Welcome Back
28th January 2025
Whānau Meet The Teacher Picnic & Beginning of Year Information
Kia ora, Nameste, Talofa, Konnichiwa, Guten Tag, Gidday, Vannakkam, ni Hao, Kia orana, Hola, Salam, Sa wat deekha, Dia Dhuit, Goeie Dag, Bonjour, Καλημέρα, Mālō e lelei, Greetings everyone
Kia ora e te Bellevue Whānau,
Ngā mihi o te tau hou Pākeha - Happy New Year and a warm welcome back to all our whānau and school community.
First, a reminder to all our families that this newsletter is translatable - look for the 'Translate' icon on the top right of the email.
If you are the parent of a child who has left the school in 2025 and who has no siblings, this communication is just ahead of the removal of your contact from our newsletter list. Please note the Year 7 Pōwhiri information if this applies to you and then feel free to ignore the rest of this communication and all the best for 2025!
Year 7 Pōwhiri at Newlands Intermediate
Deeann Daniels (Deputy Principal Year 4-6) and I will be attending the pōwhiri on Monday 3 February so if anyone is feeling a little nervous, please feel free to connect with us on the forecourt and we will direct the students as we head in. It is always nice to see our young people as they begin the next step in their learning journey.
Whānau Meet The Teacher Picnic
We are very much looking forward to seeing our whānau and tamariki at our Meet the Teachers' picnic from 4.30 - 6.30pm on the school field on Friday (31 January). The original communication for this is HERE in case you missed it. If you do wish to talk with your child's teacher in a designated conference, then please go to: https://www.schoolinterviews.co.nz/ enter the code jed93 and book a time. Please note that the bookings will close at 8pm on Wednesday 29th January and the office will not be taking late bookings.
Please bring along something nice to eat, soft drink and a picnic blanket. We will have sports gear on the field and the ever popular slip 'n' slide so you may wish to bring togs and towels too! We always enjoy seeing our ex-students so please feel free to bring your 'big kids' who are no longer at Bellevue along too.
At this event there will also be -
- A photo board so that you can identify the teachers of your child/rens' hub / whānau class. (You may wish to remind yourself of your child/ren's room number which came home on the sheet attached at the end of last year so you can use this to identify your child's teacher).
- Teachers wearing lanyards for easy identification.
- A brief introduction of our staff just before we begin the slip 'n' slide at 5pm.
Property Update and Access for Year 4/5 classes
The accessible walkway will be in the final stages of completion until early March. This will mean there is no access around the rear of the administration block to the middle playground (the top of the bank) for the next month or so. Students and teachers who are moving from the junior area (Papa Tākaro Tahi - see the map below) of the school to what was the middle area (Papa Tākaro Rua) will need to go through the office. Families, please take your child through the car park to the papa tākaro rua classes if your child is in Year 3 or 6.
You may remember that this year the Year 4/5 classes Rīmu/Tōtara will be working out of the classes down the hill. There is still a significant amount of remediation work happening on this block until around the end of March. This will mean that for the first few weeks of term the team will be working out of three classes while Room 12 exterior wall is repaired.
Their communication to families is below:
From Year 4/5 Teaching Team
Due to some unexpected but urgent building work happening in Room 12, Year 4 and 5 students will arrive to see the buildings looking a bit different. Teachers will talk to students about how the spaces will be used during the build work, but for the first day of school (Monday 3 Feb) we ask all Year 4 & 5 students to come to Room 15 where they will be greeted by teachers and find out where to put bags, stationery etc. Room 12 students (Jane's whānau class) who are booked in for a three way conference will meet Jane at the school office.
Road Patrol Supervision 2025
We are still looking for new volunteers to support with Road Patrol.
It is a legal requirement for schools to have an adult stand with the Road Patrols when they are on duty. It is important that our children are able to safely cross the road.
When: Mondays - Friday before or after school
Times: Mornings - 8:25 am to 9:00 am; Afternoons - 2:50 – 3:15pm
Who: Any parent, grandparent or caregiver is welcome. Your child DOES NOT have to be a road patrol in order for you to volunteer.
Please email Beverley at beverley@bellevue-newlands.school.nz or contact the school office if you are able to volunteer.
Collecting Beginning of Year Information
We will do this digitally through our 'Whānau Inventory Form'. This will come home at the end of this week for completion by 28 February please. This gives us important information about your child and family and how you like to work with school as well as an opportunity to let us know of any changes in medication, etc for your child. If you would like support completing this form, please pop into our office and let us know.
Our first fortnightly newsletter for the year will come home on Wednesday 12 February, with the important dates only on alternate weeks.
Thank you for your support and we look forward to seeing you all.
Ngā mihi nui
Important Dates
Friday 31 January 2025
Community Picnic / Three Way Conference
Monday 3 February
First day of Term 1
Thursday 6 February
Waitangi Day - School closed
Friday 7 February
Teachers Only Day - School closed
Tuesday 18 February
Reporting to Families Information Evening 6pm
Friday 11 April
Last day of Term 1
Email: office@bellevue-newlands.school.nz
Phone: 04 4787037