Edison Middle School
Mission: To Prepare students to succeed academically, responsibly, and socially in an ever-changing world.
Office: 605-367-7643
Email: SFSDEdisonOffice@k12.sd.us
Counseling Center: 605-367-8331
Fax: 605-367-8457
Edison is now on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram
Facebook: @WeAreTheCats
Twitter: @EdisonCats
Instagram: @sfsdedisoncats
Newsletter Date:
August 1, 2020
Volume 1, Issue 1
Dates to Remember...
Aug 14th
- WEB Orientation Day
Aug 24th
- Catapult Day/CATS Rally for all 6th graders and NEW 7th & 8th graders only
Aug 27th
- First Day of School (“A” Day Students) 8:55am – 3:48pm
Aug 28th
- First Day of School (“B” Day Students) 8:55am – 3:48pm
Sept 4 & 7
- No School – Labor Day Break
Tips from the Office...
...REPORTING AN ABSENCE – If a student will be absent for any reason, a parent/guardian must call the office at 367-7643 or email SFSDEdisonAttendance@k12.sd.us by 8:45am.
...PICKING UP STUDENTS BEFORE THE SCHOOL DAY IS OVER – A parent/guardian is required to call the office at 367-7643 or email SFSDEdisonAttendance@k12.sd.us with requests for students to leave early. Please notify the office by 8:45am. Students are required to sign out and remain in the office until a parent, guardian, or emergency contact arrives in the office to pick up the student.
...DROPPING OFF STUDENTS LATE/TARDY STUDENTS – A parent/guardian is required to call the office at 367-7643, email SFSDEdisonAttendance@k12.sd.us, or send a note with the student for late drop-offs; otherwise, students will be marked tardy. We encourage students to return from medical appointments with a doctor’s note. Students must sign in and receive a pass from the office before going to class.
Household 'A' parents - please log into the Parent Portal (Infinite Campus) at http://parentview.sf.k12.sd.us to complete the Annual Information Update (Online Registration) for each of your students. This must be done PRIOR to Edison’s Catapult Day/Open House on August 24th. If you have never logged into the Parent Portal, please call the Office at 367-7643 to create a parent account. If you do not have access to a computer, computers will be available in the office from 8:00am to 4pm Monday through Friday.
Principal's Corner
Dear Edison Parents, Guardians, and Students,
We hope this message finds you and your family safe and healthy. On behalf of the administration and staff at Edison Middle School, we want to welcome you back to a new school year. We look forward to the return of students, and we want to send a special welcome to our sixth graders and their families – we are glad you are here and joining the Edison Family! As we finalize plans for back to school events during the COVID-19 pandemic, we have had to make many modifications and adjustments for the safety, well-being, and health of our students, families, and staff. One of those changes is to the format of our Catapult Day/Cats Rally event on August 24th.
Please know that the SFSD is taking every precaution to ensure the safety of our students, families, and staff. The following schedule is set up to allow for the Edison Community to practice CDC guidelines of social distancing and healthy hygiene practices and ensure precautions are in place. The precautions are firmly rooted in guidance from local and state public health officials, support from infectious disease doctors from Avera and Sanford, and the CDC. Those precautions are:
- Students and parents will complete the Student and Parent Health Screening questionnaire prior to coming into the building. (This document will not be collected; however, should be completed/reviewed prior to entering the building.) Please see the attached document.
- Families will use one entrance to enter the building and use another entrance to exit the building. Families should enter the building using Door E (North Parking Lot Entrance). Families can use any of the remaining doors/exits to exit the building.
- Hand sanitation dispensers will be available throughout the building and classrooms.
- Staff will be cleaning/disinfecting the commonly touched areas after each session.
- Staff, students, and guardians are expected (but not required) to use cloth face coverings. Cloth face coverings are meant to protect other people in case the wearer is unknowingly infected. Cloth face coverings are not surgical masks, respirators, or personal protective equipment.
