Riverview Report
Here's What's Happening At Riverview
A Message From Ms. Poulson
Hello! I feel like this school year is flying by! We are kicking off a very busy month at Riverview. As we head into the coming months we will be focused on continued growth for every student and appreciate your support in helping your child grow academically by reading with them and helping them apply math skills in real world settings.
Term 3 SEP Conferences will be Thursday, March 13th. Please scroll down for the links to sign up for a time to meet with your child's teacher. We are so excited about our school play. The students have been working so hard on what is sure to be an amazing production! Please reach out to me if I can help in any way.
Have an amazing month!
Thank you,
Ms. Poulson
Term 3 SEP Sign-Up
Links to Sign Up
Our Term 3 SEP Conferences will be on Thursday, March 13, 2025. Please click on the links included in this post to sign-up for a time to meet with your child's teacher.
Mrs. Tye - Full Day Kindergarten
Mrs. Price - Full Day Kindergarten
Mrs. Sam - Full Day Kindergarten
Mrs. Memmott & Mrs. Mathis - Full Day Kindergarten
Mrs. McAvoy - A.M. Kindergarten
Miss. Marissa Jenson - 1st Grade
Kindergarten Cap and Gown Picture day
Kindergarten Cap and Gown Picture Day will be Thursday, March 13th.
Early Out Day
Spring Break
School Play
School Play Performances
We will have three opportunities for the public to come see our school play. The play will begin promptly at 6:00 PM on 4/9, 4/10, and 4/11. The cost to attend the play will be $1 per person.
Optional Mental Health Screener Night
Dear Parent or Guardian,
Nebo District is offering a mental health screener for students on the evening of March 10, 2025, at Spring Canyon Middle School from 4 pm to 8 pm. We will be using Terrace Metrics software to measure mental and emotional strengths, as well as screen for anxiety, depression, trauma, and suicidal ideation of students in grades 6-12. Students in grades 3-5 may participate to be screened for mental and emotional strengths, anxiety, depression, and trauma.
If you would like to participate please sign up here for an appointment. The assessment tool takes an average of 15 minutes to complete. Afterward, you and your student will meet with a school counselor or social worker to discuss the results of the assessment and receive resources as needed.
Link to Parent Information Video (2.5 minutes)
Prior to taking the mental health screener, a consent form needs to be completed by the parent/guardian. The consent form will be available upon arrival at the screener event.
If you have any questions, please contact your school counselor.
RaShel Shepherd, Ed.D.
Coordinator of Student Success
Estimado padre o tutor El distrito de Nebo ofrece un examen de salud mental para los estudiantes la noche del 10 de marzo de 2025 en la escuela secundaria Spring Canyon de 4 p. m. a 8 p. m. Usaremos el software Terrace Metrics para medir las fortalezas mentales y emocionales, así como también para detectar ansiedad, depresión, trauma e ideación suicida de los estudiantes en los grados 6-12. Los estudiantes de 3.º a 5.º grado pueden participar para ser evaluados en busca de fortalezas mentales y emocionales, ansiedad, depresión y trauma. Si desea participar por favor regístrese aquí para una cita. La evaluación dura 15 minutos. Después, usted y su estudiante se reunirán con un consejero escolar o trabajador social para discutir los resultados de la evaluación y recibir recursos según sea necesario. Enlace al vídeo informativo para padres (2,5 minutos): Link to Parent Information Video (2.5 minutes) Antes de tomar el examen de salud mental, un formulario de consentimiento debe ser completado aquí here) Si tienes alguna pregunta, ponte en contacto con tu consejero escolar. Sinceramente, RaShel Shepherd, Ed.D. Coordinadora de Éxito Estudiantil e Igualdad Educativa
Penny Wars Fundraiser
Penny Wars Fundraiser
3rd, 4th, and 5th Grade Track Meets
We are excited about our upcoming track meets for 3rd, 4th, & 5th grade. They will be held at Spanish Fork High School Track. The dates are:
3rd Grade: 4/22
4th Grade: 4/24
5th Grade: 4/39
Make-up Day if needed: 5/1
Your child's teacher will be sending out more detailed information. We are also always looking for parent volunteers. The track meets can't go on without enough volunteers. If you are able to help out, please let your child's teacher know. Thank you!
Upcoming Important Dates
3/9: Daylight Savings Time
3/10: Mondays w/Ms. Poulson
3/12: Little Caesar's Spirit Night
3//13: Kindergarten Cap & Gown Picture Day
3/13: Term 3 SEP Conferences
3/14: Term 3 ends
3/17: St. Patrick's Day
3/19: School out at noon today!
3/24-3/28: Teacher Appreciation Week
3/26: 5th Grade Maturation
3/28: Make Your Mark Assembly @9:15
3/31-4/4: Spring Break - No School
4/7-4/11: Penny Wars Fundraiser - SFHS Graduating Seniors