Marie Murphy Principal Message
May 3, 2024
Marie Murphy Book Fair
Volunteers are needed for the Marie Murphy Book Fair. We are looking for volunteers to help set up on May 16 and tear down on May 23rd. We ask that parent volunteers do not bring their children because volunteers will be moving heavy boxes and tables. Sign up here! For more information or questions, please contact Carrie Stotz at stotzc@avoca37.org
Marie Murphy End of Year Party
Help the 6th and 7th graders celebrate the end of the school year on June 6th! We need parent volunteers between 11:15-3:15 to help the teachers in supporting the end-of-year party activities, serve lunch and help clean up. We also need donations for snacks for the kids. All items can either be dropped off at the school on WEDNESDAY, June 5th by 3pm. Contact roopalkundu@gmail.com for more information. Sign up here.
Open: 2024-2025 Returning Student Registration
Registration for the 2024-2025 opened on April 15. If you haven't received the registration email or have any questions, please email registration@avoca37.org. Each returning student will receive a separate email containing an embedded "snapcode" which is unique to that student. Please complete registration by May 30, 2024.
Similar to last year, Pre-K students enrolled at Avoca Community Preschool will not receive a returning student registration link. If your child is transitioning to kindergarten at Avoca West, you will receive a new student registration link once we have received all required pre-registration documents.
Haven Youth and Family Services
Haven Youth and Family Services "The Warming House"- a free after school drop-in center for 6th-12th graders. Open 3:30-6:30 five days a week, the Warming House provides a welcoming environment to all teens.
Structured programs are offered daily and include: cooking/baking, cultural humility, volunteering, creative arts, health discussion groups, youth leadership board, academics, community service, mental health check-ins and recreation.
A place for every teen to find a space where they are valued as capable, empowered, and thoughtful community members and can find a peer support system outside of school. If you have any questions about the Warming House please reach Grace at grace@havenforyouth.org
Lunch Menu for MAY
Celebrating our Viking VIPs!
Upcoming Dates
May 6-10: Teacher Appreciation Week
May 7: Orchestra Concert at 6:30pm
May 9: Choir Concert
May 16 and May 21: MAP Testing
May 16: French Luncheon Field Trip
May 24-26: Science Olympiad National Competition
May 27 - Memorial Day -- NO SCHOOL
May 30-31: Outdoor Education Trip (6th Grade) & Springfield Trip (7th Grade)
June 3: 5th grade parent night @ MM 6:30pm
June 5: 8th grade Graduation
June 6: Last Day of School
Now on Facebook
Handle: Mariemurphysch
Marie Murphy School
Website: https://avoca37.org/schools/marie_murphy_school
Location: 2921 Illinois Rd, Wilmette, IL 60091, USA
Phone: (847) 251-3617
Twitter: @MarieMurphySch