- Please limit participation at the Catapult Day/Cats Rally events to the student and ONE parent/guardian.
- When the student and parent/guardian are in the Cats Rally’s, they will practice social distancing by being seated at least 6 feet apart and the chairs facing forward.
Unfortunately, the Catapult Day/Cats Rally event will be limited to incoming 6th graders and those new to Edison as incoming 7th and 8th graders. Please see the schedule for Catapult Day/Cats Rally within the ECHO.
While we know this is disappointing to our current 7th and 8th grade families, please know that your teams will be in contact with you on August 24th. Your PRO Time teacher will make phone contact with you on August 24th and will provide a virtual introduction/meeting opportunity. Current 7th and 8th graders will be able to complete all the items covered at Catapult Day either after school starts on August 27th or virtually. Please note that 7th and 8th graders will be taking pictures on September 1st and 8th during the school day. They will also be able to access their schedules at 12:00 pm on Monday, August 24th. Bus schedules will be sent via email to parents on Monday, August 24th.
Please look within the ECHO for more information to changes to protocols and facility changes to address the health and safety of our staff and students due to COVID-19.
I am proud to say that I have spent my entire career, 25 years, in the Sioux Falls School District. The SFSD does a wonderful job concentrating on the entire child and fosters a well-rounded student through meeting their academic, social, and emotional needs. At Edison Middle School, we focus on creating a sense of community and collaboration while fostering the student’s sense of exploration through academics and co-curricular activities. We look forward to building on those opportunities by continuing to provide all students with outstanding academic and co-curricular opportunities.
The beginning of the new school year is a time of excitement and renewal – a time of new goals and possibilities. We also recognize that the new school year can be a time of uncertainty. We hope this newsletter and the upcoming events will alleviate some of those uncertainties. Please don’t hesitate to call (367-7643), email, or stop by, if you have any questions or concerns. We will see you soon!
New staff at Edison
Catapult Day/CATS Rally Information
School Supply List
COVID 19 Protocols at Edison
The SFSD has released the R2L Plan for the district and has included a COVID-19 Parent and Guardian Handbook. You can find the handbook using this link: http://www.sf.k12.sd.us/images/docs/COVID/ParentHandbook.pdf We encourage all families to read through the handbook to become familiar with the district’s safeguards and protocols to address COVID-19. The Edison COVID Task Force reviewed the plan and designed protocols specific to Edison Middle School. We wanted to highlight some of that plan with you as you prepare to send your student(s) back to Edison. Please know that these protocols are a work in progress and could be modified if necessary.
Face Masks and Coverings
· Students will be expected to wear a mask inside the building.
o Students may wear masks, gaiters/scarfs, shields, or a combination of these.
o Bandanas and other images/symbols that do not meet dress code will not be permitted
· If your student does not have a mask and would like one, the counseling department will assist in getting them one.
Before School and After School Expectations
· The school will open at 8:40 am (unless eating breakfast) and will close at 4:15 pm.
· In the event of inclement weather, the café’ will have staff supervision starting at 8:00 am. Students will not be allowed into the building prior to 8:00 am and will be limited based on social distanced seating in the café’.
· Students should not be on campus prior to 8:30 am and after 4:15 pm.
· The café’ will not be available prior to breakfast being served at 8:30 am.
· Please note that administration will work with families that have extenuating circumstances with before school drop off. Please call the office and talk with an administrator if you have a hardship.
Classroom/Instruction and Supplies
· Students will be able to carry their backpacks during the school day to promote students to refrain from sharing materials and supplies.
o Students should only have school supplies with them in their backpack and should leave all other items at home or in their locker.
· Students are encouraged to bring a water bottle with them due to the water fountains being turned off; however, the water filling stations will be operable.
· Students will be carrying their Chromebooks with them home each night. It will be imperative that students charge their Chromebook each evening.
· Teachers will encourage social distancing with the spacing of their student desks when appropriate and feasible.
