Week of January 13, 2025
From Mr. Liggett
FCMS Family,
Welcome back to a new semester and a new calendar year. I would like to recognize our “Students of the Month” for December, they are Graham Ritzi (6th grade), Sierra Davis (7th grade), and Alexis Werner (8th grade). These students were recognized by our FCMS teachers as being outstanding students as well as being good role models. I would also like to recognize our "Teachers of the Month" for December, they are Amy Mitchum and Tim Barricklow. Mrs. Mitchum and Mr. Barricklow were nominated by and voted on by our students at FCMS.
On another note, I would like to introduce a few new staff members to our FCMS family. Mrs. Rachel Schneider will be our new 7th grade science teacher and Mr. Chris Nobbe will be coming over from FCHS to teach one period of 7th grade social studies. In addition, Mr. Ethan Pepper will be a new paraprofessional at FCMS. Please welcome these new additions to our FCMS family. I would like to thank Mrs. Chaddon and Mr. Barricklow for filling in to teach science for the first semester. They have truly made a positive difference in the lives of our FCMS students.
New ALICE Safety Protocol Announced
The FCCSC regularly looks at our current school safety plans and adds safety measures to help us improve on our overall school safety. Our corporation core values include safety and security for all students, staff, and patrons. Though we remain hopeful a school safety event, such as an active shooter, is something that we never have to face, we must do our best to prepare and train for such an event and provide the highest level of safety for our students. With that being said, our school corporation is adopting a new safety strategy known as the A.L.I.C.E safety plan. A.L.I.C.E is a school safety program developed to offer additional options to students and staff in dealing with an armed intruder situation. Nearly 2 million students and teachers have been trained in the A.L.I.C.E protocol, now being used in universities, colleges, hospitals, churches, corporations, and government offices. A.L.I.C.E is an acronym for Alert, Lockdown, Inform, Counter, and Evacuate.
Research has shown us that the traditional “lockdown” where we have trained our staff and students to hide and shelter in place, is not best practice in a situation involving an armed intruder. This new approach provides our staff and students with options to respond based on information that is available to them. This includes the ability to evacuate or escape a dangerous situation if that is the best option available. Our school district believes that this new A.L.I.C.E safety initiative will increase the chance of survival during an active shooter incident.
The first step of this process was researching just how the A.L.I.C.E program could benefit our students and staff. What we found out was that this program is research based and incorporates technology and information in such a way that it allows staff and students to make informed decisions in a crisis, remove as many people as possible from the danger, and provide realistic training so that those involved have a better chance of surviving.
The second step was to have our FCCSC administrators attend a 2-day ALICE safety training. A blended-learning process will begin at the elementary school level incorporating safety and activity books related specifically to recognizing threats and discussing proactive measures to keep our students and staff safe within a violent critical incident. Student training will be age-appropriate. Classroom teachers will lead age-appropriate discussions about the new protocol and future active-shooter drills will incorporate information learned from the A.L.I.C.E program.
Finally, looking at our buildings technology and infrastructure related to potential threats as well as communicating proactive safety measures will be a continued area of emphasis.
Please understand, in no way are we asking or teaching our students or staff to make any attempt to subdue an armed intruder. However, we will provide them the knowledge that if faced with a life or death situation, there are methods that can be applied to greatly enhance their chance of survival. Training will emphasize that the best way to survive an active shooter is to escape. When that is not possible, being mentally prepared and having been given the authority and ability to act may save lives. With the new changes coming with the A.L.I.C.E. safety initiative, you may want to take this opportunity to visit with your children regarding personal safety and security. Younger students may need constant reminders of safe practices in order for them to make good decisions related to their personal safety.
If you have any questions, please contact me directly or Mr. Gehring, Superintendent FCCSC. More information can be found at www.alicetraining.com.
Please continue to be aware of your students’ efforts at home and continue to communicate with their teachers on a regular basis. As always, feel free to contact me or Mrs. Reuss if you have comments or concerns. Our mission at FCMS is to provide every student with the opportunity to receive a safe and quality education where students can grow academically, socially, and emotionally.
Important Dates
15th - Academic Team Meet @ 3:30 in FCMS Library
16th - 8th grade scheduling presentation @ FCHS
20th - Snow Make Up: School will be in session
27th - ILEARN - Checkpoint 2 - 6th grade - Practice Science
28th - ILEARN - 6th grade - Math and LA
28th - ILEARN - Checkpoint 2 - Math (90 min)
29th - ILEARN - Checkpoint 2 - LA (90 min)
We are thrilled to welcome new teachers to FCMS this semester! Mrs. Rachel Schneider will be taking over 7th grade science, Mr. Brian Sayne will be our new Special Education teacher.
Mr. Chris Nobbe will be coming from the FCHS to teach 7th grade Social Studies, and Mr. Ethan Pepper is joining FCMS as a Paraprofessional. Mr. Nobbe and Mr. Pepper will be featured in next week's newsletter.
Mrs. Schneider
Hi, my name is Mrs. Schneider, and I am the new 7th-grade science teacher at Franklin County Middle School. I am excited to start the second semester as a first-time teacher. I believe my past career experiences are directly relatable to what I’ll be teaching, and I’ll have some cool science stories to tell. I have experience instructing science and history programs to students through museums, dig sites and historic sites. I was born and raised in Indiana. My husband and I have four children whose ages range from 3 to 12. I currently reside in Metamora, Indiana. My most recent job was working at the Whitewater Canal State Historic Site. After receiving my bachelor’s degree in Geoscience at Indiana University Southeast, I moved to the Black Hills of South Dakota. I studied Geology and Vertebrate Paleontology at South Dakota School of Mines and Technology and earned my master’s degree. My thesis study was on a fossil dig site that I worked on within Wind Cave National Park, South Dakota. I have worked many jobs related to Geology, Paleontology, and Archaeology. One of the most exciting places that I worked at was The Mammoth Site of Hot Springs, South Dakota. The Mammoth Site is a preserved sinkhole where over 60 mammoths fell in and could not get out. Over time, the mammoths that were trapped in the sinkhole were preserved into fossils.
Mr. Sayne
I was born and raised in Richmond, Indiana and worked for Richmond Community Schools for 36 years before retiring in 2022. I have taught physical education, strength and conditioning, as well as Special Education during my career. I was a football coach, strength and conditioning coach and track coach at the Jr. High and High School level during my time at Richmond. I have been married to my wife, Vicki for almost 39 years and we have two children Matthew and Alyssa and two grandchildren Nolan and Nora. In my free time, I enjoy outdoor activities such as camping, fishing and hiking and I have enjoyed introducing these activities to my grandkids.
This Week in Athletics
Monday January 13, 2025
5/6th grades girls basketball try-outs @ FCMS 6:00-7:30pm
7/8th grade boys basketball @ St. Mary's 5:30pm-AWAY
Tuesday January 14, 2025
7/8th grade boys basketball (8th grade night) @ FCMS 5:30pm-HOME
Wednesday January 15, 2025
7/8th grade boys basketball @ South Dearborn 5:30pm