Superstar Snapshots
February 2025
We Need You!
Superstar Families,
It's crazy to think that we are already into the second month of 2025! With that said, there's a lot happening every day at St. Helens:
- Students are setting goals in their learning.
- Students are keeping track of their progress alongside their classroom teacher.
- Students are receiving differentiated instruction based on their academic needs.
- Students are learning to be a world changer.
None of the things mentioned above can happen for your Superstar if they aren't here, and here for the full day. Students who arrive late to school or who leave early miss important learning time. We love seeing your Superstar walk through the doors each morning. We love hearing your Superstar share what they learned at the end of the day.
That's where you come in.
The tardy bell rings at 8:35. Please make sure that your Superstar arrives prior to that time, especially if they need breakfast. School is dismissed at 3:00 and learning occurs all the way up to that time. Please try to schedule appointments outside of the school day. Due to the school wide dismissal process, you may be asked to wait if you are trying to checkout your student during the last 15 minutes of the day.
Thank you for supporting our focus on daily learning for your Superstar!
As always, I wanted to share some important information and dates.
- February 14 is a weather make up day. If there are no school closures between now and then, there will be no school on February 14
- February 17 is President's Day. There will be no school on Monday, February 17.
- If you are going through the car dismissal line, please stay in your car. We will bring your Superstar to you.
- Don't forget to have your Superstar wear appropriate shoes on the days they have p.e.!
We're so thankful for your partnership with us. We do not take it for granted that our partnership is so important. You, as an expert on your Superstar, help make each day a success.
Mrs. Teel, Principal
Nurse News
Students who become ill during the school day are sent to the office. Office staff will assess your student’s condition and contact parents if the student is ill enough to go home. These symptoms would include a student with a temperature of 100 degrees or higher, vomiting or diarrhea, a bad cold or cough, a severe sore throat, drainage or redness in their eyes, a bothersome rash, or are injured or recovering from surgery.
If your student has had a fever, do not send them to school until they have been free of the fever without fever reducing medication for 24 hours. Do not send your student to school until they have been free from vomiting or diarrhea for 24 hours. Some rashes may spread to others and should be checked by a health care provider. Students with persistent or hacking cough, or a severe sore throat may need to be seen by a health care provider. These symptoms may be a sign of a more severe illness.
Mrs. Triana, School Nurse
Counselor's Corner
Hello Superstar Families!
In the month of February we are helping our students understand the skill of Positive Intent. This means that when conflict happens we can choose to see the best in others. Although this can be difficult to do, this is a critical problem solving skill for students.
Pretend a student is bumped in to and thinks someone is trying to hurt them. They then push back and a fight begins. Viewing this situation with Positive Intent could have meant that instead of thinking someone was trying to hurt them, the student could have chosen to think that being bumped was an accident. They may have even used their words to assertively state, “Ow. That hurt! Please pay attention to where you are walking.” They may then have learned that the other student accidentally tripped and then bumped in to them. Learning this could have led to an entirely different outcome.
The skill of Positive Intent helps us see the best in others even when we have conflict. It teaches us that if we can step back from a problem, keep calm and see the situation differently, we can learn how to peacefully problem solve with others.
Wishing you well,
Mr. Thomas, Counselor
Conscious Discipline
Learning to assume positive intent is a powerful skill for both adults and children. To quote Dr. Becky Bailey, the creator of Conscious Discipline, “When we attribute positive intent to a child’s behavior we are able to stay calm and help calm children.” When we understand that children’s behavior is due to lacking a skill, rather than thinking, ‘they are doing this on purpose’, our interactions with children change. We teach them, rather than punish.
This is also a valuable lesson for children. When they understand that sometimes accidents happen, their ability to stay calm, advocate for themselves, problem solve, and have compassion for others increases. We should always assume the best in every situation!
Mrs. Schiller, Behavior Coach
PTO is looking for volunteers! If you're interested in supporting our Superstars, fill out the online CHAMPS form below.
If your Superstar needs school supplies or a coat, please let the office know.
Our next PTO meeting is Thursday, January 20 in the LEAP room.
Goodie Friday is back! Goodie Friday is February 7 and 21. Profits help support field trips and special assemblies for our Superstars. If your Superstar is in line to make a purchase, please park your car rather than stay in the car line.
About Us
Email: steel@longview.k12.wa.us
Website: http://sthelens.longviewschool.com/
Location: 431 27th Avenue, Longview, WA 98632