· Teachers will educate students on appropriate hygiene practices and social distancing.
· Teachers will wipe down the student desks twice per day.
· Teachers will encourage students to use hand sanitizer when entering and exiting the room as well as when they use classroom materials/supplies.
o Each classroom will have a supply of hand sanitizer and it will be readily available to students.
o Donations of hand sanitizer are always welcome.
o Students can carry their own bottle of hand sanitizer.
Breakfast and Lunch/Café’
· Café’ seating will be restricted to four students per table to promote social distancing.
· Breakfast will be served as a “Grab N Go” bag from 8:30 am – 8:50 am.
· Grade levels will be split into two lunch sessions per lunch period to decrease the number of students eating at a time.
· Students will have separate entrance and exit points to and from the café’.
· Lunch café’ staff will clean the tables between lunch periods.
If your student is ill
· The SFSD has provided a screening document from the SD Department of Health. Please make sure to review it each morning prior to sending your student to school.
· If your student does become ill, a staff member will evaluate your student. If the staff member believes your child is symptomatic, you will be required to pick your student up promptly. Your student will not be allowed to go home on the bus if she or he is symptomatic.
News from the Counseling Office
All 7th (Team 73 excluded)
8th A-L (Team 81 excluded)
8th M-Z (Team 81 excluded)
All 6th (Team 62 excluded)
Teams 62, 73, 81
ATTENTION - All Incoming 6th Graders
We are excited to welcome our 6th graders into the building for our WEB Orientation Day. WEB stands for “Where Everybody Belongs”. The WEB Orientation Day is a middle school orientation and transition program that is aimed at welcoming our 6th graders to the Edison Family. The WEB Orientation Day is a great program that helps many of our students:
· make meaningful connections to other students in their PRO Time and on their team,
· kick off their middle school experience on a positive note, and
· how to be successful at Edison.
WEB leaders will help our incoming 6th graders adjust to their new life in middle school. WEB Leaders will then serve as your students PRO Time mentor for the 2020-2021 school year.
We truly believe that the support and activities offered at Edison and through the WEB Orientation Day will enhance your student’s experience at Edison and will lead to a successful start to their middle school journey.
Please know that the SFSD is taking every precaution to ensure the safety of our students and staff. The precautions are firmly rooted in guidance from local and state public health officials, support from infectious disease doctors from Avera and Sanford, and the CDC. Those precautions are:
· We will be running smaller sessions to promote social distancing. Please note the changes in times and groupings to help facilitate social distancing. We apologize for the change in times and format; however, we want to make sure we can facilitate a safe environment for our students and staff.
o Your student is on Team 6-1 or Team 6-2 and will attend WEB Orientation on Friday, August 14th from 8:30 am – 10:00 am.
o Your student is on Team 6-3 or Team 6-4 and will attend WEB Orientation on Friday, August 14th from 10:30 am – 12:00 pm.
· Students and staff will complete the Student and Staff Health Screening questionnaire prior to coming into the building. (This document will not be collected; however, should be completed/reviewed each day prior to entering the building.) Please see the attached document.
· Students will use one entrance to enter the building and use another entrance to exit the building. Students entering the building will use Door E (The entrance by the north parking lot). At the end of WEB Orientation Day, students will be released from Door A (The main entrance).
· Students will practice social distancing.
o Students will be in their PRO Time groups and will be in smaller groups to promote social distancing.
o Students may work in circles/groups; however, social distancing will be practiced ensuring the safety of all students.
o Students and staff will stay in static groups throughout WEB Orientation
o Students will be reminded of social distancing and practicing the 6-foot rule.
· Students will be encouraged to follow limit-sharing of personal items and school supplies.
o Students are encouraged to bring a water bottle due to the drinking faucets being turned off; however, the filling stations will be operational at all the drinking faucets.
