Panther Pamphlet
October 6th, 2024
Principal's Corner
Conference Week
We had such a great Panther Prowl! Thank you so much for all of our PTO who helped organize this event and the volunteers who came out to cheer our students on! More info coming soon on how/when students will get their individual prizes and our school wide rewards.
Conferences are this week. Monday 4-8, Wednesday 4-8, and Thursday 12-4
We are so excited to meet with 100% of families! Families and Schools working together is so important for the success of all of our students. Our goal is to connect with at least 1 family member for every student at Parkwood. All families should have a conference scheduled by now. If you are unable to meet in person, let your child's teacher know and they can do a phone or virtual conference. If for some reason you aren't able to make it these days, we will continue to reach out until we can connect with all of our families. Thank you so much for all that you do to support your child's learning journey!
Student pictures from Picture Day are being developed by the photographer. Within the next few weeks families will get an email with information on ordering and the proofs will come home. Picture retakes are October 29th.
Thank you for your support during conference week! We have one of the best family communities around and we are so appreciative to be in this together with all of you!
-Principal Jessica Rosecrans
(269) 337-0720
Reminders for the Week
Schedule Reminders for the Week
- There is a half day on Thursday, October 10th and Friday, October 11th. Dismissal is at 12:06 on both of these days.
- There is no PEEP on Wednesday, October 9th.
- Monday October 21st is a half day for staff professional development. This year we are holding this in replacement of the mid day early release days we did last year.
- If your child is sick or absent, feel free to email our attendance secretary, Mrs. Stecker to excuse their absences. Her email is: steckeras@kalamazoopublicschools.net
Future Save the Date Reminder:
Our annual October Literacy parade will be taking place Tuesday, October 31st. This is a great time for our PEEP-3rd grade students to celebrate all the PURRS slips they have helped earn for our building during the autumn season. Students have been receiving these slips for being Respectful, Responsible and Safe!
For the parade we ask that no costumes be brought into school, instead classrooms will make costumes based on a book they are reading in class. Each teacher will pick a book their class would like to represent. This helps build community and collaboration in the classroom, and students really enjoy the fun of creating their own costumes.
Who: Peep-3rd Grade are in the parade, 4th and 5th graders watch the parade
Parents start lining the block: 2:30
Parade starts: 2:45
Families Please fill out this form
Panther Prowl Pictures
Save the Date
Dates to Remember:
Oct. 7th- Conferences 4:00-8:00
Oct 9th- Conferences 4:00-8:00
Oct. 10th- K-8 Half Day Dismissal 12:06 Conferences 12:10-4:00
Oct 11th- K-5 Half Day Dismissal 12:06
Oct. 21st- K-12 Half Day Dismissal 12:06
Oct. 25th- First Popcorn Friday
Oct 29th- Picture Retakes
Oct. 31st-Peep-3rd grade Literacy Parade line the sidewalk 2:45
No 1st K-12 No School
Nov 15th K-12 No School records day
Nov 26th K-12 half day Dismissal at 12:06
Nov 27th No School
Nov 28th-29th No School Thanksgiving Break
Dec 11th- K-12 Half Day Dismissal at 12:06
Dec 23rd- Jan 3 Winter Break