Tiger Beat
North Elementary Newsletter | October 6, 2024
Scenes from This Week
Important Upcoming Dates
- October 12: S.A.F.E. Day
- October 14: No School
- October 15: PTO Meeting at 6 PM in the library
- October 18: Parent Information Night on Bullying (4:00-5:30 PM)
- October 25: Trunk or Treat (6:30-7:30 PM)
- October 26: SBEF Halloween 5k
- October 30: Early Release Day
- October 31: Fun Run
There was an update to the Somerset Public Schools Calendar wherein one of the two March early release days (March 26) was removed. This is now posted to the district website, as well as the link found here.
Staff Member of the Week
Hannah Lawrence
Ms. Lawrence is our new special education teacher servicing our 3rd grade students. She was raised in Somerset and is a 2008 graduate of Somerset High School. She earned her bachelor’s degree in psychology from Gordon College in Wenham, MA. Ms. Lawrence has worked in education for 12 years. She was a paraprofessional while completing her master’s degree in education at Bridgewater State University and worked at Seekonk High School as a teacher for the inclusion program through South Coast Educational Collaborative. She enjoys kayaking, traveling, hiking, coffee, and ice cream. Over the summer Ms. Lawrence went on a tour of Greece and got to see a lot of historical sites.
Somerset's Annual Fall Extravaganza
Parent Information Night: Bullying
Show Choir Fundraiser: Spooky Screening
Trunk or Treat
Join us on October 25 from 6:30-7:30 for North PTO's Trunk or Treat. If you would like to decorate your trunk, please return the form by October 16.
SBEF Halloween 5k
Somerset Youth Basketball
The Somerset Youth Basketball Association will be running their 2024-2025 winter programs for grades 1-8 will from October 2024 through March 2025 at North Elementary and Somerset Middle School. Please see the attached flyer for information.
October Lunch Menu
Fun Run
Hello North Families!
Save the date for our 2024 Fun Run. Registration opens Oct 8th, Kickoff is Oct 22nd, and our event day is Oct 31st. If we can get 70% of students registered between Oct 8th and our kickoff date of Oct 22nd, the whole school will win a pajama day!! Let’s make this our best year yet!
Thank You,
North PTO
PTO News
Join the PTO!
The first meeting of our Parent-Teacher Organization is on Tuesday, October 15 at 6:00 PM in the library. We'd love to see you there!
The Fun Run is scheduled for October 31 with an October 22 kickoff!
New North PTO Facebook Page
The PTO has a new North PTO Facebook page. Make sure to follow for info and updates!
Spirit Wear
North spirit wear will be available in October or November. More information to come!
News from the Health Office
A few reminders from Nurse Stephanie in our Health Office to help keep all of our students safe and healthy:
Students with active vomiting, diarrhea, open rashes, crusty/inflamed eyes, and/or temperature > 100 are asked to remain home from school.
Students may return from school when their temperature is < 100 for 24 hours without the use of fever-reducing medication.
Illness Specific:
Strep: Students must be on antibiotics for 24 hours before returning to school, and they need a note to return.
Pink eye: Must be on antibiotics for 24 hours before returning to school.
Hand Foot Mouth: Fever-free for 24 hours and no open skin lesions. All areas must be scabbed/closed over
Vomiting/Diarrhea: May return when tolerating good amounts of food/water and no vomiting/diarrhea for 24 hours
Please do not send medication to school in your child’s backpack. Anything with an active ingredient is designated a medicine in school. This includes cough syrup, cough drops, ointments, nasal sprays, vitamin gummies, etc. If you would like to have any medications available for your child at school, please notify the Health Office.
Students after surgery, for hurt or broken limbs, sprains, strains, or any student with assistive devices (splints, casts, boots, crutches, etc.) must have a note to be in school as well as MD clearance or restrictions for recess/PE.
Please notify the Health Office if your child has RSV, Covid, Influenza, or Strep.
Grade 4 physicals are due to be updated! Please send in your student’s most recent physical if you have not done so already.
Vision/Hearing screenings have started for K-5. Grades 1 and 4 are mandated to have BMI screenings, however, you can opt out via the forms that will be sent home.
Clothing Donation
Please consider donating new or gently used clothes that we keep on hand in case of emergency. We are especially in need of pants. Donations can be brought to the main office. Thank you!