· Staff will promote healthy hygiene practices.
o Hand sanitation dispensers will be available throughout the gym, café’, and community areas.
o Staff will teach and encourage students to practice correct handwashing practices and the correct way to cover coughs and sneezes.
o Students will be encouraged to wash their hands upon arrival, after bathroom breaks, and before/after eating.
o Staff will limit the number of students using the restroom at a time to encourage social distancing.
o Students will not be sharing any learning materials/teaching aids during their time at WEB Orientation Day.
o The District expects students and staff to wear a face covering while on school property. Masks are meant to protect others, ourselves, and to practice healthy habits to keep students and staff healthy and safe in our schools.
o Cloth face coverings/masks are not surgical masks, respirators, or personal protective equipment.
o If students do not have a face mask, one will be provided.
Again, we are excited to have you and your student join the Edison family. We are committed to working with our families and students to ensure that their transition from elementary to middle school is a smooth and successful one. If you have any questions, please feel free to call the office. We welcome you to the Edison family and look forward to having you and your student at Edison in the fall.
Edison's PTO
Welcome back to school!
As a parent (or grandparent, aunt, uncle, guardian, etc.) of a Sioux Falls Edison Middle
School student, you are automatically a member of the Edison Middle School Parent
Teacher Organization (PTO) and a valuable part of this organization of people who
support our school.
As the 2020-21 academic year is going to look a little different at Edison, so will PTO
activities. Events like the Color Run and Chill on the Hill cannot happen this school year,
but . we will eagerly await those events in the future. The Edison PTO will continue to
support the school in any way possible. We will need to be flexible and address needs as they
Why do I need to get involved?
Family involvement at school is very rewarding and important to the success of your
child. The PTO needs your voice and commitment in order to provide enriching events
and opportunities to our students.
What do we do?
In normal years, the Edison PTO sponsors and organizes many wonderful events
throughout the school year. These include assisting with Catapult Day, sponsoring
school assemblies, “Chill on the Hill”, teacher appreciation week, and conference meals,
to list a few. We also use money raised from donations and fundraisers to purchase
items for the school and support our teachers. A few examples include the recent library
updates, Elkay Water filling stations, choir risers, a projector and screen for the gym,
landscaping improvements, teacher lounge updates, auditorium lighting and sound
updates, and benches for the courtyard. We will keep you posted about needed
donations for this year.
Does it cost to join?
No, there are no membership fees. However, in order to fund the many events at
school, we do accept donations. Funds raised will help enrich our student’s learning
experiences, including continued library updates, as well as counselor, student, and
classroom needs. This year may bring more demand for PTO funds with little ability to
fundraise. If you would like to send money to support the PTO, you can send cash in an
envelope marked “PTO” or send a check made out to “Edison PTO” and leave it with the
office staff.
When are the meetings?
Mark your calendars for the third Wednesday of the month at 12 noon for a Zoom
call. We have room for the first 100 participants. Here’s the link:
The Meeting ID is: 766 2166 3468
The Passcode is: 679743
If you cannot attend the meeting, minutes will be posted and we hope to have them
recorded through Zoom. Check out the Edison PTO site for more information
Meetings for the 2020-2021 school year are scheduled for the following dates:
September 16, 2020
October 21, 2020
November 18, 2020
December 16, 2020
January 20, 2021
February 17, 2021
March 17, 2021
April 21, 2021
May 19, 2021
Spirit Wear
Get outfitted in Edison gear! From sweatshirts to masks, adults to kids, we have a broad
range of options. Sales are online this year. Just put your order
in and it will be delivered to the Edison office in a couple of weeks for your child to pick
up. Visit https://www.walloffame247.com/edison-middle-school or go to the following QR code to put in your order!
Amazon Smile
Don't forget about AmazonSmile when shopping! Amazon donates 0.5% of the price of
your purchase to the charitable organization of your choice. Just start your shopping at
Amazon Smile and choose Edison Middle School of Sioux Falls.
