The Weekly Update #4
August 8th, 2024

January 26th
Safety for Students, Staff, and Community
This past week has been cold, but we made it through! Thankfully, it looks like warmer weather is on the way. During extreme cold, we understand the desire to drop your child off as close to the building as possible to keep them warm. However, it’s important to prioritize safety and keep the carline running smoothly for everyone.
Carline Reminders:
- Please have your child ready to exit the car as soon as you pull up. Unlock your doors so staff can assist quickly.
- Do not hold up the line to drop your child closest to the building—this causes delays, congestion, and unsafe conditions for the bus and staff standing in the cold to help students.
- The service entrance off Norfolk is not a safe or designated drop-off area. Students walking nearby could be at risk, and it creates unnecessary congestion.
I also want to reassure families that on days with long carlines, staff will hold off on marking students tardy to ensure everyone can arrive safely. Let’s all work together and show respect for our staff, students, and community during these challenging weather conditions. Thank you for your cooperation and understanding!
Young Writer's Art Contest
Young Writers Registration Information
Community House Speaker Series
Registration is now open for the next event of the Community Speaker Series season! We are thrilled to welcome Dr. Michele Borba to share her parenting expertise with our community. Her dynamic approach and deep understanding of empathy will be of interest to parents of all ages of children.
There will be an evening presentation and a morning presentation to accommodate our audience. Both events will be held in person at The Community House. The events are free and open to all.
This year, local businesses are being invited to support the CSS as community partners by providing hospitality at the CSS events. Come out to connect, learn and enjoy!
Wednesday, February 5
Evening Session:
Thursday, February 6
Morning Session:
Culled from 30 years of research and experience, Dr. Borba shares why empathy is a skill that's vital for children's mental health, resilience, leadership skills, and job success and provides useful tools that parents can use to help our children become more empathetic.
Cold Weather Procedures
As the temperature drops, we want to inform you about our school's procedures for cold weather. The district will follow these guidelines for outdoor activities:
Recess/Physical Education Classes:
Feels like 0°F (or below): Indoor
Feels like 1°F (or above): Outdoor
Principal discretion if conditions are not safe
Please encourage your child to dress warmly for school, including a hat, gloves, and scarf. We will monitor students closely for signs of cold-related issues.
Pre-Planned Absences
The school calendar has been established a year in advance and is available on the District website: www.d181.org. While we realize the value of family time, we strongly discourage the planning of vacations during regular student attendance days.
Elementary School Information Related to Planned Absences:
In the event of a planned absence, a parent must communicate directly with the school at least two days prior indicating their intentions. A parent/guardian may email, complete this form, or call the Office with the following information:
Name of student
reason for the absence, and
date(s) the student will be absent
If a planned absence consists of three (3) or more days, assignments and completion dates will be given after the absence as determined by the teacher. Teachers will not be required to re-teach material missed by students.
ALL K-5 Prospect Families - Before and After the Bell
The Community House will be offering the Before and After the Bell programs at Prospect School to help meet the needs of our families.
The Community House Registration
For more information about either program, please contact Karen Kaspar at 630-323-7500 ext. 248 or at kkaspar@thecommunityhouse.org
Wife, mother and Principal at Prospect School in D181