family support and mental wellness services. Connect with MHP’s site: https://www.mhpcolorado.org/about/locations/nederland/
Struggling with substance use, numbing? Denver Health has created a youth support site with several resources including mental health apps, coping skills, artistic creativity, breathing, self-care, activities and group support. Check out their site here to connect with several resources focused on a variety of areas of wellness: https://strongerwithout.com/
School Picture Orders
Want a retake?
Picture retake day is Wednesday, October 18th.
CMAS Test Results Available
Last spring, elementary, middle and high school students participated in the Colorado Measures of Academic Success, or CMAS state-mandated tests. Third through eighth graders took mathematics and English language arts tests, while ninth through eleventh graders took grade specific Colorado PSAT or SAT exams. Fifth, eighth and eleventh graders also took a science test. Some third and fourth graders at dual language schools took Spanish Language Arts instead of English Language Arts.
Student individual reports from Math, Language Arts and Science from last spring are available electronically via the Parent Portal of Infinite Campus. To access your child’s CMAS results, please log-in to your Infinite Campus Parent Portal account following these directions (URL: goo.gl/NRbxfi). A printed version of these reports will be available at your child’s school in September. Note that ACCESS growth reports are also available for emerging bilingual students in Parent Portal, and that we will be adding CMAS growth score reports for Math and English Language Arts in the coming weeks. (Colorado SAT and PSAT are available directly from the College Board via the student’s unique College Board account.)
As you read your student’s score report, you may notice that the “Meets Expectations” performance levels established for these tests are relatively demanding. To provide some context, these reports show your child’s performance compared to other students in the same grade in their school, the district, and our state.
Remember, test scores are only one piece of information. These scores give a snapshot of academic performance and should not be interpreted as the ultimate indicator of a student’s academic success. We will use the assessment results, along with other information, to plan professional development for educators, refine instructional strategies, foster student understanding and monitor achievement gaps. To see the measures of student opportunity, growth and achievement that we use to track our progress as a district and at your child’s school, please visit our strategic plan metrics website.
If you have any questions, please contact your school office.
Join the NMSHS SAC
Help the Nederland Loquations get to NYC!
Our Nederland Loquations have a life-changing opportunity to perform at Carnegie Hall under the direction of Dr. Elizabeth Swanson from the University of Colorado at Boulder on March 25th, 2024.
We are so honored to represent Nederland by singing at the most prestigious concert venue in the country. This fundraiser will pay a little less than half of the cost for the students, but it will go a long way in helping the students get to NYC. Please consider a donation to help us get to Carnegie Hall. Donate Here
Food Services Position
Our school has a critical open staff position in the cafeteria – if we are not able to fill it, we are very concerned about our school’s ability to serve student meals every day. This is a dire need at the moment, please consider this request and share with those you know in the community.
The position is 2 hours a day, 10:30-12:30 pm, Monday through Friday. The pay range is $13.96 - $19.23, depending on prior experience.
Would you or anyone you know be interested in this position? Oftentimes, positions like this are perfect for stay-at-home parents since the hours and schedule align with the district school day and holidays. We also have a lot of “retired” folks who are just looking for a few hours of work per day in a role that gives back to the community.
The food services program is nationally-recognized and serves top-notch meals to students – our team is proud of the tasty and nutritious meals we feed students everyday.
Please consider applying for the position here and share with anyone and everyone you know! Let’s get this position filled!
Don’t hesitate to call Sarah Acker with any questions at 720-561-5049 or email her at sarah.acker@bvsd.org, for more information.
Yearbook Club
Looking for students that want to make the yearbook even better than last year!
Positions Available:
Advertising Manager
Photographers (looking for 3-5 students)
Managing Editor
Please email jeanine.thurston@bvsd.org with questions or interest in any of these positions. Meetings will be once a month in-person, and the rest will be done via zoom meetings to work around extra curricular activities.
Deadline for turning in senior portraits and a baby photo is November 6, 2023.
Please reach out to aimee.tomlinson@bvsd.org if you need assistance with getting a professional portrait. We have a couple of options so that everyone can have a beautiful senior picture.
Middle School Mountain Biking
This year’s Middle School Mountain Bike Team has 24 riders! Middle school teacher Mrs. Sievers is the new coach, and she is loving the experience. The team has been hitting the West Magnolia trails every Tuesday and Friday for group rides. The trail known as Aspen Alley is a team favorite!
6th Grade Reading Class takes a trip to the Nederland Community Library
High School Pottery
Building the Solar System in 8th Grade Science
Teens, Inc.
Also, parents of high schoolers: there is a flyer to sign up for Mentorship, have your teen check it out and apply if interested! Here is the application! It says the deadline has passed but we are still accepting applications.
We also still have a couple spots for middle school rock climbing and lots of room for high school rock climbing, sign up here!
‘One Chip Challenge’ awareness and risk
The BVSD Health Services team has asked us to share that nationally, the recent Paqui “One Chip Challenge” has resulted in many young people requiring emergency care. BVSD has recently had to send multiple students home from schools due to adverse effects of eating this product.
The challenge involves eating an extremely spicy chip and then waiting as long as possible after consuming the chip before eating or drinking to relieve the burning - and some share videos of the challenge on social media. On September 6th, the New York Times reported a 14-year-old boy died hours after consuming the product. The next day, The Washington Post reported the company announced they were pulling the product from stores.
Please consider talking to your student about this product/challenge and the serious side-effects that may occur with its use or similar products. Contact your school nurse with any questions.
School breakfast and lunch are now FREE for BVSD students. Other important cost savings available for families who qualify and complete the Free and Reduced Lunch Application
Each student will be allowed one complete breakfast and one complete lunch for free every day. In order to receive them for free, students must take an entire meal. For example, taking only a yogurt at breakfast or a piece of fruit at lunch would not be free.
Lunch includes an unlimited salad bar. Second entrees and a la carte items (like sides of fruit, salad bar, or milk WITHOUT a full lunch) must still be paid for. Students who would like to purchase those items can still use available meal account funds.
Even though lunch is now free, it is still very important that families complete the free and reduced meal application, as it waives and reduces fees district-wide for families, can impact transportation for some families, and impacts important funding for individual schools.
It also qualifies families for a 50% reduction in Lifelong Learning tuition, and waived tuition for BVSD Online classes (excluding the $50 registration fee). Child Care families will continue to apply for financial assistance through the Child Care Assistance Program (CCAP).
Visit the Free and Reduced Price Meals webpage for information on applying for free or reduced meals or contact your school directly.
Nederland Middle Senior High School
Bell Times: 8:30 am-3:45 pm; 9:30 am-3:45 pm Wednesdays
Front Office: 720-561-4900
Attendance line: 720-561-4902
Transportation: 720-561-6241
Email: nmshs.contact@bvsd.org
Website: neh.bvsd.org
Location: 597 County Rd. 130, Nederland, CO 80466
Phone: 720-561-4900