Thanks from the PTO for all your support! :)
Co-Presidents: Nikki Schmaltz and Allison Pay Crawford
Treasurer: Kristina Sipma
Secretary: Katie Sumey
Book Fair: Karen Walters
Spiritwear: Mary Grandi-Koball
Go Cats!
Allison Pay Crawford and Nikki Schmaltz
2020-21 PTO Co-Presidents
Contact us
Edison Middle School on Facebook
For the latest info, past minutes of meetings and
budget information, visit our website at edisonsf.org.
6-4 Pumas
Welcome, team 6-4 Puma students, and families to the 2020-2021 school year. We are excited to meet each of you! Under the current circumstances, we know that this year will be unlike any other to date, but what will not change, is that we are 100% invested in your child’s learning! We are eager to get to know who your child is as a learner, but also who your child is outside of the classroom. We believe that Together; We Are Better! This year we will continue with this motto and strive to ensure that together, we make this year great!
As we near the start of the year, please be on the lookout for emails regarding our team website, needs for our classroom, as well as additional supplies that your child may need to begin the year.
Your Team 6-4 Puma Teachers
Athletic Information
Greetings Edison Middle School Families:
We’d like to direct you to the District Athletic Website. The following website has information for both high school and middle school students and families.
You will find various points of information by clicking on the tabs at the top of this page.
For information on Edison Middle School Athletics, click on the “More” tab and then select “Middle Schools” and choose “Edison Middle School”. You will find the following:
On the message board, you will currently see information concerning the requirements needed in order for your student to participate in Middle School Athletics.
Required Forms for Participation:
1) “Preparticipation Physical Evaluation Form” needs to be completed just once during your student’s middle school years. Once completed, this 2-page form should be turned in to the school office.
2) “Activity Participation Packet” needs to be completed “annually” through the Parent Portal on Infinite Campus.
VIRTUAL PARENT MEETING – as a measure to help assist activities and school starting on time in the Sioux Falls School District, we have made the decision to release the information electronically, and there will be no in-person sport’s night at the school. We ask students and their parents that plan on participating in school sponsored athletics during the upcoming school year (2020-2021) to view the video in its entirety.
7th & 8th Grade Fall Sports Sign Up: “On-line Sign Up” for Volleyball, Cross Country, and Football is now open and can be completed in the Sports Information section. Go to the DROP DOWN ARROW next to the sport for which you want to sign up. Click on Sign Up and complete to required information. Don’t forget to click on “Submit” when done.
Fall Sports: 7th & 8th Grade Volleyball, Cross Country, and Football practices are scheduled to begin on Monday, August 31st.
The “Edison Activity Calendar”, which was shared in the Virtual Video, is located in this section along with other important information.
The Edison Coaching Staff is listed here as well as in the Virtual Video.
We are looking forward to a GREAT YEAR. We ask that you help make Edison Athletics all that it can be.
GOOOOOO CATS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Heart and Sole
Due to COVID-19, we will be adapting our GOTR season a bit. Our season will be 8 weeks instead of 10, which means we will be starting a bit later in September. Our curriculum has also been adapted so that we can go virtual at any time. This means that if at any time the School District decides to close schools and go to full virtual learning, GOTR can also go virtual as well. We know it’s important to be able to adapt to changing situations during this pandemic.
Fall 2020 Proposed Program Dates & Times –
Start Date: Thursday, September 17, 2020
Practice Days & Time: Tuesdays & Thursdays, 4:00 – 5:15pm
No Heart & Sole Practice: October 13 (No School)
End Date: Thursday, November 12, 2020
Fall registration on August 3, 2020 at 6:00am.
Online Registration Information
OLR Annual Student Update-Existing
OLR New Student Online Registration
Box Tops!
Contact us
Email: SFSDEdisonOffice@k12.sd.us
Website: https://www.sf.k12.sd.us/edison/home
Location: 2101 South West Avenue, Sioux Falls, SD, USA
Phone: 605-367-7643
Facebook: facebook.com/WeAreTheCats