Panther Periodical
August 25, 2023
Important Dates
4 - Labor Day - No School
5 - First Day of School - 1st -5th grades
5-7 - Kindergarten Soft Start: By Appointment
11 - First Day of Kindergarten
13 - Late Start - Doors Open @9:40am
14 - Back to School Night - 5:00-6:30pm
20-21 - School Pictures
29 - Move-a-thon Day!
Lunch Menu
Included below is the link to the full menu below which will give you the breakfast menu as well. You can translate the menu to any language you prefer.
Here is a quick list for lunch:
Monday - Labor Day - District Closed
Tuesday - Bean & Cheese Burrito
Wednesday - Cheesy Breadsticks with Marinara
Thursday - Teriyaki Chicken with Rice and Breadstick
Friday - Chicken Sandwich
Drop down to "Aumsville Elementary" and drop down to the breakfast or lunch menu. Click "Go". You can look at the menu in either a weekly or monthly view.
We are beyond excited to welcome you and your student(s) back to school in just a few short weeks. Our staff has been working hard in August to prepare for your students. We hope you enjoyed summer break, and your student is ready to continue to grow their brains in September.
Your Admins pictured left to right, Assistant Principal Jodie Mitchell, Principal Zach Mintzer, Assistant Principal Kelly Cromwell
1st-5th Grades
The first day of school for 1st grade-5th grade is September 5th.
The school day is 7:50-2:20.
Incoming Kindergarten students will participate in one SoftStart day during the first week.
This has been scheduled with the Kindergarten team. If you do not have a SoftStart day (KG ONLY) scheduled please call Ms. Jill in the K-2 Office (503-749-8040).
The first official day for all KG students is September 11th.
The school day is 7:50-2:20.
We are pleased to once again provide school supplies for students at a fee of $40/student. This program is called AVID School Supplies, and it provides families with a one-stop-shop while ensuring students receive exactly what they need for the school year. We strongly suggest using this option; payments can be made on your mealtime account. If you have any questions, please call either of the front offices. If as a family, you enjoy shopping for school supplies, a list by grade level is provided (See Links Below).
Meal Time Account (for paying school supplies or cold lunch milk purchases)
Breakfast and Lunches are Free for all Aumsville Elementary Students. However, if a student brings cold lunch and want only a milk they need to purchase the milk. You can add money to their account. MealTime is also where you can pay your School Supply money.
You can create and use your My MealTime account. This is a fast and secure online service for making credit or debit card deposits and monitoring your student's lunch account.
Go to www.mymealtime.com
Step 1: Register, Click or tap the Register button and follow on screen prompts to create your My Mealtime account.
Step 2: Link Your Student. Click or tap the "Add Student" button, then find your student's school. Link them to your profile by using their student ID number that was provided by your student's school.
Step 3: Make a Deposit
Download the mobile app: Using your device's web browser and go to mymealtime.com. If you are on your mobile device, from the My MealTime sign-in screen, choose the appropriate button to download the app.
It truly takes an “all hands on deck” mentality to run a school effectively. If you are interested in volunteering in your student’s class, chaperoning a field trip, or helping out behind the scenes, please begin the background check process found here or on the Cascade School District website on the “parents and students” page.
The background check process takes two-four weeks, is completely free, and lasts for two years. We recommend completing this early in the school year so as to avoid delay.
You no longer need to provide proof of COVID vaccination in order to volunteer.
Arrival and Dismissal Procedures
Arrival and Dismissal procedures are similar to last year.
For arrival, please note that the school day begins at 7:50. Additionally, please make sure that if you are dropping off your student from the car, do not drive through the bus lane as buses are dropping off and heading to the secondary campus. You can drop your student in the first aisle of parking in the 3-5 lot where a crossing guard is present. If you prefer to park and walk your student, please make sure to utilize a crosswalk. Thank you for helping to keep everyone safe.
For the first week of school, teachers will be outside of their grade level doors to walk students back to class (See Map). This is a great time to meet the teacher face to face, and there will be another opportunity at our Back to School Night on September 14th, 5:00-6:30. We encourage families to build independence with their students and have them walk to class on their own. With that said, if you need to walk your student to class please know that after the first week of school, we will need you to sign in as a visitor in either office to receive a name badge.
For dismissal, bus riders will load the bus under the supervision of their classroom teacher, and students who are picked up will wait for their ride in their grade-designated spaces. Please see the dismissal map for exact locations. If you are picking up your child, your student’s teacher will be in contact to provide you with a colored placard with the teacher’s name to help facilitate a smoother pick up for the first few weeks of school. Additionally, please remember that whoever picks up a student must be listed on the approved pick up list and have their driver's license to confirm correct pick up. If you need to add people to the approved pick up list, please call the corresponding office to the grade of your student.
If there happens to be a change in go home plans, please make sure to call the office by 2:00 so we can distribute the information.
Dismissal Map
Meal Plan Update
Updates for next school year:
Meals will continue to be free at Aumsville, Cascade Opportunity Center and Cloverdale due to them being eligible for the USDA community eligibility provision. Cascade Jr./Sr. High and Turner continue to be on the free/reduced and paid system.
For families with children attending Cascade Jr./Sr. High and Turner you can apply for free/reduced meal benefits starting July 1st, 2023 at the following ODE link https://www.ode.state.or.us/apps/frlapp. Applications will start to be processed starting the second week in August. All applications turned in before school starts will be processed before school starts. Notification letters will be sent in the mail after processing which can take up to a week.
The board did approve a lunch price increase at the June meeting next year for Turner and Cascade Jr./Sr. High. Those rates as well as other important information are posted on the nutrition services website at https://www.cascade.k12.or.us/departments/food_services.
Here's hoping the Oregon legislature and/or Feds pull through soon and make meals Universal for every student!
INFORMED CONSENT Trillium Family Services Prevention Program
Compliment Corner
Too often we underestimate the power of a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn life around. If you would like to publically compliment someone at Aumsville Elementary or a community partner at an Aumsville Elementary event, you may do so here.
The compliment will show up in the next Panther Periodical!
Quick Links
Phone: 503-749-8040
Address: 572 N. 11th St. Aumsville OR 97325
FacebookAumsville Elementary School Website